success stories

Success story Teatro Renaissance: how they reached 1.3 million impressions on Google and 100 thousand organic hits in 1 year of the project

A cidade de São Paulo é conhecida por sua grande diversidade cultural. Do centro às periferias distribuídas em seus quatro cantos, todos os dias um evento acontece e é divulgado nos meios digitais. Com tanta coisa interessante sendo realizada na capital, a concorrência pelas primeiras posições no Google é forte. E é ainda mais intensa quando o assunto é rankeamento orgânico.

No case de hoje, falaremos um pouco sobre como ajudamos o Teatro Renaissance a chegar a 1,3 milhão de impressões no Google e chegar a 100 mil acessos orgânicos em um ano.

Um pouco sobre o Teatro Renaissance

O Teatro Renaissance nasceu em 1999 e, desde o início, realiza grandes apresentações, agradando os mais variados públicos com suas peças de drama, romance, aventura, comédia e stand-up.

Com isso, agrada quem frequenta o local há anos ao mesmo tempo em que renova constantemente o seu público, trazendo espetáculos de jovens talentos.

Reconstrução do site foi essencial para a evolução das métricas no Google

É inegável a alta qualidade das atrações do Teatro Renaissance. Mês após mês, o local anuncia grandes nomes de atores e comediantes aclamados por todo o país. Para se ter uma ideia, no último ano, teve apresentações de Lilia Cabral, Marcos Caruso, Eliane Giardini, Juca de Oliveira, Rosi Campos, Wilson de Santos, Yuri Marçal, Igor Guimarães, Renato Albani, Murilo Couto, Bruna Louise, dentre tantos outros. Porém, mesmo com todas essas estrelas, o seu site acabava perdendo posição nos resultados do Google.

No começo de 2022, então, começamos a traçar estratégias para tornar o site do Teatro Renaissance mais relevante para o buscador, e a reconstrução do site era fundamental para isso.

Além da modernização do layout, era muito importante uma mudança de estrutura. Até então, ele possuía uma página única reunindo todas as informações.

Com isso, trabalhamos no desenvolvimento de páginas individualizadas para cada assunto – institucional, programação, programação antiga, benefícios, perguntas frequentes e mapa da plateia. O desmembramento dos temas trouxe mais densidade para o site, uma melhor experiência para o usuário, que agora consegue localizar com mais facilidade o que busca e a possibilidade de ranqueamento individual dos espetáculos, que estão com vendas abertas e os que já aconteceram, criando assim uma espécie de histórico do quem já se apresentou no local.

Neste segundo ano de parceria, estamos implementando um blog para fortalecer o ranqueamento orgânico do site com mais páginas internas e com conteúdos de interesse do seu público.

Vamos traçar uma estratégia juntos para a sua empresa aumentar a relevância no Google também? Entre em contato conosco para planejarmos e colocar as melhores práticas em ação!

success stories

Trinidad Imóveis success story: how they generate more than 1,000 leads per month with a CPL (cost per lead) below R$ 0.50

Chegar a um Retorno Sobre o Investimento (ROI) positivo é motivo de alegria para todo gestor. Porém, já imaginou ter um custo de centavos para a captação de um lead? E o melhor, um produto de alto valor agregado.

Neste conteúdo, falaremos sobre o case da Trindade Imóveis e como ajudamos esse cliente a gerar mais de 1 mil leads por mês com um CPL (custo por lead) abaixo de R$ 0,50 por mês.

Um pouco sobre a Trindade Imóveis                 

A Trindade Imóveis é uma imobiliária, com foco em B2C, da cidade de Santa Luzia (MG), que está no mercado há mais de 15 anos, e possui uma filial na capital mineira. A empresa possui um catálogo com centenas de empreendimentos para venda, que atende os mais variados públicos, com propriedades que vão de R$ 97 mil a mais de R$ 3 milhões.

Com isso, até o ano de 2020, quando viraram nossos clientes, a sua divulgação era predominantemente off-line, com banners, placas e faixas distribuídas pela região. Enquanto que nos meios digitais, a marca tinha uma presença tímida, com pouca familiaridade em relação às ferramentas das redes sociais e pouco aproveitamento do potencial do seu site.

Como intensificamos a presença da marca nos meios digitais?

Paralelamente à modernização e renovação estratégica das mídias digitais no que diz respeito à performance orgânica, trabalhamos na construção de campanhas no Facebook, no Instagram e no Google.

Foi um projeto que ganhou consistência gradualmente e que envolveu muitas técnicas. Além da participação do cliente com feedbacks constantes sobre os leads, para que o público ficasse segmentado da melhor maneira possível (renda, faixa etária, entre outros aspectos), também nos debruçamos sobre testes A/B, de acordo com o tipo de imóvel. Assim, foi possível, primeiro, concentrar os valores investidos nas pessoas certas e, ainda, desativar de prontidão o que não funcionava ou não tinha uma performance tão boa. Tudo para focar os recursos no que, comprovadamente, trazia melhor custo-benefício.

Outra estratégia muito importante que temos conseguimos manter é o investimento contínuo a longo prazo nas mídias e no Google. Esse detalhe é um forte aliado no monitoramento periódico, para observar tendências sazonais. Tudo para que os valores sejam aproveitados da melhor maneira possível e o CPL reduzido ao extremo, a menos de R$ 0,50

O case da Trindade Imóveis é muito interessante pelo contraste observado entre o CPL e o valor do produto a ser adquirido. Afinal, por menos de R$ 0,50 eles podem atrair um cliente que fará uma compra de milhares ou até mesmo milhões.

Otimize os seus investimentos também. Entre em contato para traçarmos uma nova estratégia juntos!

success stories

Inovar Ambiental success story: how they had 1.6 million impressions on Google and 35 thousand organic hits in the last 12 months

Billions of searches are performed each day on Google. Some studies even point out that the search engine processes more than 8.5 billion searches daily. At the same time, a huge volume of content is distributed among its numerous pages. By being aware of these dimensions, it seems impossible to attract a significant number of users to your site by Google in an organic way. It seems, because it is not.

In our today's content, we'll explain how we helped Inovar Ambiental, a B2B company that provides services to an extremely niche audience, to achieve more than 1.5 million impressions and 35 thousand organic hits on Google in one year.

About Inovar Ambiental

Inovar Ambiental is a B2B company, which was born in 2013 with the proposal to bring industrial waste management solutions. All this combined with sustainable practices and 360º support for the customer, providing adequate packaging for disposal, signaling devices, a concise plan for reducing and reusing waste, and strengthening practices, such as the circular economy.

Currently, Inovar Ambiental has the infrastructure to carry out the treatment of the most varied types of waste, applying techniques respected all over the world for their sustainable value and already has more than 13 tons of by-products correctly disposed of.

What were the brand's concerns?    

Before they became our customers, Inovar Ambiental's communication was carried out on time and by independent professionals who could meet demands. As a consequence, naturally, there was no presence of short, medium and long term strategies for the company.

When looking for our agency, the director of Inovar Ambiental, Rafael Motta, expressed the desire to have at his side a single partner focused on taking care of all the communication of his company, with a 360º view.

In this way, it would achieve not only continuous work, but also care for the preservation of the brand's identity, which would improve the perception of third parties about Inovar Ambiental, transmitting more seriousness and professionalism.

Result of long-term work

The results of impressions and organic hits observed today on the Inovar Ambiental website are the result not only of work that began in 2015, when it became our client, but also of weekly publications in the news system, choice of relevant topics for prospects and company's clients, among other SEO strategies that "convince" Google's algorithms to interpret the site as relevant.

Unlike a search engine ad that evaporates when payment is discontinued, the organic result is perennial and tends to gain strength over time, when there is a robust content strategy behind it, with the application of up-to-date SEO practices.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this is a complementary plan to investments in Google Ads. We always point out to the client that the ideal is to combine SEO with paid campaigns, so that, as the organic gains strength, it is possible to gradually reduce the amounts in Ads and, then, the brand reaches the point of get comfortable with forgoing campaigns.

Did you like Inovar Ambiental's case? Contact us to design a customized strategy for your company's needs.

Let's start a new successful case today!


Understand how WhatsApp Business adds value to your company's conversational marketing

According to the latest survey by the Mobile Time website in partnership with Opinion Box, WhatsApp is the application that Brazilians most open during the day. Not only that. The survey also found that it is the app we spend the most time with throughout the day. And it's relatively simple to understand that. “Zap” does a good job of quickly exchanging messages, it doesn't require a lot of internet bandwidth, calls, makes video calls and is very intuitive, therefore being highly democratic for different social classes and age groups. It's the perfect recipe for winning over millions of users who want to know how a family member is doing, confirm a happy hour with friends or to get in touch with a company, which uses the WhatsApp Business version.

Read too: According to research, WhatsApp and Instagram lead the number of downloads on Brazilian smartphones

To give you an idea, data collected by Twilio reveals that at least 90% of consumers want to talk to companies via messages. These behaviors (frequent use of WhatsApp and the desire to chat with brands via message) point to a conversational marketing path, in which the potential customer requests information about products and services.

WhatsApp Business alone is not enough for conversational marketing

WhatsApp Business

However, only WhatsApp Business is not enough to provide a good experience for this potential customer. In addition to making the service channel available, it is necessary for the brand to adapt to the platform's operating logic, that is, responding in a few minutes, in an objective, efficient manner and showing, in fact, empathy with the pain of that consumer, who is looking for a solution to his problem.

Read too: Mobile marketing: what is it and why is it important?

By providing quality service via WhasApp, the performance of your conversational marketing will certainly be improved and with much more chances of customer conversion, putting your brand ahead of competitors who opt for the exclusive use of more traditional service channels or who simply do not have such good efficiency of exchanging messages through the app.

In addition, it is essential that the company abuse other means to promote WhatsApp, showing a willingness to talk and respond promptly, such as the Instagram biography, the Facebook page, at the end of each social media publication, on the website by a floating button, in addition to all of the brand's offline material, such as flyers and billboards.


Strengthen your brand's digital presence by combining SEO and Google Ads strategies

Being present on Google can mean total lead capture or survival for many companies. As a result, many managers only consider the platform's paid strategy, Google Ads, renouncing the possibility of working on the search engine optimization (SEO), which concerns organic ranking. It is a fact that this is a strategic work choice. However, what digital marketing experts recommend is the combination of SEO and Google Ads, to strengthen the brand's presence in the largest search engine results in the world.

Read too: See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

Google Ads is directly related to short-term performance improvement. The logic is simple, as soon as the investment is completed, the ad is catapulted to the first results. There are surveys that point out that 75% of users never get past the first page of Google after a search. That is, occupying the top positions in the search engine automatically puts your brand in front of hundreds or thousands of competitors.

Still with regard to Ads, it is worth pointing out that it is not enough just to have ads in a privileged position on Google. It is also necessary to plan keywords, mapping, target audience, among other elements that will contribute to the achievement of qualified leads for the company. After all, what's the point of being in the top position on Google if it's being shown to a person who has nothing to do with my brand's persona?

If Google Ads takes my brand to the top of the search engine, what's the point of using SEO strategies?

SEO e Google Ads

This is a question that makes many brands disregard the possibility of working with SEO, since, with Ads, disclosure needs are met immediately. However, there is a condition for this to happen, the financial maintenance of the campaigns periodically. In other words, when the brand stops paying, it disappears from the search engine as quickly as it appeared.

Read too: Mobile marketing: what is it and why is it important?

In this way, SEO emerges as a complementary strategy insofar as it takes the company's name to the first results organically, in the medium and long term, depending on the segment. Therefore, as you gain visibility and brand awareness – people's level of familiarity with the product or service – with ads, it is important to create content for the site, to strengthen its organic performance. Thus, if it is necessary to discontinue the ads, there are two great advantages outlined here: 1 – Your brand does not completely disappear from Google. 2 – Users will click on its results because they will be familiar with the company's name, a strategy worked on over months or years of investments in ads.


According to research, WhatsApp and Instagram lead the number of downloads on Brazilian smartphones

According to the Usage of Apps in Brazil survey, published by Panorama Mobile Time/OpinionBox, 59% of Brazilian cell phones have WhatsApp downloaded. Thus, together with Instagram, they are the most installed applications on smartphones in the country.

The survey also states that WhatsApp is the most open application during the day, while Instagram is the champion in terms of time of use, in which 36% of respondents said they spent more time on the social network than on any other app.

WhatsApp and Instagram: Top 3 favorite apps in Brazil belong to Meta

WhatsApp e Instagram

In addition to the predilection for WhatsApp and Instagram, another Meta app closes the top 3 of the most loved apps by Brazilians, Facebook. According to the survey, it is present on the home screen of 39% smartphones in the country.

Read too: Get to know some digital accessibility tools and expand the inclusion of your brand

TikTok on the rise

The survey also revealed that TikTok is experiencing high growth, occupying privileged positions in several analyzed scenarios. Namely, the app ranks tenth in the ranking of the most common apps on home screens, in addition to receiving a significant portion of Brazilians' daily time (3%).

Therefore, surprisingly, the Chinese social network is already installed in 41% of smartphones, surpassing platforms such as Twitter (33%) and LinkedIn (31%). This data shows that TikTok is a platform in strong growth and that it is gaining more and more space in the lives of Brazilians.

Read too: Traditional Analytics Retires July 1st: See How Google Analytics 4 Can Help Your Business

Check out other findings from the Panorama Mobile Time/OpinionBox survey

Among other data collected by the study, we can mention:

– Messenger had the biggest loss of share on the home screen of smartphones among all monitored apps, with a decrease of 7 percentage points in one year;

– Half of respondents said that if they could install a single app on their smartphone, they would install WhatsApp. Next comes Instagram (15%), YouTube and Facebook with, respectively, 5% and 3%.


Get to know some digital accessibility tools and expand the inclusion of your brand

Digital accessibility aims that everyone can access websites and use online technologies, making the internet an inclusive place for people with visual, hearing, motor, cognitive impairments or any other difficulty related to its use. But do you know what resources are available for your company's website? Solutions include auxiliary tools so that websites are compatible with assistive devices.

Read too: Mobile marketing: what is it and why is it important?

  • Safe mode for epilepsy: dampens the color and removes blinking, allowing people with epilepsy to use the site safely and eliminates the risk of seizures resulting from flashing lights and flickering screens.
  • Visually impaired mode: improves the look of the site for components that encompass people with visual impairment, degradation, tunnel vision, cataracts and glaucoma. 
  • Cognitive impairment mode: helps to focus on specific content by dividing the content into essential elements, for easier understanding of the site.
  • ADHD compatible mode: reduces distraction levels and improves focus. To do so, it creates a visual stimulus similar to a spotlight on the content.
  • blind mode: Lets you use the site with your screen reader.

All these resources are available on our website and, like us, other companies can also use them on their websites and/or applications, promoting, in fact, an inclusion that brings autonomy to people. But the tools do not stop there, there is a wide range of options for computers, hardware and software, of possible adaptations to be made by those who aim to serve everyone. Among these possibilities are screen magnification and high contrast for people with low vision, mice and keyboards adapted for people with physical disabilities, translators from Portuguese to Libras for deaf people.

Read too: What can companies learn from the new Artificial Intelligence (AI): ChatGPT and Bard?

Being aware of digital accessibility is also ensuring that your site reaches the maximum potential of users, without distinctions or obstacles. It is worth noting that people with disabilities are the most affected by difficulties in navigating the web, which can sometimes restrict their possibilities. According to the IBGE Demographic Census (2010), more than 23% of the Brazilian population have some type of disability. That is, promoting inclusion is also about fulfilling a social function and putting into practice the values of a company concerned with the democratization of its products or services. 

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How to build an effective organic email marketing list

Although many companies are working strictly with the latest communication channels, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, email marketing remains an efficient strategy for many brands and one that should be considered. First, because it's a less invasive way to get in touch with a potential customer in a personalized way. Just imagine a company calling you by name on your personal WhatsApp. Strange, isn't it? Second, it's an easy-to-measure tool for open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate, which helps generate insights for periodic improvements. However, before enjoying all these advantages, you need to build an organic email marketing list to send them out, right? Check out our content today with some tips on how to do this.

First of all, why an “organic list”? Purchasing a list of ready-made e-mails may involve illegal means – after all, it is not known how it was obtained, see the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) – and, even if achieved without violating any rights, it is not a recommended practice. This is because the emails listed are probably from random people, who you don't know the region or city they live in, how old they are, the consumption power they have, among other information. That is, there is no strategy to even know if these people are interested in your brand or product. In short, it's a shot aimed at quantity, with no intelligence involved, in addition to being a very inconvenient way to get in touch with a person. An authorization is needed or, at least, an exchange of emails between the parties, to avoid being repulsed by the brand or your email being marked as spam.

Read too: What can companies learn from the new Artificial Intelligence (AI): ChatGPT and Bard?

With that in mind, it's understandable that building an effective email marketing list takes time. It is a process that does not happen overnight. For this, the brand needs to start providing relevant content to its target audience, something that strengthens its positioning. An interesting alternative for this are sending newsletters, with authorial articles and tips published on the blog. At the same time, it is important to also offer rewards to those who subscribe, such as exclusive promotions, loyalty dynamics or, in the case of B2B companies, notices about legal compliance with public bodies.

lista orgânica de e-mail marketing

soft opt in and more! Discover some techniques to collect an interesting organic email marketing list

There are several ways to collect emails and they can happen simultaneously, including. One of them is what is meant by subscription "soft opt in”. This practice usually happens through professional contacts – networking – and occurs implicitly, without the other party formally authorizing via device (desktop or smartphone) the receipt of these emails. However, it is very important that there is prior contact with this person, so that they know at least what the brand is about.

On the other hand, the optionopt in” occurs when there is authorization by a device to receive company e-mails. This alternative can happen at the end of filling out a registration form, for example, where there are fields for authorization to receive news and promotions. After agreeing, you can also ask the user if he only wants to receive promotions and/or the desired frequency of emails. These questions also help you understand what to improve and categorize email lists according to your audience's preferences.

Also, one way that can not only help capture emails, but also help you understand the perception of your products and services is through online surveys. Imagine you launched a trial version of a shampoo on the market. The questionnaire will be very useful not only in the final formulation of the cosmetic, but in capturing e-mails from people who know the brand and are open to consuming your product. Therefore, sending them news and promotions makes perfect sense.

Read too: Ads on TikTok are 73% more efficient than on other media, research points out

In the case of B2B companies and third sector institutions, webinars and online events with tips and consulting are an interesting way to even strengthen the relationship with these people who may become partners or customers in the future.

There are also slightly simpler strategies, such as inserting popups to new website visitors, creation of landing pages with lead capture campaigns and the traditional way, of course, participating in offline events, such as fairs, and, at your stand, registering prospects to contact them later.

Building an organic email marketing list, as you can see, is hard work and, naturally, one segment can be more work than the other. However, it should be borne in mind that something solid and qualitative is being built, from emails that make a minimum of sense to that person.

Finally, it is essential that all emails sent have the option “opt out”, so that the person unsubscribes from the list and informs the reason. Generally, companies put alterations, such as disinterest, very constant submissions and never being asked to receive these materials. These responses after cancellation are very useful for rethinking recruitment strategies and improving them over time.

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See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

Digital transformation is a process of change and performance improvement in which companies use innovative technologies to expand reach, optimize results and further enhance the customer experience. In addition, the company obtains competitive advantages in the market. It was from digitization that companies saw that it was possible to use new data in the system. Given this scenario, it is necessary for organizations to adapt and seek to remain even more competitive, as new technologies do not stop emerging. Joining the digital transformation provides a structural change, which requires new concepts and a new order. 

In 2020, the pandemic caused intense changes in society. Many companies were threatened and had to adhere to the new competitive market mechanisms. Several companies around the world were then driven to adopt and accelerate the digital transformation process. 

In Brazil, around 87.5% of companies carried out some initiative aimed at digital transformation. And, according to the Dell Technologies Digital Transformation Index 2020, 95% of Brazilian companies are facing barriers and challenges in advancing their digitalization processes. 

Check out 7 tips to start a digital transformation in your businessThe

  • Initially, it is necessary to understand that joining the digital transformation in your company is a question of survival in the market. And this change goes beyond technology.
  • Review your company's purpose and reason for existence. This step will help you organize goals and set up your strategy.
  • Evaluate your company's processes and see which ones are capable of undergoing technological changes.
  • Start the transformation. During this process, keep in mind where your company wants to go and how it is possible to promote change by improving infrastructure, increasing productivity, customer experience, reducing costs and new partnerships.
  • Now is the time to find out what technological resources are available on the market and which ones will best fit your company's purpose. Select tools that can add value in the short or medium term and invest in training for new skills.
  • Another important step is to manage all decision-making in order to guide the direction of companies in the various segments.
  • Look for specialized consultancies to help you with this transition and to ensure the success of your digital transformation, such as Alliance Comunicação, which works with a specialized team to position each company positively in the digital environment.

Read also: With more than 50 million users, Brazil is the fourth largest community on LinkedIn

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We are physically separated but connected

Last week, we communicated to our clients and employees our temporary move from the agency to work from home office. 

More than respect for the people we live with every day, we have a commitment to society and the world.

Unfortunately, it's moments like this that show us the right path.

Part of this is our human-centric essence and our efforts to enable us to connect anywhere in the world. 

We will certainly come out of this humanitarian crisis stronger. We will need everyone's cooperation and commitment to understand the new paths and challenges to be followed. More than ever, we need to learn, unlearn and relearn the work model we know today.

We will be connected through traditional communication channels, available for calls and video conferences. We follow our routine physically separated, however, connected!