success stories

Trinidad Imóveis success story: how they generate more than 1,000 leads per month with a CPL (cost per lead) below R$ 0.50

Reaching a positive Return on Investment (ROI) is a reason for joy for every manager. However, have you ever imagined having a cost of cents to capture a lead? And best of all, a product with high added value.

In this content, we will talk about the Trindade Imóveis case and how we helped this client generate more than 1 thousand leads per month with a CPL (cost per lead) below R$ 0.50 per month.

A little about Trindade Imóveis                 

Trindade Imóveis is a real estate company, focused on B2C, in the city of Santa Luzia (MG), which has been in the market for over 15 years, and has a branch in the capital of Minas Gerais. The company has a catalog with hundreds of projects for sale, which serves the most varied audiences, with properties ranging from R$ 97 thousand to more than R$ 3 million.

As a result, until 2020, when they became our clients, their advertising was predominantly offline, with banners, signs and banners distributed throughout the region. While in digital media, the brand had a timid presence, with little familiarity with social media tools and little use of the potential of its website.

How do we intensify the brand’s presence in digital media?

In parallel with the modernization and strategic renewal of digital media with regard to organic performance, we work on building campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and Google.

It was a project that gradually gained consistency and involved many techniques. In addition to customer participation with constant feedback on leads, so that the audience was segmented in the best possible way (income, age group, among other aspects), we also focused on A/B tests, according to the type of property. Thus, it was possible, first, to concentrate the amounts invested on the right people and, also, to promptly deactivate what was not working or not performing so well. Everything to focus resources on what was proven to bring the best cost-benefit.

Another very important strategy that we have managed to maintain is continuous long-term investment in media and Google. This detail is a strong ally in periodic monitoring, to observe seasonal trends. Everything so that the values are used in the best possible way and the CPL is reduced to the extreme, less than R$ 0.50

The Trindade Imóveis case is very interesting due to the contrast observed between the CPL and the value of the product to be purchased. After all, for less than R$ 0.50 they can attract a customer who will make a purchase worth thousands or even millions.

Optimize your investments too. Get in touch so we can map out a new strategy together!


Digital influencers: how they impact digital marketing strategies in Brazil

Since prehistoric times, the human species has come together in communities with common goals – and this pattern remains to this day. Communication was one of the main starting points for the advancement of evolution. Through it, the different types of society were structured and standards of social coexistence were established. Today, we live in the era of real-time communication, of instantaneity, thanks mainly to the improvement of technology and greater access to it, reaching the phenomenon of digital influencers, which we will discuss later.

All this is the result of the search for new forms of social relations, structured around news and updated content, in a collaborative and complex environment, in a world of connected active individuals, who collectively produce knowledge and content.

Communication through the use of technologies, however, is not something very old in society. We can cite some examples, such as TV and radio. In these cases, however, communication takes place – or used to take place – from one to all. That is, from a single sender to multiple receivers. Since the emergence of these media, consumers have tried to maintain a dialogue channel with the media. Just as newspapers have a “Letter from Readers”, radio stations have always made room for listeners' calls. As technology evolved until the arrival of social media, this two-way street multiplied and gained another format.

The symbiosis between human beings and technology is already so great that it is rarely noticed, to the point where it is not possible to clearly discern where it begins and where it ends. This shows an incredible ability to adapt to new communication channels, which are emerging at an unprecedented speed.

These changes have impacted society in different ways, in business, consumption, and work, thus generating a new economic model and new challenges for companies. Parallel to the evolution of communication and society, marketing is also changing. Today, brands need to look at people as complete and complex beings, who have anxieties and concerns. Therefore, new values need to be incorporated into their messages: respect for differences, solidarity, transparency, interdependence, respect for others and the environment. Thus, within this context, new experiences are provided to touch the consumer's emotional side, thus naturally generating more trust and respect for him and society.

Read too: The 70 years of evolution of Marketing: from 1.0 to 5.0

All this leads to a more horizontal relationship model, through which consumers believe more in each other than in companies, the famous “word of mouth” as a reliable way of advertising. A more collaborative, innovative and authentic environment, in which people seek real values, involvement, feeling the brand with which they are interacting.

Relationships are increasingly direct, with people seeking to resolve their difficulties without relying on large institutions, such as governments or multinationals.  

Digital marketing: social media as a purchase decision tool for Brazilians

The rise of social media has empowered the exchange between consumers, thus making the purchase decision process more susceptible to third-party opinions than ever before. Added to this is the fact that social media naturally generate a feeling of proximity to people with common interests and provide emotional rewards, such as prestige and a sense of belonging.

The importance of these networks can be translated into numbers. According to the Comscore survey, released in March 2023, Brazil has more than 131.5 million active accounts on social media. Of this total, at least 127.4 million are unique users, with a monthly average of 46 hours of connection per person.

This creates a context in which there is a significant portion of the Brazilian population accessing digital media, which bring emotional rewards, while algorithms group people with common interests. This favors the creation of communities, which are consolidated as interactions, comments, shares, reactions, among other resources that disseminate opinions, propagate ideas and even information.

However, even though these communities establish more horizontal forms of communication, which give room to multiplicity, it is necessary to reflect on the emergence of users with a higher level of social influence.

Today, with social media, this influence gains numbers and impacts that were previously unimaginable. If only a select group of people were opinion makers, currently, these media transform ordinary people into digital influencers, capable of impacting up to millions of people, guiding behaviors and trends, in addition to creating players within the digital world.  

Understanding the particularities, complexities and influences of this new scenario is a vital issue for brands today. Understanding how this universe has been changing everyday life and the way people interact with brands has a direct impact on companies' marketing planning. In this sense, there are the challenges of keeping up with these changes in behavior, rethinking paradigms and mindsets without, however, losing sight of the essence of the brand.

Digital communication as a tool for more horizontal relationships with brands

It can be said that a new one has emerged, as a moment that demands courage from brands to review paradigms, question hierarchies, broaden horizons and reassess their relationships in a movement towards the future.

Increasingly, communication ceases to be just the set of actions that aim to make a message or advertisement common, and starts to add a set of platforms for exchanging information and establishing relationships. This revolution accelerated access to information, the sharing of ideas, and opened space for networking.

It is possible to identify how the maturation of the internet itself brought important innovations that reinforce the relational character of digital communication. This leads us to a more horizontal communication, which makes room for multiplicity.

The internet is the most incredible generativity tool ever created by man, because it allows the spontaneous generation of authorial, bidirectional and multidirectional content. 

Social networks played a fundamental role in this scenario, as they are more attractive and easy to use, and because they have a huge potential reach. This horizontal relationship not only materialized but also became the basis of communication and marketing today, proving that the real revolution does not happen when society adopts new tools, but when it adopts new behaviors.

This wealth of information exchange, as well as the ease of collaboration and the development of social relationships, challenges individualistic attitudes.

Today we live in a totally new world, which has been transformed by the connectivity and transparency provided by the internet, opening space for content with information on culture, entertainment, sustainability, leisure, that is, a space for originality and authenticity.

According to a survey carried out by RD Station, 61.5% of Brazilian social media users use these channels to search for information about brands and products. The same study also reveals that 42% of TikTok users in Brazil use the platform to enjoy and follow videos from brands and companies they like.

Read too: The Generation Gap – Marketing to Baby Boomers and Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha

Influencers as a bridge between brand and consumer

What drives a person to follow an influencer? The answers are diverse, but there is a basic aspect: identification with the tastes and ideas transmitted. In addition, we can say that they are good storytellers – “storytelling” –, with narratives that facilitate this proximity to the public, often creating niche markets with media potential, directly influencing consumer behavior. This makes digital influencers from specific segments, with fewer followers, as important as those with a large audience.

Thus, an interesting phenomenon is observed. Regardless of the volume of official information available about a brand or product, social circles continue to be one of the main sources of influence for the consumer, thus demonstrating how the contemporary public orients itself based on the opinion of third parties, whether observing a 2 star rating about a product or watching a follow-up influencer say they didn't like the experience. This all trumps marketing communications and even personal preferences.

Many classify digital influencers as autonomous media, with a strong and upright image, built from great legitimacy in the digital environment. It is even common for this legitimization to happen through exposure of their own personal life, the sincerity of everyday life – and these characteristics attract the interest of brands, which take advantage of this relationship of emotion, love and respect, to strengthen the credibility of advertising campaigns with the influencers of your target audience.

Thus, it is possible to define these digital influencers as the “word of mouth 2.0”. After all, relying on the opinion of friends, family, close people has always been one of the most used ways when deciding on a purchase.

Influence is an intrinsic concept. Every day, we are exposed to ideas, opinions, ideologies and attitudes by different actors in society. History is littered with influencers. We can mention Christ, Socrates, Plato, Napoleon, Einstein, Gandhi, and more recent ones like Mandela, Lincoln, Obama and Steve Jobs. These diverse divergent and complex influences condition society to change habits and attitudes, in the construction of a social “ethos”.

The term digital influencer is recent, but the phenomenon itself appears before web 2.0 with the emergence of bloggers (“Bloggers”), albeit in a more restricted environment. Then came the vloggers (“Vloggers”), which were later replaced by “Youtubers” – with the popularization of YouTube. And, only in 2015, the term digital influencer was born, which arises from the need to classify some people who were impacting on several different social media platforms. In 2016, the Oxford dictionary – one of the most important in the world – made the term “Youtuber” official in its pages.

Increasingly, the web has become an environment for opinions and participation of consumers and digital influencers, who, in a way, create their audiences around specific opinions and tastes, making this feeling of belonging even greater, creating a bond of proximity.

Relationship brands x digital influencers

Digital influencers have their own individual characteristics. It is necessary to identify and classify them within this digital universe. We can point out five main types of influencers:

Celebrity: famous person with great reach, but not relevant to the brand theme;

Celebrity with relevance: famous person with full affinity with the brand, who has a good chance of impacting large audiences and converting them;

Authority: technical person, respected in a given subject;

Journalist: works in traditional media and has great impact because of it;

micro influencers: people with fewer followers, but with a well-defined niche market.

Working with digital micro-influencers is one of the already consolidated trends in digital marketing, due to the ease of applying more segmented actions, which enable a higher conversion rate, often at a lower cost, compared to other profiles.

This scenario also implies a great concern for brands regarding the impact that their actions can cause. The web has not only magnified this impact, it has also diversified the risks. All these relationship tips have to maintain the brand's positive image, its reputation and a set of feelings such as respect, trust and admiration.

This is a time when experience and interactivity are essential points in companies' digital marketing strategies and, more than communicating correctly, it is necessary to learn how to relate to your audience in this new scenario, encouraging them to multiply the transmitted message. After all, each impacted person can talk about your brand to their 100, 200, 1,000 followers, or millions of other people if it goes viral.

In other words, digital prints this force of sharing and viralization very well, resulting in a scenario with relevant characteristics for the growth of companies' adherence.

At a time when many brands are already positioning themselves in a different way to reach this potential, it is common to see them engaged in some social cause, sharing the same anxieties and concerns as their consumers, showing that, in fact, they know and treat them as a complete and complex being, with mind, heart and soul. This requires a lot of dialogue, and social networks and digital influencers have played a key role in this dialogue between brand and consumer.

Therefore, the best way to maintain this dialogue is by delivering interesting, relevant and useful content to a clearly defined audience. On the other hand, it is important that these contents are loaded with the company's identity, often telling stories – "storytelling—, creating even deeper connections. This leads us to believe that digital marketing should no longer be considered just synonymous with sales and metrics, but rather the main aspect of a company to gain consumer trust, capable of breaking the blockade of traditional advertising.

It is not possible to say that traditional media will end, but they will certainly share space with these new models, with different levels of participation, in a constantly changing scenario. Furthermore, the innovations brought about by digital technologies do not invalidate previous technologies, but bring a new meaning to communication processes.

According to the AdSpend study by IA Brasil in partnership with Kantar Ibope Media, in 2022, digital advertising in the country, which includes partnerships with influencers, moved R$ 32.4 billion, representing an increase of 7% compared to the previous year.

This new approach to marketing, which combines online and offline between brands and customers, complements machine-to-machine connectivity with person-to-person touch to strengthen consumer engagement. A scenario that favors the creation of new spaces and narratives for brands to communicate with their consumers in a more relevant and engaged way.

The evolution of marketing concepts

A connected world, the marketing mix concept has evolved to accommodate more customer participation. The marketing mix – the 4Ps – must be redefined as the 4Cs: co-creation “co-creation”, currency “currency”, community activation “communal activation” and conversation “conversation”.

In this approach, co-creation is the new strategy for product development, involving customers in the design, achieving better success rates. The pricing concept has also been evolving, moving from a static price to a dynamic one, based on market demand and capacity. The channel has certainly undergone major changes, the concept of point-to-point distribution has a great advantage in this era of sharing economy, played by companies such as “Airbnb”, “Uber” etc.

Likewise, promotion has also been changing, moving away from a unilateral relationship – with companies sending messages to consumers - to a more open environment for consumers to react to these promotions. The proliferation of social media is one of the factors that allowed this reaction, promoting the emergence of platforms such as “TripAdvisor” and “Yelp”, creating an ideal environment for this conversation between consumer and brand.

At the same time that the key concepts of traditional marketing are evolving, the journey that the consumer takes to buy the product is also changing. The best known and most used model was the AIDA: attention, interest, desire and action. This model has undergone several interpretations during the last few years.

The latest model was presented by Derek Rucker, from Kellogg School of Management, which proposes the model of the 4As: assimilation, attitude, action and new action. In this newer model, the interest and desire stages are simplified into attitude. A new stage, new action, is added, intending to track the consumer's post-purchase behavior. This path reflects a personal and direct funnel-like side.

He then proposes a new approach to the 4As, due to the changes that the connectivity era has brought to the 5As process, which would be: assimilation, attraction, argument, action and apology. In the pre-connectivity era, a consumer determined his attitude towards brands. In the age of connectivity, the initial attraction of a brand is influenced by the community surrounding the consumer. In the pre-connectivity era, the purpose was retention and repurchase. In the age of connectivity, purpose is the willingness to champion a brand.

To understand brands, customers now actively connect with each other, developing research and advocacy relationships. Depending on the trend of the conversation, the connection can strengthen or weaken the brand's appeal. He also points out that the new consumer path is not necessarily a fixed funnel. It can be a spiral, and not necessarily go through the 5As. He can skip categories.

The main objective of marketing campaigns is to lead consumers from assimilation to apology, making them develop a feeling of strong loyalty to the brand, reflected in retention, repurchase and defense of the brand before their friends, the famous “I recommend”.

To optimize your marketing campaign, this classification into three main sources of influence: self, others and external, is known as the POE Zone. The external influence comes from sources unknown to the consumer, they are messages through advertising and other forms of communication.

This influence is still manageable and controllable for brands. The influence of others also comes from the external environment, which are usually people from close circles, such as friends and family, in the form of word of mouth. We can add to this classification the systems online of evaluation. Despite the brands' efforts, this influence is difficult to manage and occurs through community marketing, in which companies need to promote environments for discussion between the company and the communities. Own influence, on the other hand, comes from oneself, the result of past experiences and interactions with the brand.

The average consumer is generally impacted by all three influences, varying from market to market. Despite the variations, it is possible to state that consumers today rely more on the influences of others.

In addition, a survey by MindMiners points out that 81% of respondents assume that they read the comments and opinions of other users before purchasing a product for the first time, and 71% of them fully trust the reviews. Another important data is the negative impressions. According to the survey, they are the ones that most impact the purchase decision: 83% admitted that derogatory comments tend to be more relevant than positive ones.

Read too: The influential digital subcultures: youth, women and netizens

New consumer needs and influencers with the power to redefine market practices

 The contemporary consumer has different needs from those consolidated by previous generations, such as sharing economy, instantaneity and integration omnichannel. Therefore, it needs to be impacted in other ways, including content marketing, customer relationship management strategy through social networks, intensification of the use of big data, among other things.

These new habits and technological advances brought new strategies in the marketing process. Today, the sale of products through virtual stores and subscription clubs is a reality, and brings agility and a completely different dynamic to the market. At the same time that these new forms of commercialization are more complex, they promote more competitiveness and, due to the possibility of covering a territory, also allow for greater business growth.

With this intensification of connectivity, relationships on social media and the speed of knowledge and/or information exchange have been directly impacting the way companies have been relating to their public. It's a very dynamic scenario, where everything is available in real time. They are new business models in differentiated narratives and fragmented, niche audiences, in environments stressed by the potential of different discussions/participations with different hierarchies of action.

The culture of niche communication and the creation of content strategies through the culture of participation and media convergence become premises for influencers to act, who in turn create a logic of content value to the point of making it relevant, shareable and engaged, reinforcing the ties between fan communities around these subjects on the network.

There is no doubt that digital influencers have redefined the practices and dynamics of contemporary markets by consolidating themselves as prominent figures in the digital environment. A 2021 Ibope Intelligence survey reveals that 52% of Brazilians who are on social media follow at least one influencer. However, it is worth reflecting: what does the “common user” absorb from these people? A survey by Invesp paints part of this, pointing out that 72% of consumers start to trust a company more after it is recommended by an influencer. Not only that. The survey also points out that 92% of respondents trust influencer reviews rather than traditional advertisements and celebrity recommendations.

And what explains this high power of influence? There is no single answer to this question. However, there are elements that help us understand this. As digital influencers have greater creative freedom, the message transmitted by them is naturally more original and authentic, thus increasing the chances of acceptance by followers.

However, this is far from meaning that the magic formula for brands is to start partnering with influencers. As with any other business decision, it requires strategy before, during and after the action, as well as thoroughly understanding why it makes sense for your business to partner with an influencer and, most importantly, understanding why it does. makes sense to your target audience.

Digital has brought us a world of data, however, it is necessary to transform them into information, from information to knowledge, from knowledge to insight, in order to arrive at a value for the brand. We are obese of information and anorexic of insights.


Understand the importance of social media to leverage the possibilities of your brand with a focus on B2B

Far beyond communication tools, social media can also act as great strategic differentials to boost business, propagate ideas, sell products/services and a multitude of possibilities. In the case of companies that provide services to other companies, there are specific strategies for planning to use networks as an extension of the business, which we call B2B (business to business) marketing.

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Given the importance of understanding who the final consumer of your product and/or service is, B2B marketing can also be a great support tool in correctly conducting dissemination, reaching potential future customers with content, brand visibility and strengthening the relationship. commercial. Before choosing a company over others, numerous topics are considered by managers, therefore, being present on social media where your customers will find it easy to find information about your company and your services/products, can bring an even greater range of business possibilities.

mídias sociais

Contrary to what some might imagine, the digital environment and social networks are not only for companies and businesses that have been established for many years in the market, but for all companies and entrepreneurs, since they can benefit all of them as long as there is a good strategic planning for its best use. Check out the main platforms that can help your business:

Facebook: is one of the networks with the largest number of users in the world and provides a series of resources for publications, whether organic or paid, which allows the selection of content for different purposes, such as company disclosure, creation of content with technical tips about the particularities of the segment, promoting events and launching products or even communicating with customers.

Instagram: Instagram is a platform that is constantly growing and adapting. What once seemed more personal and fun is now a great tool for business expansion. Because it is a very dynamic social media, it contributes to closer relations with the client and the important players in the market. This is because, like Facebook, it offers several tools and possibilities for use, which include live broadcasts, interactive video content, dynamic tags and locations, and the use of hashtags to disseminate content.

Read too: Video content reached 99% of the Brazilian population in 2022, research points out

LinkedIn: is a social network focused on business and the professional environment, which already guarantees it several interesting topics to be addressed. Every day it is used more to create a connection between the company, professionals and players in the segment.

Furthermore, there are several other social networks available that can be included in your company's digital planning, but as mentioned earlier, understanding who your audience is and what you want from them is essential for this. B2B marketing is not just about releasing content randomly in all possible spaces, but understanding how each of those spaces can boost your business.


According to research, WhatsApp and Instagram lead the number of downloads on Brazilian smartphones

According to the Usage of Apps in Brazil survey, published by Panorama Mobile Time/OpinionBox, 59% of Brazilian cell phones have WhatsApp downloaded. Thus, together with Instagram, they are the most installed applications on smartphones in the country.

The survey also states that WhatsApp is the most open application during the day, while Instagram is the champion in terms of time of use, in which 36% of respondents said they spent more time on the social network than on any other app.

WhatsApp and Instagram: Top 3 favorite apps in Brazil belong to Meta

WhatsApp e Instagram

In addition to the predilection for WhatsApp and Instagram, another Meta app closes the top 3 of the most loved apps by Brazilians, Facebook. According to the survey, it is present on the home screen of 39% smartphones in the country.

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TikTok on the rise

The survey also revealed that TikTok is experiencing high growth, occupying privileged positions in several analyzed scenarios. Namely, the app ranks tenth in the ranking of the most common apps on home screens, in addition to receiving a significant portion of Brazilians' daily time (3%).

Therefore, surprisingly, the Chinese social network is already installed in 41% of smartphones, surpassing platforms such as Twitter (33%) and LinkedIn (31%). This data shows that TikTok is a platform in strong growth and that it is gaining more and more space in the lives of Brazilians.

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Check out other findings from the Panorama Mobile Time/OpinionBox survey

Among other data collected by the study, we can mention:

– Messenger had the biggest loss of share on the home screen of smartphones among all monitored apps, with a decrease of 7 percentage points in one year;

– Half of respondents said that if they could install a single app on their smartphone, they would install WhatsApp. Next comes Instagram (15%), YouTube and Facebook with, respectively, 5% and 3%.


Reels is the preferred format for creators on Instagram, says report

According to the latest edition of the 360º Social Media report (#MS360FAAP), carried out by the Center for Digital Media Innovation at FAAP University Center (NiMD-FAAP), in partnership with Emplifi, the format of Reels is preferred by creators. 

The survey found that creators find it easier to produce videos compared to brands. Thus, the algorithm better delivers the format created by the creators. 

Meanwhile, brands prefer to use more photos. According to the study, 40.2% of marketing posts are in static image, while Reels follows with 32.1% and the carousel with 25.7%. 

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When analyzing the percentage of posts by creators, we see an inversion. Reels are the most used, as already mentioned, with 43.2%, followed by the carousel with 29.1% and lastly with the photos, with 27.7%. 

It is noteworthy that the study is conducted quarterly. Therefore, all analyzes were carried out based on the first quarter of 2023. Therefore, according to the Meta platform, among the most used hashtags at the beginning of the year are #carnaval, #carnaval2023, #diadamulher and #diadasmulher. 

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Scenario on Facebook is a drop in interactions with influencers 

reels formato preferido creators

The report also did an analysis on Facebook, which showed a drop in interactions on influencers' posts in the first quarter of the year. In this way, while in the last third of last year, the average of interactions in paid posts was 938, this year, it dropped to 569. 

However, there was a slight improvement in organic content, going from 236 to 247 in this quarter. Thus, according to experts, there is a factor that can explain the event, the decrease in funds for the period.  

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Connect your company: find out which social networks are most used in Brazil in 2020

The year 2020 generated significant changes in the digital habits of people around the world. With the new coronavirus pandemic, the consumption of information by social media increased significantly and ended up generating changes in the ranking of social media most used in Brazil, according to the October 2020 report produced by We Are Social and Hootsuite.

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The most current data shows that Brazilians spend, on average, 3 hours and 31 minutes a day on social networks, and this has increased over the past year. In addition to the time spent on social networks having changed, another novelty, such as TikTok, has conquered people from all over the country. 

The 10 most used social networks in Brazil in 2020

At the Digital marketing, social networks are important channels to reach the target audience. And, in order to identify which audiences for a brand can be greater and make good use of it, it is necessary to know the most popular ones and those with the highest number of users. 

Below is the ranking of the 10 most used social networks in Brazil during the past year: 


O Facebook returned to first place in Brazil in 2020, and continues to be the category platform most used by the world's population with more than 2.7 billion active accounts, 130 million of which are Brazilian. 

It is a comprehensive and versatile social network, which brings together many features in one place, from generating business, getting information to meeting people. That's why, for companies that invest in Inbound Marketing, it's practically impossible not to be on Facebook.


O Whatsapp is the most popular instant messaging social network among Brazilians, with 120 million accounts. In addition to being a very simple tool for conversation, the app allows for more direct contact with the company. Through it, it is possible to advertise products, schedule services and even answer customer questions.

redes sociais mais utilizadas no Brasil


In the previous edition of the ranking, the youtube had passed Facebook and become the most used social network in Brazil, being the main one for online videos today, with more than 2 billion active users and more than 1 billion hours of videos viewed daily. 

As the video format for sharing content is becoming more and more popular, YouTube is a great option for brands that want to distribute this type of content. 


O Instagram was one of the first social networks exclusively accessible via cell phones. Although nowadays it is possible to view publications on a computer, their format continues to be aimed at mobile devices. According to the study carried out by We Are Social and for hootsuit, the platform is the fourth most used network in Brazil, with 95 million users. 

Therefore, having an Instagram account is an opportunity to disseminate content visually and humanize the brand, as Instagram is increasingly focused on providing purchases and sales within the platform itself through its new feature, the Instagram Shopping. 

facebook messenger

The app has some very interesting features for the company, such as bots and smart replies. With this, your business gains agility, professionalism and a higher level of satisfaction from the public and potential customers. In addition, the platform has a story function, which can be used to promote a product or service. Precisely because of its integration with Facebook, Messenger is estimated to have millions of Brazilian users. 

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The largest social network aimed at professionals has become increasingly similar to other networks, such as Facebook, with the difference that the focus is on professional contacts. Another differential is the communities, which bring together those interested in a specific theme, profession or niche. 

In 2020, the crisis generated by the pandemic ended up leading many people to join Linkedin looking for a job. In this way, the social network grew and became the sixth most used in Brazil, with 46 million active users. 


A brand does not need to create folders on pinterest only with own content. The use of this platform by your business can be through the selection of images that demonstrate the soul of the brand, that help in building it and can be a gateway for people to get to know the company. In addition, you can create sponsored pins that appear more prominently in users' feeds. 

The social network has tripled the number of users in Brazil in recent times, reaching 38 million. 


Twitter reached its peak in 2009 and since then it has been in decline. However, in 2020, the social network grew with people looking for faster news updates. If you consider only active users, there are 16.6 million Brazilian tweeters.

Nowadays, the social network is mainly used as a second screen, where users discuss and comment on what they are watching, posting comments on reality shows, news, football matches and other programs. 


TikTok is today one of the most used apps in Brazil by celebrities, teenagers, comedians and companies, but the social network does not disclose the exact numbers of users. 

At the beginning of the year, there were 7 million Brazilian users, a number that has certainly grown. A recent report points out that TikTok earned another 6 million in October, when the app broke world records. However, in September, a study showed that 3.5 million Brazilians downloaded the application, reaching a total of 16.5 million.


Snapchat was considered the symbol of post-modernity for its proposal of content that disappears in a few hours after publication. In Brazil, there are approximately 11 million users, placing the social network among the 10 most used in the country. 

Snapchat's audience is very specific, made up of hyperconnected young people. For companies, the application serves to engage users in events, for example, creating filters with images based on geolocation. 

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Black Friday 2020: choose the best strategy to succeed on digital

Black Friday 2020 – the main retail event in Brazil – is coming and promises to be even stronger in the digital environment, due to the coronavirus pandemic and social isolation. Faced with this, purchases that would be made in person in normal times have decreased and people have started to opt for online shopping.

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In April alone, there was an increase of 81% in e-commerce sales compared to the same period in 2019, which generated revenues of 9.4 billion reais. These numbers indicate that Black Friday will generate much more revenue in the digital environment, even with the reopening of physical points of sale.

How to prepare for Black Friday 2020?

It is estimated that a large number of companies will adopt Black Friday 2020 in the digital environment and, therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for the intense flow of users.

Have a platform with good performance

Analyze whether your platform supports a large number of simultaneous accesses and, if necessary, upgrade, leaving 100% ready for the date.

Pay special attention to the look of the website and social media

It is important to create a good strategy for publicizing and advertising on social networks to let customers know. In the visual, remember to highlight the promotions and use elements and colors that attract attention.

Attention the competition

Always be aware of competitors' prices, promotions and sales strategy.

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Black Friday

Pre-collect data

A great idea is to collect data before Black Friday 2020, bringing the customer closer to the brand. Offer benefits or payment facilities for those who are not yet customers, or create an LP to collect emails, for example, so you can gather data to offer exclusive promotions on the day.

Build customer loyalty

Make relationship programs offering benefits and promotions, such as an email with discount coupons, for example.

Take care of service channels

Having channels available to pass on information or answer questions from customers is essential. Therefore, service via email, telephone, social networks or chat on the website needs to receive special attention, especially in the days before Black Friday 2020.

Attention in stocks

With promotions, sales will be higher than usual. Therefore, increase the expectation of stock volume to be able to meet everyone.

Use email marketing

Send promotions and offers emails to your customer base contact list and highlight that Black Friday 2020 is coming.

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Networks and Social Media: when to use each term?

Currently, much is heard about the terms Social Networks and Media, as they have become important tools for social and business relationships. Therefore, confusion is common when trying to define them or understand that they are different things.

Read too: The importance of OHH media for companies

It may seem simple, but in order to have a greater campaign development and improve internet boosting techniques, it is important to understand what each of the terms are and how they work.

Social media

The term social network basically means creating a relationship with people sharing common values and goals, not being connected to the internet. The family, as well as the work environment, are examples of social relationships.

With the advancement of technology and its implementation in our daily lives, these connections began to form over the internet as well. A dating site or social network is where you can connect with other people or groups of individuals through a profile in order to share content.

In this way, interactions that used to be restricted to offline life, such as meetings in bars and restaurants, now also happen online. To do this, just access platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Linkedin.

Social media

Social media, in turn, are defined as a means of disseminating and decentralizing information – free and paid – and messages. The term emerged in 1990 when traditional media companies began to lose ground to digital technology.

The main objective of these media is the creation, dissemination and sharing of content that enables public interaction without the involvement of social relationships. Thus, when we refer to digital environments connected through the internet, we are referring to the term social media.

Therefore, social media platforms between logged in users are characterized by the creation of relationship networks. Therefore, the aforementioned social networks are seen as a part of what we call social media.

Read too: Learn how to use organic traffic to drive hits to your website

How relationships occur is the main difference between networks and social media

As explained, social media corresponds to any channel where interaction takes place. The same can also be said of social networks, but it is necessary to know how to differentiate the ways in which interactions take place.

In the case of social networks, the relationship between users is the main focus, which is the reason for its creation. Therefore, it is common for websites to develop more and more tools to increase interactions, so that people get closer.

With social media, although there are exchanges of information between people, this relationship is less fervent. An example to elucidate this difference is the way websites and blogs develop their interactions through comments. In this area, it is possible for users to share opinions and information with each other, but this occurs in a more restricted and limited way.

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Check out 10 trends in Digital Marketing that your brand should pay attention to in 2020

Unlike some areas that take years and years to consolidate trends, digital marketing is one of those areas where you must always be aware of technological innovations. Otherwise, brands are easily left behind and become less competitive. That's why we've listed some of the media and platforms your brand should pay more attention to in 2020, to follow Digital Marketing trends.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy, such as SEO

Don't Ignore Instagram

Currently being one of the social networks with the highest retention in Brazil, Instagram is a platform that has a very interesting proposal for approaching the public, thus having great potential to attract new customers and pass on the brand's values through content on a daily basis. In addition, Google Ads and other resources are expected to migrate to Instagram advertising, thus leaving the platform's terrain even more fertile for content marketing.

More real social networks

Until a few years ago, it was very common for brands to be concerned with building millimetrically impeccable feeds. However, what agencies have observed is that the public interacts better with publications that are closer to ordinary people, that is, without corporatism or the use of super elaborate layouts. Thus, a trend that can be observed in this year of Digital Marketing is the growth of posts with relaxed content in real time, thus resulting in greater public identification with the brand.

More interaction on your social networks

Taking advantage of this hook of strengthening the relationship with the public, also use social media publications to invite your followers to comment, so the brand can be more successful on social media and reach more people in an organic way, that is, without sponsorship Ads. If on Facebook you can make posts to generate comments and the most diverse reactions, on Instagram, encourage people to save your posts.

However, don't forget the Stories, in this tool, users can react to your content, whether it's more relaxed or serious.

whatsapp business

Last week we published an article talking about how to use WhatsApp Business. One of the cited advantages of this media is that it can reach a large number of people, as it is one of the platforms with the most active users in Brazil. Therefore, it is essential to take advantage of this application to list your products or services and communicate directly with customers.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use Whatsapp Business and optimize your company's communication

Give LinkedIn a chance

Before starting to invest content on LinkedIn, you need to know whether or not your audience uses the platform. Being more recommended for B2B, corporate and HR professionals, a feature that is worth noting in the coming months is the possibility of live that the platform is developing. Thus, it will be possible to produce dense content in a much more dynamic and efficient way.

Follow Alliance Comunicação on LinkedIn, Click here!

From Google to social networks

Still talking about social networks, in 2020 a feature should arrive that will liven up social media. This is because it is planned to incorporate content generated on social networks into Google results. That is, posts made on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can reach an audience beyond their respective users and thus enhance the ranking of brands that already have a history of producing content on blogs, for example.

More media for blogs

Blogs are one of the main tools of content marketing. However, in addition to helping the site's organic ranking in the medium and long term, this content tends to gain a new prop, audio text. The resource also has the advantage of democratizing the material, as people who are deaf or have other limitations will have efficient access to what is being discussed.

Podcasts are also among the trends in Digital Marketing

Continuing with the audio subject, it is impossible not to talk about the phenomenon of podcasts. According to a Spotify survey carried out at the end of 2019, consumption of this content model has grown by 21% per month since January 2018.

One of the main advantages of this medium is that it can be consumed by the public during working hours, at the gym or performing another mechanical task. In this way, the podcast can capture other groups and, consequently, gain new customers who share their ideas.

data protection

The General Data Protection Law should come into force this year. With that in mind, this is a key moment to talk to customers about the use of their data. The idea is for companies to transparently inform their customers about what will be done with the information provided and leave the unsubscribe option always open.

2020 Olympics in Japan

Nowadays, in addition to being a big event, sporting events are the time to see different ideas in action. With that, it's pretty cool that brands keep an eye on the trends of the Olympics in Japan, which should launch trends in digital arts, automation and everything else that can be used as a digital marketing strategy.