What is Lifetime Value (LTV) and why apply this concept to your brand?

Lifetime value (LTV) is a very simple concept. This is the total amount of profit or revenue – it is up to the company to determine which variable is most important to work on its strategies – obtained from a single customer during its entire lifetime. That is, a specific customer who buys your products annually will have a higher LTV than someone who buys every two years.

Read too: What is Branding and why does your company need it?

Why is Lifetime Value important?

It's important to have your customer's lifetime value at the tip of your pencil for very simple and practical reasons. First, because the cost of attracting a new customer can be five to seven times higher than that of keeping a loyal one, as pointed out by marketing theorist Philip Kotler in the late 1990s.

Another reason is that the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70% higher, as the article says Don't Get Lazy About Your Client Relationships published in Forbes, which cites data from the book Marketing Metrics. In contrast, the chances of selling to someone who has never used your product and/or service are 5 to 20%. In addition, existing customers are more willing to try new products compared to the public that does not consume your brand. There are estimates that point up to 50% more prone.

Read too: Better understand the difference between Target Audience and Persona

How to increase my client's Lifetime Value?

To increase your customer's LTV, you need to know them better than anyone else. That is, knowing your desires, needs, socioeconomic position, where you live and the entire booklet of your persona and/or target audience. What's more, hearing opinions about your product is essential to grow as a brand and gain competitiveness in the market.

By making a careful assessment of the answers obtained, the brand's strategic decisions will have a technical-numerical basis, which will actually serve the customer and will have many more chances of retaining him. After all, with the exception of price issues, nobody switches brands if they are fully satisfied with what is being offered.

Read too: Local Marketing: check out some tips that can help your business

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  1. The Evolution of Marketing 1.0 to 5.0
  2. Technology for humanity
  3. The Generation Gap – Marketing to Baby Boomers and Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha
  4. The influential digital subcultures: youth, women and netizens
  5. The new way of the consumer
  6. The Marketing Paradox for Connected Consumers
  7. Power shift to connected consumers
  8. How to create inclusiveness and sustainability for society
  9. How to make technology more personal, social and experimental
  10. The same strategy does not work for everyone
  11. Industry archetypes and best practices
  12. Customer experience (CX) – Machines are cool, but humans have emotions
  13. Human-centric marketing for brand attraction
  14. Omnichannel marketing for brand engagement
  15. Content marketing for brand curiosity
  16. Engagement Marketing for Brand Affinity
  17. Data-Driven Marketing – How to Create a Data Ecosystem for Better Target Market Selection
  18. Predictive Marketing – How to anticipate market demands with proactive actions
  19. Contextual Marketing – How to Create a Personalized Perception-and-Response Experience
  20. Augmented Marketing – How to deliver human interactions empowered by technology
  21. Agile Marketing – How to Run Bigger, Agile Operations

Receive weekly rich content on the main topics that address the 70 years of marketing evolution: from the focus on the product to the concept of human centrality.

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Alliance Comunicação is part of the UN Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative

Embark on this journey,


  1. The Evolution of Marketing 1.0 to 5.0
  2. Technology for humanity
  3. The Generation Gap – Marketing to Baby Boomers and Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha
  4. The influential digital subcultures: youth, women and netizens
  5. The new way of the consumer
  6. The Marketing Paradox for Connected Consumers
  7. Power shift to connected consumers
  8. How to create inclusiveness and sustainability for society
  9. How to make technology more personal, social and experimental
  10. The same strategy does not work for everyone
  11. Industry archetypes and best practices
  12. Customer experience (CX) – Machines are cool, but humans have emotions
  13. Human-centric marketing for brand attraction
  14. Omnichannel marketing for brand engagement
  15. Content marketing for brand curiosity
  16. Engagement Marketing for Brand Affinity
  17. Data-Driven Marketing – How to Create a Data Ecosystem for Better Target Market Selection
  18. Predictive Marketing – How to anticipate market demands with proactive actions
  19. Contextual Marketing – How to Create a Personalized Perception-and-Response Experience
  20. Augmented Marketing – How to deliver human interactions empowered by technology
  21. Agile Marketing – How to Run Bigger, Agile Operations





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