success stories

Success story Teatro Renaissance: how they reached 1.3 million impressions on Google and 100 thousand organic hits in 1 year of the project

A cidade de São Paulo é conhecida por sua grande diversidade cultural. Do centro às periferias distribuídas em seus quatro cantos, todos os dias um evento acontece e é divulgado nos meios digitais. Com tanta coisa interessante sendo realizada na capital, a concorrência pelas primeiras posições no Google é forte. E é ainda mais intensa quando o assunto é rankeamento orgânico.

No case de hoje, falaremos um pouco sobre como ajudamos o Teatro Renaissance a chegar a 1,3 milhão de impressões no Google e chegar a 100 mil acessos orgânicos em um ano.

Um pouco sobre o Teatro Renaissance

O Teatro Renaissance nasceu em 1999 e, desde o início, realiza grandes apresentações, agradando os mais variados públicos com suas peças de drama, romance, aventura, comédia e stand-up.

Com isso, agrada quem frequenta o local há anos ao mesmo tempo em que renova constantemente o seu público, trazendo espetáculos de jovens talentos.

Reconstrução do site foi essencial para a evolução das métricas no Google

É inegável a alta qualidade das atrações do Teatro Renaissance. Mês após mês, o local anuncia grandes nomes de atores e comediantes aclamados por todo o país. Para se ter uma ideia, no último ano, teve apresentações de Lilia Cabral, Marcos Caruso, Eliane Giardini, Juca de Oliveira, Rosi Campos, Wilson de Santos, Yuri Marçal, Igor Guimarães, Renato Albani, Murilo Couto, Bruna Louise, dentre tantos outros. Porém, mesmo com todas essas estrelas, o seu site acabava perdendo posição nos resultados do Google.

No começo de 2022, então, começamos a traçar estratégias para tornar o site do Teatro Renaissance mais relevante para o buscador, e a reconstrução do site era fundamental para isso.

Além da modernização do layout, era muito importante uma mudança de estrutura. Até então, ele possuía uma página única reunindo todas as informações.

Com isso, trabalhamos no desenvolvimento de páginas individualizadas para cada assunto – institucional, programação, programação antiga, benefícios, perguntas frequentes e mapa da plateia. O desmembramento dos temas trouxe mais densidade para o site, uma melhor experiência para o usuário, que agora consegue localizar com mais facilidade o que busca e a possibilidade de ranqueamento individual dos espetáculos, que estão com vendas abertas e os que já aconteceram, criando assim uma espécie de histórico do quem já se apresentou no local.

Neste segundo ano de parceria, estamos implementando um blog para fortalecer o ranqueamento orgânico do site com mais páginas internas e com conteúdos de interesse do seu público.

Vamos traçar uma estratégia juntos para a sua empresa aumentar a relevância no Google também? Entre em contato conosco para planejarmos e colocar as melhores práticas em ação!

success stories

Inovar Ambiental success story: how they had 1.6 million impressions on Google and 35 thousand organic hits in the last 12 months

Billions of searches are performed each day on Google. Some studies even point out that the search engine processes more than 8.5 billion searches daily. At the same time, a huge volume of content is distributed among its numerous pages. By being aware of these dimensions, it seems impossible to attract a significant number of users to your site by Google in an organic way. It seems, because it is not.

In our today's content, we'll explain how we helped Inovar Ambiental, a B2B company that provides services to an extremely niche audience, to achieve more than 1.5 million impressions and 35 thousand organic hits on Google in one year.

About Inovar Ambiental

Inovar Ambiental is a B2B company, which was born in 2013 with the proposal to bring industrial waste management solutions. All this combined with sustainable practices and 360º support for the customer, providing adequate packaging for disposal, signaling devices, a concise plan for reducing and reusing waste, and strengthening practices, such as the circular economy.

Currently, Inovar Ambiental has the infrastructure to carry out the treatment of the most varied types of waste, applying techniques respected all over the world for their sustainable value and already has more than 13 tons of by-products correctly disposed of.

What were the brand's concerns?    

Before they became our customers, Inovar Ambiental's communication was carried out on time and by independent professionals who could meet demands. As a consequence, naturally, there was no presence of short, medium and long term strategies for the company.

When looking for our agency, the director of Inovar Ambiental, Rafael Motta, expressed the desire to have at his side a single partner focused on taking care of all the communication of his company, with a 360º view.

In this way, it would achieve not only continuous work, but also care for the preservation of the brand's identity, which would improve the perception of third parties about Inovar Ambiental, transmitting more seriousness and professionalism.

Result of long-term work

The results of impressions and organic hits observed today on the Inovar Ambiental website are the result not only of work that began in 2015, when it became our client, but also of weekly publications in the news system, choice of relevant topics for prospects and company's clients, among other SEO strategies that "convince" Google's algorithms to interpret the site as relevant.

Unlike a search engine ad that evaporates when payment is discontinued, the organic result is perennial and tends to gain strength over time, when there is a robust content strategy behind it, with the application of up-to-date SEO practices.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this is a complementary plan to investments in Google Ads. We always point out to the client that the ideal is to combine SEO with paid campaigns, so that, as the organic gains strength, it is possible to gradually reduce the amounts in Ads and, then, the brand reaches the point of get comfortable with forgoing campaigns.

Did you like Inovar Ambiental's case? Contact us to design a customized strategy for your company's needs.

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success stories

Renaissance Theater Success Story: How they grew 186% followers, 640% reach, 590% engagement, and 3,649% comments organically on Instagram

The essence of social media is interaction between users. With that, more important than publishing is practicing the exchange and creating a dialogue relationship with those who are following us. The Renaissance Theater case has a lot to do with this and is directly related to the numbers we saw last year: 186% growth in the number of followers; in range 640%; in engagement 590% and; in comments 3649%. All organically.

Teatro Renaissance – known in São Paulo for its tradition

Teatro Renaissance was born in the late 1990s and, since its inception, its directors have contemplated the most varied scenic forms, with different shows, languages, proposals and approaches to human relations. The illustrious names of Bibi Ferreira, Elza Soares, Pedro Paulo Rangel, Cristiane Torloni, Marisa Orth and Juca de Oliveira are among those that are part of its history.

In addition to its privileged location, on Eixo da Paulista, Teatro Renaissance has a large loyal audience, which has a very close and assiduous relationship with the space. For many, it is a recurring meeting point on weekends.

Relationship between Instagram and Teatro Renaissance

Unlike many brands that didn't hesitate to migrate to Instagram, when the social network gained popularity, Renaissance only arrived on the platform in 2020 and in a pandemic context. That is, with the brand unfamiliar with the possibilities that social media can offer.

With that, we devised strategies that not only diversify the contents and explore other publication formats, but also that make a humanized communication of its values and keep the history of the theater alive, remembering and doing justice to the shows that have already been there and could not be recorded on the network when they happened.

Organic 100% results on Instagram

As a result, Teatro Renaissance was able to reach many new people in an organic way, without any advertisements, and awaken reactions and comments, often related to a memory of a moment they lived there, to the emotions they felt when watching a play.

From this, it became possible to evolve more and more organic performance metrics to the point that theater directors feel comfortable in forgoing investments in the media.