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Naming: learn about the different types and see some tips on how to create a brand name

Those who dedicate themselves to understanding a little more about communication processes know that understanding a message comes through different elements. However, it is difficult to point out one that is more important than the name. It is how you introduce yourself, become known and convey ideas when quoted, written or referenced. And in the case of companies it is no different. Understand a little more about naming and check out some tips on how to create a brand name.

Quite simply, naming is the process of creating names for brands, which indirectly includes communicating beyond it. When it doesn't make any sense, people rarely make automatic connections, as in the case of Apple, which is linked to the idea of knowledge. Therefore, we can say that choosing the name is the first, and one of the most important, steps in branding actions.

Read too: What is Branding and why does your company need it?

The process of creating names for companies must take into account legislation and the availability for creating virtual spaces. Breaking laws and committing other acts of bad faith do not bear good fruit and are charged sooner or later. With this, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors to arrive at the ideal name.

Naming is not done overnight.

Among the factors that must be taken into account are the public, concept, objectives, differentials, values, positioning and issues that are intended to be solved. In other words, the naming process is complex. But believe me, it's worth it. Check out the main elements to consider when creating a memorable name for a brand or product.

  • The name must be available;
  • Opt for something short and easy;
  • Think carefully about the meanings of the words;
  • Escape clichés and fads;
  • Affective and personal motivation are interesting, but beware;
  • Evaluate sound and writing;
  • Explore words in other languages.

Read too: Learn what SWOT is, a tool also known as FOFA

How to create a brand name? Know also the types of naming

It's not easy to come up with unique and dynamic ideas to find something that fits the market niche. Get to know the main types of naming, to think of some parallels that can help you in this important task.

● Descriptive: the descriptive name is the one that indicates what the company, product or service is or does. So, when hearing or reading it, people will immediately associate it.
E.g. Bank of Brazil.

● Experience: A brand name can also be chosen because of experience. In this case, it deals with the emotions and expectations provided by the brand.
E.g. the Amazon clothing brand.

● Invented: invented names may not refer to later experiences, but they certainly have their value. They are unique and, over time, gain strength in people's minds.
E.g. Häagen-Dazs.

● Toponymics: toponymic names make direct reference to the place of origin of the company or product.
Ex.: New York Times, Folha de S.Paulo.

● Patronymics: patronymic names, in turn, are based on names of persons.
Ex.: Colgate, Nestlé, Philips, Gillette, Ferrari and many others.

● Compound: already the compound names are the junction of two or more words for its composition.
Ex.: Gatorade is the fusion of the words Gator and Aid, which means “support for the Gators”, as an incentive to the football team of the University of Florida.

● abbreviated: the opposite can also occur, that is, with the abbreviation of another term, but with a unique sound.
Ex.: Intel, which is the shortening of the word “intelligence”.

● Suggestive: suggestive names are those that awaken the idea or memory of something.
Ex.: Antarctica, whose product is usually consumed chilled.

● Acronyms: another very common resource when creating names is a kind of abbreviation, the acronyms.
Ex.: SBT (Brazilian Television System), 3M (Minnesota, Mining and Manufacturing) and LG (Life's Good).

Read too: 9 tips on how to retain your customers

After all, how do you come up with a brand name and how do you know you made the right choice?

Naming is not magic. However, there is a methodology that can help in this task so as not to start from scratch. The first step is the investigation, moment to raise the attributes of the brand, as mission and values, cultural and geographic factors, as well as the target public.

Read too: Learn a little more about the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle

The second phase is the brainstorming phase. Promote a dynamic with those involved in the project by making a cloud of words that refer to the idea. Here, there is no need to restrict possible bad choices, the objective is precisely to let creativity flow, so that, then, in the filtering phase, the elimination of what did not work very well is done. Later, in the analysis stage, it is necessary to be a little more careful, answering some questions:

● Is it easy? Your name must be simple to pronounce and write;
● Is it impactful? It must stand out in the eyes of the consumer;
● Is it expressive? Another crucial naming factor is representing the purpose of the brand;
● Is it unique? It is essential to differentiate you from the competition;
● Is it memorable? The name should ring like a gong in the consumer's mind;
● Is it pleasant? The appearance of the name should also appeal to the audience;
● Is it available? Is the domain (URL) and top profiles available?;
● Is it traceable? Your brand must be found by people in the digital environment;
● Is it versatile? See if the name can be used elsewhere in the world, if there is interest in expansion.

Read too: Know what Performance Marketing is

Before putting the tips on how to create a brand name into practice, consider partnering with a communication agency.

Throughout this article, it is possible to observe that choosing a name for the brand is not a very simple task, as it involves several tests, application of techniques, in addition to all the bureaucratic part. Therefore, having a specialized and experienced team in this process can speed up a lot of things, in addition to ensuring that everything is being done in accordance with Brazilian legislation.

Last but not least, a communication agency or an internal team focused on the area will make all the difference for the construction of the visual identity, creation of social media with that name, as well as medium and long-term planning of marketing actions. , either online or offline campaigns, feasible with the budget available for such actions.

Alliance Comunicação has been in the market for over 10 years, offering the best solutions in the area to its customers, including Branding Management. Click here to learn more.

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Know what Performance Marketing is

Before buying an ad, the company conducts several surveys to find out which will be the best strategy. However, it is also necessary to know if the public was actually reached, otherwise all planning could be compromised. And this is exactly what Performance Marketing fits into.

To better understand the subject, it is necessary to know that this marketing category fits in the digital environment. Like the other strategies, the planning is aimed at reaching the greatest number of people, however, this case has a great differential.

Read too: Understand what Lifetime Value (LTV) is and why it is important to apply this concept to your brand

Unlike other strategies, Performance Marketing stands out for being advertising in the right place and at the right time, a method that allows you to save money on ads that never convert. By applying this methodology, it is possible to pay only when consumers engage with your ad, since the brand will know where to invest and what the exact results of that decision will be.

Check out some tips to implement Performance Marketing in your company

1. Define your segments precisely

The more specific your audience, the more specific your ad. And the more specific your ad is, the more relevant it is to your audience.

Read too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

2. Opt for SKAG

Simplicity is the best way. Therefore, avoid complicating too much when choosing keywords. As tempting as it may seem, placing a high number of keywords will only complicate your Performance Marketing strategy. The more keywords you choose, the more SERPs you'll ask Google to place you on. Choose 20, and you'll have a lot of words to work with in your sales copy.

Therefore, choose only one for each ad group (SKAGs).

Read too: What is Branding and why does your company need it?

3. Understand the importance of writing good headlines

As it is the first contact that the public has with your ad, it is essential that the title is eye-catching and holds it. It's also important to remember to be direct.

4. Go beyond Google and Facebook

You're probably advertising on Google and Facebook for the same reasons everyone else is. But if you take the time to explore smaller niche networks, you'll find platforms where your ads will generate an even greater ROI.

Read too: Better understand the difference between Target Audience and Persona

5. Buy the best times

Betting on an ad means bringing people to your site and eventually convincing them. Therefore, one of the most effective Performance Marketing strategies is to plan a good time for the ad to appear.

It is important to monitor the campaign and evaluate the best times. The afternoon period, for example, is much more likely to convert the public into new customers.

6. Use remarketing lists for Search Network Ads (RLSAs)

Bidding on broader terms may seem risky, but under certain circumstances, bidding on popular terms or competitor names can be a great idea.

RLSAs allow you to rank for the broadest terms for the consumers you are remarketing to. Therefore, your ad will appear to users who have visited your site before. This means you can bid on broad terms to maximize your reach and still avoid new costs, as your ad will only run to past visitors. Put what you've learned about Performance Marketing into practice!

Read too: Local Marketing: set up some tips that can help your business

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What is Branding and why does your company need it?

Since its emergence, marketing has gone through phases that revolve around three major disciplines: product, customer and brand management.

In this last aspect, one of the items that stands out the most is the visual identity, in which we relate the term brand to a logo, colors and symbols. However, its real meaning goes further.

See too: Better understand the difference between Target Audience and Persona

In reality, brand is the whole set of experiences and feelings that the consumer has experienced and created from your company, from his first impression, to what he saw and heard about it.

That is, everything that the individual experiences, added to the social, cultural and economic contexts, forms what we call a brand.

With the emergence of Branding, the main objective of brands that are attentive to marketing trends is to ensure that these experiences are positive, since it is the process of managing a brand, which includes everything from planning, going through structuring, to promoting it.

Positive experiences, the quality of its products and services, as well as customers' identification with its values will define whether or not the brand will become a market leader like Apple, Nike and Coca-Cola have become.

Read too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

From the practice of Branding it is possible to keep employees motivated, take care of the image and reputation of a brand, adapt its positioning and bring more and more visibility. Within this process there are some terms that need to be created and managed:

  1. Brand identity;
  2. Brand platform;
  3. Brand architecture;
  4. Brand extensions;
  5. Employer Branding;
  6. Brand perception;
  7. Brand consistency.

from the Branding, a brand can positively impact people's lives, without it, it's just names, and names don't sell, don't connect and don't relate to the public.

Read too: Content Marketing: understand why it is a relationship strategy.

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Better understand the difference between target audience and persona

When creating a business or rethinking a company's marketing actions, it is necessary to go through the definition of the target audience. However, in recent years, brands have been trying a new technical modality to get to know the customer better, the creation of a persona. Check out our content today and better understand the difference between target audience and persona and how both can be advantageous for your company. 

The target audience is used to define the consumer's socioeconomic status in order to start a marketing campaign. In this way, it brings very broad information such as gender, age, marital status, education, purchasing habits, in addition to the profession and region of the country where you live.

See too: Digital Marketing: trends your brand should pay attention to in 2020

More complex: persona brings information beyond the target audience

With digital networks and the high volume of data that companies can work with, the persona emerged, which is a more complex structure in relation to the target audience, since it is the profile of the ideal customer. Thus, in addition to what is already addressed by the target audience, in the persona it is possible to find: fictitious name, brief story about the persona's daily life, lifestyle, favorite social networks, as well as personal values, hobbies, doubts and ambitions. See this comparison, in topics, between target audience and persona.

Target Audience

  • marital status;
  • training;
  • gender;
  • buying habits;
  • age;
  • profession; It is
  • region of the country.


  • a fictitious name, to facilitate the connection;
  • a brief story about the persona's daily life;
  • profession;
  • buying habits;
  • Lifestyle;
  • favorite social networks;
  • hobbies;
  • values;
  • pain related to your product;
  • doubts;
  • ambitions.

Now that you know more about the difference between target audience and persona, check out this practical example of persona

Marcia is 37 years old, earns between R$ 10,000 and R$ 20,000 and works as an HR manager at a medium-sized technology company in São Paulo. In his daily life, he faces the difficulties of a lot of work for a team of only 1 employee and 1 intern. She is married, has a young son who has just started school, and her favorite social networks are Facebook and Instagram for her social life, and LinkedIn for recruiting professionals and keeping up with industry news. He likes to travel with his family and go to concerts on the weekends.

See too: Learn why it is important to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy, such as SEO

See what benefits and when to use the persona

  • Better language;
  • Which social networks to invest in ads;
  • What issues to address;
  • Optimal content formats;
  • Key words;
  • Which media to invest in;
  • Upsell and cross sell opportunities;
  • Best times to offer a product;
  • Style and periodicity of email marketing.

Thus, by creating a closer connection with the customer, the brand better understands their needs and is thus able to adopt a specific language to communicate with them, understand which social networks are worth investing in ads, choose the best time to offer a new product , as well as email marketing style and periodicity.

With this, your company's marketing becomes more sophisticated and customers are much more satisfied for having a brand that understands them and does what is necessary to meet their respective demands. Ready to put what you just learned about target audience and persona into practice in your company?

See too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

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Local marketing: check out some tips that can help your business

According to data from the consultancy Empresômetro released in February 2019, at least 13.5 million companies are classified as small in Brazil, which represents 70% of national enterprises. Among these millions are local initiatives dedicated to providing services and products to certain neighborhoods and regions. Faced with a reality in which consumers use digital channels to find somewhere that meets their respective needs, investing in local marketing can make a big difference.

Read too: Digital Marketing: 10 trends your brand should pay attention to in 2020

With that, one of the tools that can most help to put the brand name in evidence in the region is the Google My Business. With this feature – in which companies appear in a box on the first page of the search engine – the result related to your company happens through geolocation and can be accompanied by images, addresses, customer reviews, thus arousing interest in new people.

Also optimize your results on Google with SEO

When knowing the name of the company, one of the things that the user can do is search for a possible website of the brand. In this context, it is beneficial to meet some requirements, such as having a special layout for mobile devices, adopting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies, in addition to inserting a map with your location, phone number and WhatsApp contact link. Everything for the person to have at hand what he needs to contact your service immediately.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy, such as SEO

In addition to a good position on Google, the local business can also invest in specific content for Instagram and the Facebook page. On these platforms, it is possible to periodically post the services provided, the news, in addition to building a closer bond with customers, demonstrating that it is open to dialogue with people in the region, whether clarifying doubts or thanking for a compliment.

Local marketing in times of crisis

Currently, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, major brands and digital influencers have mobilized to encourage preference for local businesses, which, among companies, are the ones that have suffered the most from the impacts of the quarantine. With this, local marketing can be very useful in expanding the famous word of mouth and making the brand name reach more people.

Read too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

In addition, adapting the product portfolio, offering promotions and disclosing these news on social networks are often interesting ways to attract and retain customers. However, adopting a good tone is as important as the publications themselves. Therefore, having a communication agency can be essential to help your business in these times and gain credibility in the region.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use Whatsapp Business and optimize your company communication

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How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

The coronavirus crisis will test us all, but business owners need to think long term and continue to build their brands, protect their people and honor their values. And nothing better than having a Comunication agency by your side in this very complex moment.

If you work with different sales channels and/or different products, start measuring which ones are more or less affected by the crisis right now. Chances are, you'll have to make changes to your digital marketing strategy, channels, and product distribution at breakneck speed. Having these numbers at hand will help you make more assertive decisions.

It may seem silly at first, but your dedication (especially if you are the sole manager of the business) will be highly responsible for the success of your actions.

Planning your return to the market, thinking about new ways of distribution and focusing efforts on customer service can put you in an advantageous position when the market returns to normal. Therefore, no arms crossed. It's time to work!

First wash your hands!

primeira fase - dicas de planejamento
marketing digital

Talk to your consumer

It is necessary to understand the scenarios, whether by chat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. It is worth asking how the customer is doing, how he prefers the delivery to be carried out… This relationship is very important now.

marketing digital

Adapt the operation

Focusing on new delivery partnerships and strengthening the delivery service is a good option. It is time to reinvent the business. It is possible to review the approach and not miss the opportunity.

marketing digital

Order, coordination and planning

These are the key words to go through a crisis. You need to plan your actions and evaluate all scenarios. Nothing leaves the paper without having been validated within a planning beforehand. Plan everything. This type of data will give you the necessary security to make decisions.

marketing digital

Financial control

As you may have noticed, during a crisis everything changes too fast! It is also important that you know exactly how much cash flow and financial reserve you have to maintain your operation in case things get complicated.

marketing digital

rethink your prices

In general, product pricing involves some basic rules. You need to take into account issues such as your market price and company expenses. The pandemic of the new coronavirus, however, brings a different context for entrepreneurs. Even resorting to deliveries, the tendency is for it to be more difficult to maintain the pace of sales as before. It is also worth resorting, to a lesser or greater extent, to more attractive promotions and conditions, such as free deliveries.


In addition to reviewing its product/service portfolio, new customer needs create innovation opportunities for its business. Don't get focused on defensive actions. Take this moment to innovate around emerging opportunities. Keep an eye on the signals your consumer will give.

segunda fase - invista em marketing digital

At a time when the customer has withdrawn and is practically reclusive at home, small business owners need to use digital marketing to reach the public. Use technology to your advantage!

Announcement and positioning

The first step is to make it clear that you care about the safety of your employees, customers and stakeholders. Use the power of your blog and das social media to make publications informing the adopted solutions. You can also rely on an email marketing strategy to expand this message.

Use the power of videos

Record videos showing the public the procedures you are carrying out to ensure everyone's safety. Ideally, the video should be as illustrative as possible. In addition, have a positive positioning, showing that you are always available to your customers and partners.

offer contents of value

What people are most looking for right now is a little comfort and a way to reduce uncertainties. So it's time to take even lighter strategies. Offer content to customers without the intention of selling immediately, focusing on building a relationship that can later bear fruit.

Humanize your brand

Sharing the behind-the-scenes of your business can also help you better connect with customers – and provide a foundation for supporting them. It is also worth sharing the pains of the business, such as the challenge of facing this crisis. People have a fondness for local businesses.

Invest in lead generation

Broadly speaking, leads can be defined as people (or companies) who came into contact with your company and have the potential to become customers. Even if they don't close a deal now, having this base of people can generate results in the medium and long term. One of the common ways to generate leads is to offer something of value, such as content, through a lead.

invest in adverts 

While long-term relationship building is important, short-term strategies help to gain momentum at this time. One of the possibilities is to invest in advertisements on online platforms, such as Google and the social networks themselves.

Set goals – and measure the results

For advertisements, communication or any other strategy to work, you must first have well defined your objectives. Data analysis is especially useful at this time, helping to define strengths and weaknesses and map out next decisions.

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Check out 10 trends in Digital Marketing that your brand should pay attention to in 2020

Unlike some areas that take years and years to consolidate trends, digital marketing is one of those areas where you must always be aware of technological innovations. Otherwise, brands are easily left behind and become less competitive. That's why we've listed some of the media and platforms your brand should pay more attention to in 2020, to follow Digital Marketing trends.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy, such as SEO

Don't Ignore Instagram

Currently being one of the social networks with the highest retention in Brazil, Instagram is a platform that has a very interesting proposal for approaching the public, thus having great potential to attract new customers and pass on the brand's values through content on a daily basis. In addition, Google Ads and other resources are expected to migrate to Instagram advertising, thus leaving the platform's terrain even more fertile for content marketing.

More real social networks

Until a few years ago, it was very common for brands to be concerned with building millimetrically impeccable feeds. However, what agencies have observed is that the public interacts better with publications that are closer to ordinary people, that is, without corporatism or the use of super elaborate layouts. Thus, a trend that can be observed in this year of Digital Marketing is the growth of posts with relaxed content in real time, thus resulting in greater public identification with the brand.

More interaction on your social networks

Taking advantage of this hook of strengthening the relationship with the public, also use social media publications to invite your followers to comment, so the brand can be more successful on social media and reach more people in an organic way, that is, without sponsorship Ads. If on Facebook you can make posts to generate comments and the most diverse reactions, on Instagram, encourage people to save your posts.

However, don't forget the Stories, in this tool, users can react to your content, whether it's more relaxed or serious.

whatsapp business

Last week we published an article talking about how to use WhatsApp Business. One of the cited advantages of this media is that it can reach a large number of people, as it is one of the platforms with the most active users in Brazil. Therefore, it is essential to take advantage of this application to list your products or services and communicate directly with customers.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use Whatsapp Business and optimize your company's communication

Give LinkedIn a chance

Before starting to invest content on LinkedIn, you need to know whether or not your audience uses the platform. Being more recommended for B2B, corporate and HR professionals, a feature that is worth noting in the coming months is the possibility of live that the platform is developing. Thus, it will be possible to produce dense content in a much more dynamic and efficient way.

Follow Alliance Comunicação on LinkedIn, Click here!

From Google to social networks

Still talking about social networks, in 2020 a feature should arrive that will liven up social media. This is because it is planned to incorporate content generated on social networks into Google results. That is, posts made on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can reach an audience beyond their respective users and thus enhance the ranking of brands that already have a history of producing content on blogs, for example.

More media for blogs

Blogs are one of the main tools of content marketing. However, in addition to helping the site's organic ranking in the medium and long term, this content tends to gain a new prop, audio text. The resource also has the advantage of democratizing the material, as people who are deaf or have other limitations will have efficient access to what is being discussed.

Podcasts are also among the trends in Digital Marketing

Continuing with the audio subject, it is impossible not to talk about the phenomenon of podcasts. According to a Spotify survey carried out at the end of 2019, consumption of this content model has grown by 21% per month since January 2018.

One of the main advantages of this medium is that it can be consumed by the public during working hours, at the gym or performing another mechanical task. In this way, the podcast can capture other groups and, consequently, gain new customers who share their ideas.

data protection

The General Data Protection Law should come into force this year. With that in mind, this is a key moment to talk to customers about the use of their data. The idea is for companies to transparently inform their customers about what will be done with the information provided and leave the unsubscribe option always open.

2020 Olympics in Japan

Nowadays, in addition to being a big event, sporting events are the time to see different ideas in action. With that, it's pretty cool that brands keep an eye on the trends of the Olympics in Japan, which should launch trends in digital arts, automation and everything else that can be used as a digital marketing strategy.

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Practical and dynamic: see how to use WhatsApp Business and optimize your company's communication

This Wednesday (12), WhatsApp announced that it reached the mark of 2 billion users worldwide. However, the platform's high volume of membership is not just an international phenomenon. In 2018, the Folha de S.Paulo released a number indicating that Brazil had at least 120 million active users. Based on this reality, which has changed the way of communicating in recent years, many companies have seen the application as an opportunity to better communicate with the public. Although it was launched two years ago in Brazil, many still wonder how to use WhatsApp Business and what are its advantages. Check out our content today and understand.

Read too: Find out about the changes to Facebook Messenger that will take effect from March onwards for business pages

Just like the conventional version of the application, when opening WhatsApp Business for the first time it will be necessary to inform the mobile number that you want to use to manage the new profile. With this, the user can easily choose a separate chip, to make the complete separation of the personal account from the professional one.

After that, it is necessary configure the information for this new profile, which includes the name of the business that will appear to customers and the selection of the category it belongs to (automotive, entertainment, beauty, spa and salon, among others). Thus, WhatsApp Business will be ready to be used.

How to use WhatsApp Business? Platform offers more refined functions

When entering the menu Company adjustments, the user can find functions that help even more, such as the possibility of creating a product catalog with description, price and image. Already in the option Hang tags, it is possible to manage the status of each customer, using markers such as “order completed” or “payment pending”.

Another very useful option is generating a short WhatsApp Business URL to place on your website. When clicking on it, the customer is automatically directed to the platform's conversation window, thus not needing to add the company's contact number on the cell phone to then make contact.

More improved response time

As an important customer service tool (SAC), it is essential to respond within a reasonable time, so that the customer does not feel ignored. In this way, the professional profile can standardize a greeting or absence message, which can be sent even outside office hours.

In addition, there is also the option to formulate quick responses, which can be sent through simple shortcuts on the screen. Thus, it is possible to answer in a very practical way the price of a service or inform the opening hours of the establishment, for example.

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Report points out that consumers are more loyal to companies with a good ethical reputation

A survey of more than 8,000 consumers worldwide indicates that customers tend to continue to have high expectations regarding engagement, business values and brand reliability. The scenario, presented by the third edition of the State of the Connected Customer based on responses from people in 16 countries, it also raises the point that issues such as ethical reputation and social responsibility are gaining increasing importance.

Read too: Why should companies dedicate energy to their Sustainability Reports?

According to the report, just over 70% of respondents are placing more importance on reliability than a year ago, while 54% say it is more difficult for a company to earn their trust today. The study was also concerned with accounting for whether the opposite effect has occurred, that is, whether consumers have stopped buying branded products due to lack of confidence, and 65% stated that yes. 

A brand's ethical reputation also depends on how well it knows its consumer.

“Brands need to position themselves differently, they have to show that they are doing their part and that they share the same anxieties and concerns [of the public], that they really know their consumer. For this, it is necessary to clearly define its identity and strengthen it in the construction of an image with meaning incorporated into the company's vision and values", explains Renato Vincoletto, CCO of Alliance Comunicação.

Another data from State of the Connected Customer attests that 80% of the consulted consumers are faithful to ethical companies and 68% do not buy from institutions that have a tarnished image.

“A new era is being born, as a moment that demands courage from brands to review some paradigms, question hierarchies, broaden horizons and reassess their relationships in a movement towards the future”, completes Renato Vincoletto.

Read too: Why it's important to have an accessible web platform for PwDs

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Content marketing: understand why it is a relationship strategy

Currently, experience and interactivity are essential points in companies' digital marketing strategies. More than communicating correctly, it is necessary to learn how to relate to the public, encouraging the multiplication of the message you want to convey.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a digital marketing strategy, such as SEO

That's because, the information age has changed the way people communicate. Brands attentive to the new market demand have behaved like people, in an accessible, kind, but also vulnerable way, becoming an integral part of the consumer's lifestyle. To create this relationship, a lot of dialogue is needed, and content plays a fundamental role in this dynamic between brand and consumer.

This approach is intended to create, select, distribute and amplify through interesting, relevant and useful messages for a strategically defined audience. In addition, another detail that makes all the difference when communicating is loading the content with the brand identity, creating narratives – storytellings – that connect.

To get an idea of the importance of content marketing, according to data from Content Trends, 73% of Brazilian companies already adopt this methodology in their customer acquisition strategy and 61.8% of those that do not yet use it intend to adopt it soon.

Content strategy planning

Definition of Personas

The concept of persona is totally different from target audience. While the target audience is based on a description of a demographic group you're looking to target, the persona is a description of your ideal customer. The idea is to identify common traits among them that should be repeated in future customers.


The goal is to create interesting content that will make the reader (prospect or customer) return to your site often and become familiar with your brand. Some examples of content that can be produced are blog posts, articles, materials, videos, video lessons, rich content, podcasts, ebooks, whitepapers, infographics, webinars, testimonials and customer cases.


One of the most important points is choosing which customer acquisition channels to invest in. That is, where you will distribute your content. The main acquisition channels that currently exist are blogs, ads, social networks, email, sponsored posts, among other resources.

Content marketing combined with SEO brings long-term results

One of the tools used in this strategy is the production of informative content using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, which help the site rank in search engines such as Google. That is, a text not focused on selling services, but on answering questions or giving tips, thus transmitting messages of value to both loyal customers and potential customers and, consequently, winning them over.

The result time of an efficient SEO varies from company to company, given that factors such as location, whether it is a local business or not, market in which it operates, choice of keywords, content size and format, review, scanability and optimization for search engines influence the period of results.

However, it is also worth mentioning that the tool works cumulatively, that is, the six-month ranking will be much weaker compared to that of a page that has been online for a year. For this, some internal cases were selected to demonstrate how this strategy works organically over time.

Cases Alliance Communication

In the first case, it is a laundry specialized in cleaning industrial uniforms in the state of São Paulo. In the graph, it is possible to check the increasing number of times that a company page appeared on Google for a person between the months of February and November 2019, thus reaching the gross result of 38.7 thousand impressions and almost 1,300 organic hits.

The second image accounts for a total of 102,000 impressions in a year and almost four thousand hits. In this case, it is a group specialized in the management of industrial waste and environmental studies services in the Rio-São Paulo axis.

An interesting parallel to make is with this other company that operates in the same waste market, with the difference of focusing its services on the region of Belo Horizonte (MG) and having been generating content with SEO for three years. Tempo guaranteed more than half a million total impressions, a result five and a half times greater than the previous case. Totaling more than 31,000 organic hits.

Finally, in this case there are a total of 2.02 million page impressions, totaling more than 115 thousand accesses to the website of this company that has been investing in content marketing for six years. The company is an e-commerce company in São Paulo specialized in selling oranges with the concept farm to table.

According to SEO Trends, one of the largest sources of data on the subject, companies that invest in the strategy and conquer a space on the first page of Google get 13 times more visitors and five times more customers compared to those that do not use SEO.

More benefits of Content Marketing

  • Increases your website traffic;
  • Generates brand awareness;
  • Increases engagement with the brand;
  • Educates the market;
  • Gain authority on the subject;
  • Influences the purchase decision;
  • Generate sales;
  • Boosts lead generation;
  • Increases lifetime value (LTV);
  • Increases customer engagement;
  • Reduces Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

Although this strategy can bring very good results for the company, it is worth mentioning that the text is directed to people who have critical opinions and not to a search engine. Therefore, do your best to reconcile a good user experience with Google ranking, always prioritizing the reader who will consume the content.

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