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How to sell via WhatsApp: check out 10 tips for your business!

You still don't know how to sell via WhatsApp? So come and understand the benefits for your business and check out some tips!

The WhatsApp application, according to data released by Facebook, is the third most used social network in the world and has about 2 billion active users. At the same time that its adherence increased among people, the network also became one of the main sales tools. 

Brazil has 108.4 million active users. Of these, 5 million accounts are WhatsApp Business. Therefore, 95% of people use the social network on a daily basis, and 80% of companies are already familiar with this platform. 

Because it is known as an application for easy communication between people, companies began to join WhatsApp to communicate in a more personal way with customers. Message exchanges are instantaneous and the seller makes himself available to the customer to clarify all doubts, make voice or video calls and even make negotiations. 

Sell via WhatsApp: B2B and B2C

It's important to keep in mind that there are different types of consumers and each one demands a different approach. After all, we are talking about different personas. The strategy used for B2B will not be the same for B2C. 

In case of B2B, the target audience is companies. For these consumers, sales are segmented, focused on customer desires and needs. Therefore, they like lasting solutions and, to close the deal, it is necessary to show the entire structure that your company offers to serve them for a long period of time. 

already the B2C it is a sale made in direct contact with the individual and your company's strategy must be focused on interaction with the consumer. As this customer's profile is constantly changing and varies by product quality and price, choosing to personalize the service and sending campaigns and discounts makes it easier for them to be attracted. 

Read too: According to a study, 92% of Brazilians check prices before buying on Black Friday

Check out 10 tips on how to sell via WhatsApp:

1 – Use WhatsApp Business

This is the best solution for not mixing the personal with the professional, as it is a platform specially designed for small, medium or large companies.  

WhatsApp Business facilitates communication by offering pre-made messaging features activated by a command; generates an important amount of data, which can be metriced and used in commercial management, such as the speed of the first contact, average response time, volume of calls per day, among other benefits that are worth exploring. 

2 – Use broadcast lists

They were created to further facilitate communication with the target audience of companies. At the same time, using this feature avoids the creation of WhatsApp groups, which are often uncomfortable for people. 

Treating customers individually, making room for clearer and more direct communication, is the best option!

3 – Create automatic messages

To make communication with your customers more practical, you can register 3 different types of messages to be sent automatically. 

Greeting message: to welcome the customer.

Absent message: used when you are not available to assist your customer.

Quick Replies: By selecting the messages you receive the most from customers, you can create automatic messages. Thus, it is possible to solve problems and answer questions instantly. 

4 – Use a professional number

The number used in the WhatsApp Business tool must be for professional use only, as it conveys a good attitude to customers and helps them to have control over their work hours. 

5 – Share important information via WhatsApp status

Using this feature to disseminate outstanding information to your network of contacts can be extremely beneficial. In addition, as it is only available for 24 hours, it is interesting to use it to publish limited promotions.

Read too: See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

6 – Create WhatsApp link

The link is a more attractive and easy way for people to get in touch with your company, as it is a quick and practical resource. Instead of typing the numbers, entering through the link avoids typing errors and makes the customer fall directly into the conversation.

7 – Send promotions and discounts to prospects

In addition to offering relevant content related to your products and/or services to your customer, sending promotions and discounts is also a good alternative to attract their attention!

8 – Apply the sales funnel

Creating a schedule and organizing yourself to send different messages to customers who are at different stages is essential to approach each one in the most appropriate way. 

Creating transmission lists according to each product category that your company works with is also beneficial for approaching the target audience. 

9 – Follow the script on how to sell via WhatsApp

Introduce yourself, understand the customer and set up a meeting. These are the 3 essential steps of the sales process. Furthermore, one cannot forget that even after the sale, contact must be maintained!

10 – Train the team for the new channel

By message, care must be taken with the tone and clarity of information. Mechanizing the service is not the best option, after all, it removes direct contact with the customer and makes communication difficult. It is important to teach and accustom the team to this new format for approaching and conducting negotiations.  

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According to a study, 92% of Brazilians check prices before buying on Black Friday

Black Friday, one of the main dates for online and offline retail, will take place this year on November 26th. It is a moment long awaited by consumers looking for lower prices. According to a study, 92% of Brazilians start researching the prices of services and products months before the date. 

For 57% of study participants, prior screening occurs 2 months or more in 57% of cases, and one month earlier for other 21%. This habit indicates that most Brazilians are afraid of being deceived by “black-fraud”. 

The survey carried out by UOL's advertising research unit also found that, in addition to price, the main factors that influence an online purchase are: delivery time (29%), shipping cost or free shipping (55%), ease of on payment (24%), credibility or security of the application or website (27%), cashback (25%) and ease of payment (24%). 

Also read: See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

Black Friday and online shopping

E-commerce was one of the sectors that showed the most growth during the pandemic. Compared to 2019, retail grew by 75%. Therefore, selling online was not new before social isolation, since 74% of Brazilians already preferred to buy online. But his habit was further boosted with Covid-19. 

Among those who intend to buy on Black Friday, 47% will only do it online, 15% will go to physical stores and 38% say they will use both virtual and physical stores. 

The survey, carried out between June 10 and 14, 2021, recorded that 53% of the participants increased the regularity of digital purchases compared to the period prior to March 2020. In addition, 73% of the respondents stated that they intend to maintain the current frequency shopping online. 

Last year, Black Friday accounted for R$3.86 billion in total revenue, according to a survey carried out by Neotrust/Compre&Confie. Offerwise's research shows that purchase intentions this year will be 29% higher.

Read also: Sustainability reports gain importance in companies

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See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

Digital transformation is a process of change and performance improvement in which companies use innovative technologies to expand reach, optimize results and further enhance the customer experience. In addition, the company obtains competitive advantages in the market. It was from digitization that companies saw that it was possible to use new data in the system. Given this scenario, it is necessary for organizations to adapt and seek to remain even more competitive, as new technologies do not stop emerging. Joining the digital transformation provides a structural change, which requires new concepts and a new order. 

In 2020, the pandemic caused intense changes in society. Many companies were threatened and had to adhere to the new competitive market mechanisms. Several companies around the world were then driven to adopt and accelerate the digital transformation process. 

In Brazil, around 87.5% of companies carried out some initiative aimed at digital transformation. And, according to the Dell Technologies Digital Transformation Index 2020, 95% of Brazilian companies are facing barriers and challenges in advancing their digitalization processes. 

Check out 7 tips to start a digital transformation in your businessThe

  • Initially, it is necessary to understand that joining the digital transformation in your company is a question of survival in the market. And this change goes beyond technology.
  • Review your company's purpose and reason for existence. This step will help you organize goals and set up your strategy.
  • Evaluate your company's processes and see which ones are capable of undergoing technological changes.
  • Start the transformation. During this process, keep in mind where your company wants to go and how it is possible to promote change by improving infrastructure, increasing productivity, customer experience, reducing costs and new partnerships.
  • Now is the time to find out what technological resources are available on the market and which ones will best fit your company's purpose. Select tools that can add value in the short or medium term and invest in training for new skills.
  • Another important step is to manage all decision-making in order to guide the direction of companies in the various segments.
  • Look for specialized consultancies to help you with this transition and to ensure the success of your digital transformation, such as Alliance Comunicação, which works with a specialized team to position each company positively in the digital environment.

Read also: With more than 50 million users, Brazil is the fourth largest community on LinkedIn


With over 50 million members, Brazil is the fourth largest community on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most expressive social networks when it comes to networking and the dissemination of market news. The platform has a total of at least 774 million members. Of these, 260 million are active with 130 new users every minute worldwide. 

In Brazil, its performance is also very relevant. The platform grows, on average, 14% per year and has just surpassed the 50 million user mark. Behind only the United States, India and China, the country is the fourth largest community in the professional network. 

Since Microsoft acquired the company for $$26.2 billion in 2016, growth has accelerated and revenue has nearly tripled. "LinkedIn has become a leader in several secular growth areas spanning B2B advertising, professional hiring, corporate learning and sales intelligence," said Microsoft CEO and Chairman Satya Nadella. 

Also read: Brand investment in social networks grows by 60% between 2020 and 2021, Instagram and Facebook stand out 

New features from LinkedIn

To improve the use of the platform by users, LinkedIn launched several features in 2021, such as Cover Story, which allows video presentation; Creation Mode, for content producers; Service Pages, for freelancers and small investment owners; and a new field for pronouns.

“We have lawyers, engineers and doctors, but also singers, content producers, football players and astronauts. We are here for those who are looking for their first job and also for those who have already lived a good part of their professional lives, those who want to do business and those who are thinking about a career change. From the north to the south of the country, we have people with the most different objectives, but with the certainty that there is a LinkedIn for each one of them”, said Milton Beck, general director of LinkedIn for Latin America. 

The network has more than 14 million open jobs and 90% of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn, which explains the growing interest, especially among young people, in using the platform. 

THE Alliance Communication knows the importance of LinkedIn for professional relationships and, with that in mind, manages the platform completely for companies, creating new publications and campaigns. It is essential to have your network active, so that you can build new connections.

Read also: LinkedIn Ads: learn why to invest in ads on this social network 

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Sustainability reports gain importance in companies

Through a survey carried out by KPMG, in which 5,200 companies participated, it was reported that 85% of the companies prepare sustainability reports. In addition, 72% of them follow the guidelines established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an independent global institution that is responsible for measuring the sustainable performance of companies, NGOs and public agencies, as well as helping them to understand their environmental impacts. 

Sustainability reporting enables companies to develop a forward-looking management strategy based on information about negative or positive sustainability impacts. In a dynamic world, in which the economic, social and environmental spheres have the same weight as the financial sphere, it is very important for companies to take a stand and help raise people's awareness.

Read too: Engagement with environmental guidelines has increased in the last 5 years, according to research

Climate change is a business risk 

More than 2,000 companies recognize that climate change is a risk for business, not only because of physical factors, such as global warming, but also because of the impacts generated by new regulations, which can lead to financial risks. Therefore, companies need to be prepared. 

It is important for companies to carry out a sustainable management plan incorporated into the corporate strategy, as it will directly influence the dialogue with shareholders and investors. In addition, positioning in the face of climate change is becoming increasingly essential for consumers and stakeholders.

Brazil still has a long way to go, but the number of companies that make sustainable reports grows every year. In the KPMG survey, 100 Brazilian companies participated, some of them with revenues between 1 billion and 20 billion dollars, representing 25 sectors of the economy. 

Among the specialties of Alliance Communication is the preparation of Sustainability Reports, as it is a strategic tool to look at and support decisions focused on sustainability and social responsibility. The documentation also encourages transparency in the critical and relevant impacts of an economic, social and environmental nature, in addition to working on the company's trust and reputation, as it is increasingly in the public interest.

Read too: Learn the main digital marketing trends for 2021

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Brand positioning: social networks play an essential role in educating the public with environmental guidelines

Brand positioning on social networks has been a factor that has been greatly explored in the transmission of conscious messages to consumers. With the urgency for more social and environmental guidelines, digital marketing strategies have been fundamental for companies. In addition to selling the product, corporations now bring social responsibility with them. After all, sustainable development has become a great ally in the present scenario.

First of all, it is important to establish what are the challenges that permeate society. Topics related to the use of natural resources, as well as agendas associated with minorities stand out. Therefore, understanding the role of companies in making the world better is the first step. 

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In this sense, the truth is that brands (regardless of the service offered) are able to reach thousands of people on the internet. Therefore, using your main communication channels only to sell your products would undoubtedly be one less chance of re-educating the public. Therefore, adopting content marketing strategies and putting them into everyday life, allied to social guidelines, can be a great achievement, even when it comes to publicizing your product (depending on the category).

Brand positioning must be consistent with the company's values

Currently, what is perceived is a strong limitation of organic reach to the detriment of paid campaigns in the digital marketing scenario. Likewise, building the presence of brands on social networks must take into account technical requirements and molding to the new algorithms dictated by social networks, in order to perform well and dialogue with the public of interest. According to a Socialbakers report, such methods were the big bet for companies in the first quarter of 2021.

Recognized for analyzing corporate performance in social media, Socialbakers released an analysis of the main trends in the area. Comprising the first quarter of 2021, the survey brings important data regarding customer experience and brand positioning.

Read too: Engagement with environmental guidelines has increased in the last 5 years, according to research

Collaborating for the development of society and promoting social discussions on the internet must, above all, be a reflection of the corporate environment itself, generating benefits for the company's culture and, consequently, for the construction of a fairer world. Otherwise, what you see is a case of greenwashing – practice defined by the inappropriate use of agendas related to sustainable development, in which, in reality, everything that is published is just a speech aimed at profit.

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Brand investment in social networks grows by 60% between 2020 and 2021, Instagram and Facebook stand out

Paid campaigns are an important digital marketing strategy. Likewise, building the presence of brands on social networks must take into account technical issues and dialogue with the public of interest. Which consequently favors the generation of better results and delivery of content desired by followers. According to a Socialbakers report, such methods were the big bet for companies in the first quarter of 2021.

Recognized for analyzing corporate performance in social media, Socialbakers released an analysis of the main trends in the area. Comprising the first quarter of 2021, the survey brings important data regarding customer experience and brand positioning.

Read too: Engagement with environmental guidelines has increased in the last 5 years, according to research

According to the survey, there has been an exponential growth in investment in ads on social networks. In context, the most popular ones stand out, Instagram and Facebook. When comparing with the numbers of 2020 (a year in which records were broken), the increase was 60%. When it comes to paid advertising, the numbers register approximately 30% of growth.

The survey also indicates that, taking into account some specific sectors, investment by brands in social networks has skyrocketed. The automotive branch and the alcoholic beverages industry revealed increases of 102% and 81%, respectively, in the application of resources.

Brand presence on social networks is built in different ways

In another study by the digital marketing company, there is Instagram's record of greater leadership over Facebook during the pandemic. Also according to the report, the popularity of Instagram is 34.7% greater than that of Zuckerberg's first network. In this sense, it is worth pointing out that the way to develop brands in social networks must also be different.

Read too: LinkedIn Ads: learn why to invest in ads on this social network

While on Facebook user interaction is permeated by the frequent choice of informative content, Instagram is different. In this network, the focus must be on creativity. Strategies that stimulate engagement and increase brand recognition are very welcome, generating value for the company. Facebook, because it has more information, becomes the ideal lead conversion space.

In short, the combination of all strategies is fundamental in strengthening brands on social networks.

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Engagement with environmental guidelines has increased in the last 5 years, according to research

Engagement with environmental agendas has taken on even greater proportions in recent years, as indicated by a study by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The company, which specializes in forecasting and consulting, presented relevant data on the subject, raising reflections on an economic organization that prioritizes sustainable practices in its production.

On the global stage, themes related to environmental conservation have been increasingly recurrent, see the Paris Agreement of 2015. The treaty establishes a commitment between nations to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, guiding countries and corporations to adoption of conscious alternatives.

Read too: Check out some important pillars to boost your internet sales

In this regard, the internet has been a great ally in the dissemination of content on sustainability. According to the study An Eco-Awakening: Measuring Global Awareness, Engagement, and Action for Nature, people's concern for the environmental cause has grown 16% in the last five years.

Engagement with environmental guidelines and the importance of digital media

The analysis, in turn, highlights the behavior of communication vehicles, brands and companies in these results. This is because sharing ideas associated with sustainable development and conscious consumption makes all the difference in this scenario. After all, engagement with environmental agendas within digital environments reaches a significant number of people, expanding debates.

Read too: LinkedIn Ads: learn why to invest in ads on this social network

And according to the survey data, mobilization goes further, reflecting in individual actions, such as the creation of petitions. Since 2016, more than 159 million signatures have been collected in biodiversity campaigns, where Brazil represents the largest share with 23 million records, an organization also found in social and collective movements.

The idea is, in general terms, the creation of a more sustainable and fair economy for all.

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Check out some important pillars to boost your internet sales

In the pandemic context, a number of companies had to reinvent themselves, adhering more vigorously to their presence on digital platforms. However, the path to achieving results and boosting sales on the internet requires strategies that are a little more specific to digital marketing, requiring close attention to points such as your website engagement and lead conversion.

Read too: Know what it is and what are the advantages of WhatsApp Pay

In view of this, it is worth going back a little and understanding even more about your numbers and the profile of your target audience, making it easier for the next steps and ending as many doubts as possible. With that, some important pillars to develop your online business are: 

  • Traffic: good traffic makes all the difference to your company's sales performance, because the virtual store needs to be seen and found by the target audience. Therefore, investing in this aspect is fundamental, generating results and new possibilities for your business.
  • Engagement: in addition to attracting people to your online store, you also need to engage them with your business and engage the user. At that moment, actions such as the choice of platform, as well as care with the layout are essential to retain the public. In general, a successful website should provide a pleasant experience for people, which allows for a higher number of conversions.

Conversion and retention to increase internet sales

In short, increasing sales on the internet requires a professional digital marketing strategy, which implies improving everything from the layout of your sales channel to techniques for monitoring and converting your target audience. Understand how this second step works:

Read too: LinkedIn Ads: learn why to invest in ads on this social network

  • Conversion: Now that you've seen what the ideal map is to get more engagement, it's time to think about lead conversion, that is, turning the user into a customer. Among the digital marketing strategies to facilitate sales are also the main payment gateways, making the public's experience more practical.
  • Retention: in addition to converting the target audience into sales, you need to think about how to keep them following your company's launches, establishing a stronger relationship with your persona. Among the possible actions are sending an email, WhatsApp or even a call, in addition to the essential strategy of monitoring the number of purchases made by each user.

Therefore, it is always valid to include these concepts in your company!

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Know what it is and what are the advantages of WhatsApp Pay

Released last Tuesday (4), WhatsApp Pay brings a new feature to the messaging app, financial transfers within the app. The feature will bring a series of benefits to everyday life, facilitating and streamlining the entire purchase process between family and friends, which will later include business owners, users of the business version of the platform. However, there are some specific rules that users should pay attention to.

Read too: LinkedIn Ads: learn why to invest in ads on this social network

Although it was introduced earlier this week, the feature will take some time to appear for everyone. Therefore, following the step by step to activate WhatsApp Pay will depend on application updates. Meanwhile, it is worth paying attention to some advantages of this technology for small businesses. In this context, it is worth mentioning the practicality of the tool, since payments may be less bureaucratic and simpler, facilitating collections and the relationship between customers.

In addition, no fees will be charged for transfers, thus making the function even more attractive. For the commercial sector, this advantage is innovative, contributing throughout the sales cycle. However, in order to make payments on WhatsApp, you must have an account with some of these specific banks:

  • Bank of Brazil (Visa)
  • Banco Inter (Mastercard)
  • Bradesco (Visa)
  • Itau (Mastercard)
  • Mercado Pago (Visa)
  • Next (Visa)
  • Nubank (Mastercard)
  • Sicredi (Mastercard and Visa)
  • Woop, the Sicredi (Visa) digital account

Step by step: how to activate WhatsApp Pay

In the version for conventional accounts, that is, without the business version, WhatsApp Pay allows up to 20 transfers per day and to activate it, the user must be aware of application updates. After checking if the technology is already available, just follow the simple settings for transfers. Just add the chosen debit card and register a PIN to use at the end of each transaction. 

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WhatsApp guarantees security throughout the procedure, as the in-app payment service has Facebook Pay, a functionality authorized by the Central Bank. Furthermore, all transfers require user authentication, reinforcing the credibility of the resource and, above all, of your company, strengthening communication with customers and streamlining the management of your business.