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Learn the main digital marketing trends for 2021

The year 2020 was marked by the challenges and opportunities caused by the new coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, more and more companies have migrated to the online universe, while business strategies have been adjusted. With the end of the year approaching, it is important to start thinking about managing new projects and pay attention to digital marketing trends for 2021.

Read too: WhatsApp launches in-app purchase button

These trends include a lot of news and different ways of dealing with online marketing, even due to the new technologies that emerged during the pandemic. There will be changes in terms of tools, strategies, resource allocation and even the way some classic tools work. 

Technologies stand out among digital marketing trends for 2021

The digital transformation has changed the way companies relate to their customers and do business and this will certainly only increase in the next year. Check out the main technology trends for 2021 that your company needs to be aware of:

1) Improved retention through segmentation

Satisfied customers tell their friends and provide referrals to help raise the company's capital. Additionally, they are likely to give honest and direct feedback on improvements to the brand. 

Therefore, it is extremely important to keep them informed about organizational changes or processes through email marketing or social media interaction. By gathering data and segmenting customers, the company has the opportunity to save costs when delivering services and products. In addition, it is possible to direct them more economically, allowing to increase investments in digital marketing. 

2) Google My Business

Keeping Google My Business up to date helps you get important information about hours of operation, location, and services. 

Having a geographically defined service area helps the company appear in “near me” searches, this is because search engines prioritize this information in their algorithms.

3) Automation in Google Ads

The professionals in charge of managing Google Ads campaigns constantly adjust these ads, keywords and bids to get the most out of your advertising spend, but these adjustments cost hours and management fees. 

Automated bidding makes it possible for Google to automate past moves to adjust ads in real time. While these bids are nothing new, the continued improvements made especially in 2019 mean they will be a strong digital marketing trend for 2021.

4) Semantic Search

In the future, the SEO universe will be shaped by the way people search for things on the internet. While this sounds relatively simple, it boils down to something a little more complex: semantics.

Starting in 2021, semantic search will be the way search engines use the immense array of data available to determine the intent, context, and meaning needed to find the most relevant content possible. In short, semantic search is how Google's algorithm can take an incomplete, grammatically incorrect, and seemingly random search and find exactly what the user is looking for. Semantic search encompasses both UX and SEO.

Read too: How to use Pinterest in your company's Digital Marketing strategy

5) Marketing automation

Digital marketing trends for 2021 show that next year promises to bring even more technologies, such as tools that will allow for better personalization and customization of advertising. The company will be able to target a potential customer's actions or interests with highly strategic, cost-effective and personalized messages. 

Considering the current scenario where digital traffic has increased a lot since the implementation of the home office, automation can help the company to sell more, relate and keep its loyal customers. 

6) Chatbots

Chatbots are proving to be very useful in providing better customer experiences and at the same time delivering benefits for businesses as: 

  • Takes the pressure off the customer service team when dealing with simple-to-solve issues;
  • They are great for lead generation, helping the sales team to successfully convert more prospects.
  • Allows you to collect customer data that can be analyzed to gain valuable insights into your audience and what motivates them.
  • They ensure that the company operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is great for clients who don't fit the typical pattern or clients who prefer to be involved in a more flexible way;
  • Provide greater customer engagement;
  • Promote long-term cost savings.

7) Customer Experience online-offline integration

For many companies, the pandemic brought the need to improve or create their digital presence as a way to stay active and operational in the market, but that does not mean that physical stores are over. Many consumers still prefer to view and handle products in person before making a purchase decision, so brands operating in both spheres need to adjust their marketing strategies to take advantage of this growing digitalization. 

The bet for 2021 is the integration between online and offline experience, in which physical stores will no longer be just a place to shop, to become a place where brands can engage with their customers and improve their experiences. 

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Check out 10 trends in Digital Marketing that your brand should pay attention to in 2020

Unlike some areas that take years and years to consolidate trends, digital marketing is one of those areas where you must always be aware of technological innovations. Otherwise, brands are easily left behind and become less competitive. That's why we've listed some of the media and platforms your brand should pay more attention to in 2020, to follow Digital Marketing trends.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy, such as SEO

Don't Ignore Instagram

Currently being one of the social networks with the highest retention in Brazil, Instagram is a platform that has a very interesting proposal for approaching the public, thus having great potential to attract new customers and pass on the brand's values through content on a daily basis. In addition, Google Ads and other resources are expected to migrate to Instagram advertising, thus leaving the platform's terrain even more fertile for content marketing.

More real social networks

Until a few years ago, it was very common for brands to be concerned with building millimetrically impeccable feeds. However, what agencies have observed is that the public interacts better with publications that are closer to ordinary people, that is, without corporatism or the use of super elaborate layouts. Thus, a trend that can be observed in this year of Digital Marketing is the growth of posts with relaxed content in real time, thus resulting in greater public identification with the brand.

More interaction on your social networks

Taking advantage of this hook of strengthening the relationship with the public, also use social media publications to invite your followers to comment, so the brand can be more successful on social media and reach more people in an organic way, that is, without sponsorship Ads. If on Facebook you can make posts to generate comments and the most diverse reactions, on Instagram, encourage people to save your posts.

However, don't forget the Stories, in this tool, users can react to your content, whether it's more relaxed or serious.

whatsapp business

Last week we published an article talking about how to use WhatsApp Business. One of the cited advantages of this media is that it can reach a large number of people, as it is one of the platforms with the most active users in Brazil. Therefore, it is essential to take advantage of this application to list your products or services and communicate directly with customers.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use Whatsapp Business and optimize your company's communication

Give LinkedIn a chance

Before starting to invest content on LinkedIn, you need to know whether or not your audience uses the platform. Being more recommended for B2B, corporate and HR professionals, a feature that is worth noting in the coming months is the possibility of live that the platform is developing. Thus, it will be possible to produce dense content in a much more dynamic and efficient way.

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From Google to social networks

Still talking about social networks, in 2020 a feature should arrive that will liven up social media. This is because it is planned to incorporate content generated on social networks into Google results. That is, posts made on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can reach an audience beyond their respective users and thus enhance the ranking of brands that already have a history of producing content on blogs, for example.

More media for blogs

Blogs are one of the main tools of content marketing. However, in addition to helping the site's organic ranking in the medium and long term, this content tends to gain a new prop, audio text. The resource also has the advantage of democratizing the material, as people who are deaf or have other limitations will have efficient access to what is being discussed.

Podcasts are also among the trends in Digital Marketing

Continuing with the audio subject, it is impossible not to talk about the phenomenon of podcasts. According to a Spotify survey carried out at the end of 2019, consumption of this content model has grown by 21% per month since January 2018.

One of the main advantages of this medium is that it can be consumed by the public during working hours, at the gym or performing another mechanical task. In this way, the podcast can capture other groups and, consequently, gain new customers who share their ideas.

data protection

The General Data Protection Law should come into force this year. With that in mind, this is a key moment to talk to customers about the use of their data. The idea is for companies to transparently inform their customers about what will be done with the information provided and leave the unsubscribe option always open.

2020 Olympics in Japan

Nowadays, in addition to being a big event, sporting events are the time to see different ideas in action. With that, it's pretty cool that brands keep an eye on the trends of the Olympics in Japan, which should launch trends in digital arts, automation and everything else that can be used as a digital marketing strategy.