Ads on TikTok are 73% more efficient than on other media, research points out

According to a recent survey by Nielsen, commissioned by TikTok, advertising campaigns on the platform can be very promising for brands. The survey found that ads on TikTok are 73% more efficient when compared to other social media. The study also raised another very interesting quantitative data, that the average return of the Chinese App is 80% more efficient with regard to offline means.

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In the first three months of 2022, an increase of 151% was observed in the number of advertisers on TikTok in Latin America alone. According to Gabriela Comazzetto, Head of Global Business Solutions at TikTok for Latin America, this is evidence that the platform not only has the potential to increase companies' exposure, but also to optimize their respective performances.

Over the past year, TikTok has set out to launch new tools that improve brands' performance on the platform. Among the examples, it is possible to highlight the press, whose proposal is to carry out advertisements in contents or trends of greater engagement. The idea has a logic very similar to prime time TV.

Ads on TikTok have been showing promise, so I should get my business on the platform, right? It depends!

Anúncios no TikTok

A study entitled Inside Advertising 2022, by Kantar IBOPE Media, also has encouraging information that, more and more, small and medium-sized companies are advertising their products and services in the media (online and offline). When comparing 2021 with 2020, there was a growth in the number of advertisers of 22%, and 47% in the relationship between 2021 and 2019. Without a doubt, the advancement of technologies and the democratization of access to ads are the main factors that led to this evolution.

Faced with these two scenarios: TikTok bringing very good results and more companies willing to buy media, it is common for many managers to get excited and launch themselves into these ads immediately under the pressure of “not being left out”. This is a wrong decision. It is necessary, first of all, to consider strategic and technical aspects, answering questions such as: Does an ad on TikTok make sense for my brand and audience? How will I reach my audience? Which filters should I use to have the best possible cost-benefit?

When playing without a Digital Marketing plan in a new social media, either with organic publications or advertisements, your company may be wasting money and time dedicating itself to a platform that does not make sense for it.

Read too: LinkedIn Ads: learn why to invest in ads on this social network

It is in contexts like these that having a Marketing team available to your brand makes all the difference, as in addition to outlining strategies, it will be able to prevent efforts that would hardly bring good results and focus on what makes sense for the brand, its values and customers as a whole.

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  4. The influential digital subcultures: youth, women and netizens
  5. The new way of the consumer
  6. The Marketing Paradox for Connected Consumers
  7. Power shift to connected consumers
  8. How to create inclusiveness and sustainability for society
  9. How to make technology more personal, social and experimental
  10. The same strategy does not work for everyone
  11. Industry archetypes and best practices
  12. Customer experience (CX) – Machines are cool, but humans have emotions
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  20. Augmented Marketing – How to deliver human interactions empowered by technology
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