success stories

Success story Teatro Renaissance: how they reached 1.3 million impressions on Google and 100 thousand organic hits in 1 year of the project

The city of São Paulo is known for its great cultural diversity. From the center to the outskirts distributed in its four corners, every day an event takes place and is publicized through digital media. With so many interesting things being done in the capital, competition for the top positions on Google is strong. And it’s even more intense when it comes to organic ranking.

In today's case, we'll talk a little about how we helped Teatro Renaissance reach 1.3 million impressions on Google and reach 100,000 organic hits in one year.

A little about the Renaissance Theater

The Renaissance Theater was born in 1999 and, since its inception, has put on great performances, pleasing the most varied audiences with its drama, romance, adventure, comedy and stand-up plays.

As a result, it pleases those who have frequented the place for years while constantly renewing its audience, bringing shows by young talents.

Reconstruction of the site was essential for the evolution of metrics on Google

The high quality of the Renaissance Theater's attractions is undeniable. Month after month, the place announces big names of actors and comedians acclaimed throughout the country. To give you an idea, last year there were presentations by Lilia Cabral, Marcos Caruso, Eliane Giardini, Juca de Oliveira, Rosi Campos, Wilson de Santos, Yuri Marçal, Igor Guimarães, Renato Albani, Murilo Couto, Bruna Louise, among many others. However, even with all these stars, your website ended up losing position in Google results.

At the beginning of 2022, then, we began to outline strategies to make the Renaissance Theater website more relevant to the search engine, and rebuilding the website was fundamental to this.

In addition to modernizing the layout, a change in structure was very important. Until then, it had a single page bringing together all the information.

With this, we worked on developing individual pages for each subject – institutional, programming, old programming, benefits, frequently asked questions and audience map. The breakdown of themes brought more density to the site, a better experience for the user, who can now more easily locate what they are looking for and the possibility of individual ranking of shows, which are open for sale and those that have already taken place, thus creating a kind of history of those who have performed there.

In this second year of partnership, we are implementing a blog to strengthen the site's organic ranking with more internal pages and content of interest to your audience.

Let's draw up a strategy together for your company to increase its relevance on Google too? Contact us to plan and put best practices into action!

success stories

Inovar Ambiental success story: how they had 1.6 million impressions on Google and 35 thousand organic hits in the last 12 months

Billions of searches are performed each day on Google. Some studies even point out that the search engine processes more than 8.5 billion searches daily. At the same time, a huge volume of content is distributed among its numerous pages. By being aware of these dimensions, it seems impossible to attract a significant number of users to your site by Google in an organic way. It seems, because it is not.

In our today's content, we'll explain how we helped Inovar Ambiental, a B2B company that provides services to an extremely niche audience, to achieve more than 1.5 million impressions and 35 thousand organic hits on Google in one year.

About Inovar Ambiental

Inovar Ambiental is a B2B company, which was born in 2013 with the proposal to bring industrial waste management solutions. All this combined with sustainable practices and 360º support for the customer, providing adequate packaging for disposal, signaling devices, a concise plan for reducing and reusing waste, and strengthening practices, such as the circular economy.

Currently, Inovar Ambiental has the infrastructure to carry out the treatment of the most varied types of waste, applying techniques respected all over the world for their sustainable value and already has more than 13 tons of by-products correctly disposed of.

What were the brand's concerns?    

Before they became our customers, Inovar Ambiental's communication was carried out on time and by independent professionals who could meet demands. As a consequence, naturally, there was no presence of short, medium and long term strategies for the company.

When looking for our agency, the director of Inovar Ambiental, Rafael Motta, expressed the desire to have at his side a single partner focused on taking care of all the communication of his company, with a 360º view.

In this way, it would achieve not only continuous work, but also care for the preservation of the brand's identity, which would improve the perception of third parties about Inovar Ambiental, transmitting more seriousness and professionalism.

Result of long-term work

The results of impressions and organic hits observed today on the Inovar Ambiental website are the result not only of work that began in 2015, when it became our client, but also of weekly publications in the news system, choice of relevant topics for prospects and company's clients, among other SEO strategies that "convince" Google's algorithms to interpret the site as relevant.

Unlike a search engine ad that evaporates when payment is discontinued, the organic result is perennial and tends to gain strength over time, when there is a robust content strategy behind it, with the application of up-to-date SEO practices.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this is a complementary plan to investments in Google Ads. We always point out to the client that the ideal is to combine SEO with paid campaigns, so that, as the organic gains strength, it is possible to gradually reduce the amounts in Ads and, then, the brand reaches the point of get comfortable with forgoing campaigns.

Did you like Inovar Ambiental's case? Contact us to design a customized strategy for your company's needs.

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Strengthen your brand's digital presence by combining SEO and Google Ads strategies

Being present on Google can mean total lead capture or survival for many companies. As a result, many managers only consider the platform's paid strategy, Google Ads, renouncing the possibility of working on the search engine optimization (SEO), which concerns organic ranking. It is a fact that this is a strategic work choice. However, what digital marketing experts recommend is the combination of SEO and Google Ads, to strengthen the brand's presence in the largest search engine results in the world.

Read too: See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

Google Ads is directly related to short-term performance improvement. The logic is simple, as soon as the investment is completed, the ad is catapulted to the first results. There are surveys that point out that 75% of users never get past the first page of Google after a search. That is, occupying the top positions in the search engine automatically puts your brand in front of hundreds or thousands of competitors.

Still with regard to Ads, it is worth pointing out that it is not enough just to have ads in a privileged position on Google. It is also necessary to plan keywords, mapping, target audience, among other elements that will contribute to the achievement of qualified leads for the company. After all, what's the point of being in the top position on Google if it's being shown to a person who has nothing to do with my brand's persona?

If Google Ads takes my brand to the top of the search engine, what's the point of using SEO strategies?

SEO e Google Ads

This is a question that makes many brands disregard the possibility of working with SEO, since, with Ads, disclosure needs are met immediately. However, there is a condition for this to happen, the financial maintenance of the campaigns periodically. In other words, when the brand stops paying, it disappears from the search engine as quickly as it appeared.

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In this way, SEO emerges as a complementary strategy insofar as it takes the company's name to the first results organically, in the medium and long term, depending on the segment. Therefore, as you gain visibility and brand awareness – people's level of familiarity with the product or service – with ads, it is important to create content for the site, to strengthen its organic performance. Thus, if it is necessary to discontinue the ads, there are two great advantages outlined here: 1 – Your brand does not completely disappear from Google. 2 – Users will click on its results because they will be familiar with the company's name, a strategy worked on over months or years of investments in ads.


According to research, WhatsApp and Instagram lead the number of downloads on Brazilian smartphones

According to the Usage of Apps in Brazil survey, published by Panorama Mobile Time/OpinionBox, 59% of Brazilian cell phones have WhatsApp downloaded. Thus, together with Instagram, they are the most installed applications on smartphones in the country.

The survey also states that WhatsApp is the most open application during the day, while Instagram is the champion in terms of time of use, in which 36% of respondents said they spent more time on the social network than on any other app.

WhatsApp and Instagram: Top 3 favorite apps in Brazil belong to Meta

WhatsApp e Instagram

In addition to the predilection for WhatsApp and Instagram, another Meta app closes the top 3 of the most loved apps by Brazilians, Facebook. According to the survey, it is present on the home screen of 39% smartphones in the country.

Read too: Get to know some digital accessibility tools and expand the inclusion of your brand

TikTok on the rise

The survey also revealed that TikTok is experiencing high growth, occupying privileged positions in several analyzed scenarios. Namely, the app ranks tenth in the ranking of the most common apps on home screens, in addition to receiving a significant portion of Brazilians' daily time (3%).

Therefore, surprisingly, the Chinese social network is already installed in 41% of smartphones, surpassing platforms such as Twitter (33%) and LinkedIn (31%). This data shows that TikTok is a platform in strong growth and that it is gaining more and more space in the lives of Brazilians.

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Check out other findings from the Panorama Mobile Time/OpinionBox survey

Among other data collected by the study, we can mention:

– Messenger had the biggest loss of share on the home screen of smartphones among all monitored apps, with a decrease of 7 percentage points in one year;

– Half of respondents said that if they could install a single app on their smartphone, they would install WhatsApp. Next comes Instagram (15%), YouTube and Facebook with, respectively, 5% and 3%.


Get to know some digital accessibility tools and expand the inclusion of your brand

Digital accessibility aims that everyone can access websites and use online technologies, making the internet an inclusive place for people with visual, hearing, motor, cognitive impairments or any other difficulty related to its use. But do you know what resources are available for your company's website? Solutions include auxiliary tools so that websites are compatible with assistive devices.

Read too: Mobile marketing: what is it and why is it important?

  • Safe mode for epilepsy: dampens the color and removes blinking, allowing people with epilepsy to use the site safely and eliminates the risk of seizures resulting from flashing lights and flickering screens.
  • Visually impaired mode: improves the look of the site for components that encompass people with visual impairment, degradation, tunnel vision, cataracts and glaucoma. 
  • Cognitive impairment mode: helps to focus on specific content by dividing the content into essential elements, for easier understanding of the site.
  • ADHD compatible mode: reduces distraction levels and improves focus. To do so, it creates a visual stimulus similar to a spotlight on the content.
  • blind mode: Lets you use the site with your screen reader.

All these resources are available on our website and, like us, other companies can also use them on their websites and/or applications, promoting, in fact, an inclusion that brings autonomy to people. But the tools do not stop there, there is a wide range of options for computers, hardware and software, of possible adaptations to be made by those who aim to serve everyone. Among these possibilities are screen magnification and high contrast for people with low vision, mice and keyboards adapted for people with physical disabilities, translators from Portuguese to Libras for deaf people.

Read too: What can companies learn from the new Artificial Intelligence (AI): ChatGPT and Bard?

Being aware of digital accessibility is also ensuring that your site reaches the maximum potential of users, without distinctions or obstacles. It is worth noting that people with disabilities are the most affected by difficulties in navigating the web, which can sometimes restrict their possibilities. According to the IBGE Demographic Census (2010), more than 23% of the Brazilian population have some type of disability. That is, promoting inclusion is also about fulfilling a social function and putting into practice the values of a company concerned with the democratization of its products or services. 


Reels is the preferred format for creators on Instagram, says report

According to the latest edition of the 360º Social Media report (#MS360FAAP), carried out by the Center for Digital Media Innovation at FAAP University Center (NiMD-FAAP), in partnership with Emplifi, the format of Reels is preferred by creators. 

The survey found that creators find it easier to produce videos compared to brands. Thus, the algorithm better delivers the format created by the creators. 

Meanwhile, brands prefer to use more photos. According to the study, 40.2% of marketing posts are in static image, while Reels follows with 32.1% and the carousel with 25.7%. 

Read too: LinkedIn for companies: check out good organic practices that will help your page

When analyzing the percentage of posts by creators, we see an inversion. Reels are the most used, as already mentioned, with 43.2%, followed by the carousel with 29.1% and lastly with the photos, with 27.7%. 

It is noteworthy that the study is conducted quarterly. Therefore, all analyzes were carried out based on the first quarter of 2023. Therefore, according to the Meta platform, among the most used hashtags at the beginning of the year are #carnaval, #carnaval2023, #diadamulher and #diadasmulher. 

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Scenario on Facebook is a drop in interactions with influencers 

reels formato preferido creators

The report also did an analysis on Facebook, which showed a drop in interactions on influencers' posts in the first quarter of the year. In this way, while in the last third of last year, the average of interactions in paid posts was 938, this year, it dropped to 569. 

However, there was a slight improvement in organic content, going from 236 to 247 in this quarter. Thus, according to experts, there is a factor that can explain the event, the decrease in funds for the period.  

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Are you familiar with App Store Optimization (ASO)?

App Store Optimization (ASO), translated, means optimization in the app store. who works with seo strategies have heard of this term to attract visitors to a website from organic search on Google. It is no different in the world of applications, it is necessary to use optimization mechanisms so that the app is attractive and appears strategically for the user to download. 

Read too: Learn the main digital marketing trends for 2021

Nowadays, with so many application options, investing in good positioning practices is a necessity, since the more visible it is to people, the greater the chances of return not only in number of installations, but also financially.

How to do a good ASO job?

Data from the Usage of Apps in Brazil study, by Opinion Box in partnership with Mobile Team, revealed that 50% of Brazilians who use apps have already purchased something within an app. Therefore, doing a good ASO job to make people interested in downloading your app and prioritizing the creation of applications that provide a good user experience is essential. 

There are some tips that can help you understand these and other issues to improve app optimization:

Use strategic keywords for your APP

Just like Google's search engines, it's important to research which are the most strategic keywords for your business niche, that is, the most sought after by people who need the offered solution. 


choose a good icon

There's no point in choosing the best keywords to promote the app's proposal if its visual identity communicates something else. Creating an icon is as important as a good name, and both aspects are essential to validate effectiveness in the ASO.

Read too: Learn how to use organic traffic to drive hits to your website

Create an impactful description

The description helps in positioning the application and a good text is always a great opportunity to get ahead of competitors, so: 

  • Use the right keywords;
  • Highlight the benefits of the application;
  • Use few words;
  • Prioritize an impactful message;
  • Use a Call To Action to trigger a user action.

Invest in mobile UX

The user needs to have a good experience for him to recommend the application to his contact wheel. Developing a good app and gaining positive fame on the App Store goes beyond creation and promotion, it needs a mobile UX, so that people evaluate the app correctly. 

To provide a successful experience for the user, it is necessary to think about some factors such as simplicity, ease of navigation, size of occupation in the cell phone memory and readability of the content.

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Video marketing could be a new way to increase your organic traffic, finds research

According to the survey The State of Video Marketing, conducted by Wyzowl, 76% of companies participating in the study that use video marketing said that the media increased their organic traffic. But what is this concept all about and why can it be a powerful tool for my brand? Check out our content today and start using audiovisual content in your company's marketing. 

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a digital marketing strategy, such as SEO

Video marketing can be defined as any audiovisual production used to attract and retain customers, which includes everything from advertising campaigns to educational content. However, whatever your brand's goal with videos is, you need to think about their SEO. According to a study carried out by Google in 2018, YouTube has become a search platform, in which users seek to better understand how a product works and what its qualities are before buying, for example. In addition, the video is characterized by ease of use without neglecting quality, as it allows for more complex explanations with illustrations and other resources. 

Video marketing also needs SEO

Just as a written article needs to follow some rules to achieve a good ranking on Google, videos also need to be thought of strategically, that is, with catchy titles, with keywords, together with an attractive thumbnail for your target audience. , in addition to good quality recording, lighting and audio. 

Read too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

Another interesting factor is to think about the frequency with which this material will be published. Informing the public that there are certain days and times to post creates a bond with consumers and shows professionalism. Also, platforms like YouTube tend to highlight those who post frequently, providing more evidence on the platform.

Check out some videos from our portfolio

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Local marketing: check out some tips that can help your business

According to data from the consultancy Empresômetro released in February 2019, at least 13.5 million companies are classified as small in Brazil, which represents 70% of national enterprises. Among these millions are local initiatives dedicated to providing services and products to certain neighborhoods and regions. Faced with a reality in which consumers use digital channels to find somewhere that meets their respective needs, investing in local marketing can make a big difference.

Read too: Digital Marketing: 10 trends your brand should pay attention to in 2020

With that, one of the tools that can most help to put the brand name in evidence in the region is the Google My Business. With this feature – in which companies appear in a box on the first page of the search engine – the result related to your company happens through geolocation and can be accompanied by images, addresses, customer reviews, thus arousing interest in new people.

Also optimize your results on Google with SEO

When knowing the name of the company, one of the things that the user can do is search for a possible website of the brand. In this context, it is beneficial to meet some requirements, such as having a special layout for mobile devices, adopting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies, in addition to inserting a map with your location, phone number and WhatsApp contact link. Everything for the person to have at hand what he needs to contact your service immediately.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy, such as SEO

In addition to a good position on Google, the local business can also invest in specific content for Instagram and the Facebook page. On these platforms, it is possible to periodically post the services provided, the news, in addition to building a closer bond with customers, demonstrating that it is open to dialogue with people in the region, whether clarifying doubts or thanking for a compliment.

Local marketing in times of crisis

Currently, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, major brands and digital influencers have mobilized to encourage preference for local businesses, which, among companies, are the ones that have suffered the most from the impacts of the quarantine. With this, local marketing can be very useful in expanding the famous word of mouth and making the brand name reach more people.

Read too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

In addition, adapting the product portfolio, offering promotions and disclosing these news on social networks are often interesting ways to attract and retain customers. However, adopting a good tone is as important as the publications themselves. Therefore, having a communication agency can be essential to help your business in these times and gain credibility in the region.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use Whatsapp Business and optimize your company communication

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Content marketing: understand why it is a relationship strategy

Currently, experience and interactivity are essential points in companies' digital marketing strategies. More than communicating correctly, it is necessary to learn how to relate to the public, encouraging the multiplication of the message you want to convey.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a digital marketing strategy, such as SEO

That's because, the information age has changed the way people communicate. Brands attentive to the new market demand have behaved like people, in an accessible, kind, but also vulnerable way, becoming an integral part of the consumer's lifestyle. To create this relationship, a lot of dialogue is needed, and content plays a fundamental role in this dynamic between brand and consumer.

This approach is intended to create, select, distribute and amplify through interesting, relevant and useful messages for a strategically defined audience. In addition, another detail that makes all the difference when communicating is loading the content with the brand identity, creating narratives – storytellings – that connect.

To get an idea of the importance of content marketing, according to data from Content Trends, 73% of Brazilian companies already adopt this methodology in their customer acquisition strategy and 61.8% of those that do not yet use it intend to adopt it soon.

Content strategy planning

Definition of Personas

The concept of persona is totally different from target audience. While the target audience is based on a description of a demographic group you're looking to target, the persona is a description of your ideal customer. The idea is to identify common traits among them that should be repeated in future customers.


The goal is to create interesting content that will make the reader (prospect or customer) return to your site often and become familiar with your brand. Some examples of content that can be produced are blog posts, articles, materials, videos, video lessons, rich content, podcasts, ebooks, whitepapers, infographics, webinars, testimonials and customer cases.


One of the most important points is choosing which customer acquisition channels to invest in. That is, where you will distribute your content. The main acquisition channels that currently exist are blogs, ads, social networks, email, sponsored posts, among other resources.

Content marketing combined with SEO brings long-term results

One of the tools used in this strategy is the production of informative content using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, which help the site rank in search engines such as Google. That is, a text not focused on selling services, but on answering questions or giving tips, thus transmitting messages of value to both loyal customers and potential customers and, consequently, winning them over.

The result time of an efficient SEO varies from company to company, given that factors such as location, whether it is a local business or not, market in which it operates, choice of keywords, content size and format, review, scanability and optimization for search engines influence the period of results.

However, it is also worth mentioning that the tool works cumulatively, that is, the six-month ranking will be much weaker compared to that of a page that has been online for a year. For this, some internal cases were selected to demonstrate how this strategy works organically over time.

Cases Alliance Communication

In the first case, it is a laundry specialized in cleaning industrial uniforms in the state of São Paulo. In the graph, it is possible to check the increasing number of times that a company page appeared on Google for a person between the months of February and November 2019, thus reaching the gross result of 38.7 thousand impressions and almost 1,300 organic hits.

The second image accounts for a total of 102,000 impressions in a year and almost four thousand hits. In this case, it is a group specialized in the management of industrial waste and environmental studies services in the Rio-São Paulo axis.

An interesting parallel to make is with this other company that operates in the same waste market, with the difference of focusing its services on the region of Belo Horizonte (MG) and having been generating content with SEO for three years. Tempo guaranteed more than half a million total impressions, a result five and a half times greater than the previous case. Totaling more than 31,000 organic hits.

Finally, in this case there are a total of 2.02 million page impressions, totaling more than 115 thousand accesses to the website of this company that has been investing in content marketing for six years. The company is an e-commerce company in São Paulo specialized in selling oranges with the concept farm to table.

According to SEO Trends, one of the largest sources of data on the subject, companies that invest in the strategy and conquer a space on the first page of Google get 13 times more visitors and five times more customers compared to those that do not use SEO.

More benefits of Content Marketing

  • Increases your website traffic;
  • Generates brand awareness;
  • Increases engagement with the brand;
  • Educates the market;
  • Gain authority on the subject;
  • Influences the purchase decision;
  • Generate sales;
  • Boosts lead generation;
  • Increases lifetime value (LTV);
  • Increases customer engagement;
  • Reduces Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

Although this strategy can bring very good results for the company, it is worth mentioning that the text is directed to people who have critical opinions and not to a search engine. Therefore, do your best to reconcile a good user experience with Google ranking, always prioritizing the reader who will consume the content.

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