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LinkedIn Ads: learn why to invest in ads on this social network

LinkedIn Ads doesn't appear among the first choices of those thinking about advertising on digital platforms, but this can be a big strategic mistake. After all, this tool favors the creation of an environment conducive to new partnerships and any type of B2B interaction, which can increase the average sales ticket and the quality of the company's Leads.

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In the social network, it is possible to find more than 630 million active professionals, with more than 46 million in Brazil alone. This means that it is possible to find, basically, representatives of any niche market with which you want to do business. Most of these professionals occupy positions on the boards of companies, as area managers or owners of the business itself. 

In addition to the choice of suppliers, users have great earning potential for your brand, since LinkedIn's audience has twice as much purchasing power as the internet average.

LinkedIn Ads

4 tips to leverage LinkedIn Ads in your marketing strategy

Discover some ways to use LinkedIn Ads to get more expressive results and insights for your business. 

1. Take advantage of Sponsored InMail to get to know your audience better

Sponsored Inmail is a LinkedIn Ads format that allows you to have a direct conversation with potential consumers on topics of interest to them and strategic for your business. Therefore, use this channel to prove yourself useful to the audience, that is, open to feedback on products or services, in addition to being helpful, answering any questions that may arise. 

2. Take tests to understand the acceptance of your product or service

One way to validate a new service or product is to assess whether it is accepted by the target audience. In this way, A/B tests can be important allies to get these answers. 

However, in addition to a simple campaign budget improvement, A/B testing can also be used to evaluate two products that are similar or that are aimed at the same audience of interest. Thus, the company is able to know which one has greater acceptance with consumers and prioritize its communication or launch. 

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3. Invest in retargeting to increase the chances of conversion

The typical B2B shopper needs to consume seven to 10 pieces of content about a given product before making a purchase. According to LinkedIn itself, this happens because, many times, purchase decisions in B2B are voluminous and complex, that is, it deals with high budgets.

This means that it is necessary to invest part of the budget in showing ads to people who have previously interacted with their content, which can be done through a retargeting strategy based on Leads generated in the company's newsletter registrations, in other social networks, on other ad platforms or who have already purchased from the company's website. 

4. Take advantage of the possibilities of LinkedIn Ads to expand your audience

Even if it is more economical to sell to old customers, it is common for brands to also want to increase their customer base and market presence, reaching new consumers. With that in mind, LinkedIn Ads offers some possibilities to help with this task. 

The first is the audience expansion feature, which makes it possible to target ads to users similar to the target audience. In addition, LinkedIn Ads is a complete tool that allows you not only to advertise on the network's website and application, but also to take these ads to more than 2000 other business-focused pages, a portfolio known as the LinkedIn Audience Network. 

Publishing ads there means reaching new people and engaging the target audience wherever they are.

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Learn what are the main Google Analytics reports and why to follow them

Google Analytics reports are a great resource to not only track the performance of e-commerce, but also to obtain insights that can offer improvements in the digital marketing strategies used so far, to relate to visitors and sell products online.

Read too: Understand the difference between metrics and KPIs

In addition to common metrics such as number of visitors and average ticket, for example, it is possible to use the resource to generate reports with information that allow a greater understanding of user behavior in the virtual store, in addition to identifying possible errors.

Key Google Analytics Reports

Google Analytics offers a world of possibilities to monitor e-commerce performance and find out everything about the users browsing the page. In this scenario, creating reports can be a daunting task, especially for those just starting out, but there is general information that can help in most cases. 

Acquisition overview

The user acquisition report is one of the most important in Google Analytics, as it provides an overview of how many people are accessing the site in a given period, and how the user experience is, based on factors such as:

  • Engagement rate;
  • Length of stay in website sessions;
  • Origin of media channels;
  • Hours of greater access.

Engagement and performance reports

The engagement and performance report serves to show, in detail, which are the most accessed and viewed products in the virtual store. By configuring the dashboard overview by selecting user engagement, you can learn information such as:

  • Most accessed pages of the site;
  • Engagement by campaign/product;
  • Screen views per user;
  • Number of engaged people who convert into sales;
  • Products viewed more often and for longer.

Read too: Know what Performance Marketing is

monetization reports

Monitoring sales performance is extremely important for any entrepreneur and, using Google Analytics, it is possible to generate customized reports to find out which transactions were made in a given period, which items were most purchased, which revenue estimate and the results that appeared. from campaigns. In addition, it is also possible to know the exact time between viewing and completing the purchase of a product.

Consumer behavior reports

In the retention overview report, you can map how many users came to the site for the first time and demonstrated engagement. It is also possible to find out how mobile is performing and how many people access the site from their cell phones or computers when they discover the store. 

In addition, it is possible to have access to the percentage of visitors who return to the site every day or who access the e-commerce site frequently, in the same way that it is possible to know which people accessed the site once and never returned. 

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Facebook creates calendar to support diversity campaigns

Discussions about diversity have gained more and more space in the public sphere, which is directly reflected in advertising. With that in mind, brands have developed some strategies to align with current demands, as is the case with Facebook. Recently, the company launched a calendar corresponding to the first quarter of 2021, featuring the main dates related to the theme, inspiring other corporations to promote diversity campaigns.

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The calendar is part of the program Ads For Equality of Facebook, which seeks to encourage representativeness in advertising campaigns, generating greater identification on the part of the public. According to a report from the same program, named as Data, Diversity and Representation, there is much room for improvement when it comes to diversity, which is expressed, for example, in the automobile sector. 

The research points out that, in 85% of the Jeep brand advertisements, the protagonist is a man. However, gender inequality is not the only thing to be overcome in advertising campaigns. In segments of Fashion and Behavior or even Technology, there is a lack of representation of bodies and race.

campanhas de diversidade

Q1 dates for diversity campaigns

Regarding the Facebook calendar, the Q1 2021 dates useful for exploring diversity in your business are:

  • 01/04 – World Braille Day;
  • 01/24 – World Day of African and Afro-descendant Culture;
  • 01/02 – Advertising Day;
  • 07/02 – National Day of Struggle of Indigenous Peoples;
  • 02/28 – World Rare Disease Day;
  • 08/03 – International Women's Day;
  • 03/15 – Consumer Day.

Read too: Know what Performance Marketing is

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Clubhouse: get to know the new audio conversation social network

Clubhouse is an audio conversation platform, more specifically aimed at creating rooms that enable direct conversations between a group of people or between a speaker and a group. It works like an open podcast, where anyone can listen to the audio chats that are running. 

Read too: Connect your company: find out which social networks are most used in Brazil in 2020

Rooms can be created for a number of purposes, including chatting with friends, thematic discussions, open-format digital panels, planning an event or just meeting people. The platform also offers private chats and clubs dedicated to a specific subject. 

Clubhouse was launched in early 2020 in an “extended” beta format and today has over 600,000 users and is valued at approximately US1TP4Q100 million. 

Read too: Learn the main digital marketing trends for 2021


How does the Clubhouse work?

At Clubhouse, chat rooms have a predetermined time by the creator and there is no option to record or save conversations, or leave them stored on the platform. The rooms can have up to five thousand simultaneous participants, and the creator can control the authorization to use the microphone.

To get an invitation, you don't need to have a friend on the platform, just download the app and join a waiting list synchronized with your phone contacts. 

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See why the PIX is advantageous for your e-commerce

Unlike DOC or TED transactions, PIX is a resource that allows people – both individuals and legal entities – to make payments at any time of the day, with the difference that payment falls at the same time, even on weekends and holidays. 

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With PIX, those who sell a product receive the money immediately and those who pay do not have to pay extra transfer or bank slip fees. That is, in addition to a simple, practical and fast payment, another advantage of this format is the economy. 

PIX was created to provide endless advantages for consumers and sellers, including:

  • Less unnecessary fees and interest;
  • More practicality when paying;
  • Agility in the transaction and focus on instant payment;
  • More alternatives for the customer to choose the best payment method;
  • Simplicity when paying: just enter your CPF and e-mail;
  • Intuitive transaction: it is possible to pay with QR Code in the case of physical stores.

Advantages of PIX in e-commerce

The main impact of PIX on e-commerce is to transform the buying process into something more intuitive. Consumers make the purchase and payment is identified at the time by the seller who already speeds up the production, packaging and shipping of the product. Among the advantages of joining the PIX are:

Payment received on time

The customer makes the payment at any time of the day and, in seconds, the amount is already in the seller's account, which is an advantage for both sides, since the purchase is confirmed instantly, speeding up the production and shipment of the product. 

Ease of ordering and delivery

Normally, shipment is only confirmed after proof of payment. With PIX, this process is simpler and faster, providing greater customer satisfaction. 

PIX e-commerce

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Cash flow improvements

For retailers, maintaining an active cash flow is challenging, especially when the operation involves paying for merchandise, suppliers, raw materials and staff salaries. In that case, in particular, PIX is a great alternative.

Purchase one click away

According to a survey published by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) in early 2020, four out of ten Brazilians shop online and, it seems, people will continue shopping online even after the pandemic. With the PIX, consumers can shop online directly from their cell phones. 

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Are you familiar with App Store Optimization (ASO)?

App Store Optimization (ASO), translated, means optimization in the app store. who works with seo strategies have heard of this term to attract visitors to a website from organic search on Google. It is no different in the world of applications, it is necessary to use optimization mechanisms so that the app is attractive and appears strategically for the user to download. 

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Nowadays, with so many application options, investing in good positioning practices is a necessity, since the more visible it is to people, the greater the chances of return not only in number of installations, but also financially.

How to do a good ASO job?

Data from the Usage of Apps in Brazil study, by Opinion Box in partnership with Mobile Team, revealed that 50% of Brazilians who use apps have already purchased something within an app. Therefore, doing a good ASO job to make people interested in downloading your app and prioritizing the creation of applications that provide a good user experience is essential. 

There are some tips that can help you understand these and other issues to improve app optimization:

Use strategic keywords for your APP

Just like Google's search engines, it's important to research which are the most strategic keywords for your business niche, that is, the most sought after by people who need the offered solution. 


choose a good icon

There's no point in choosing the best keywords to promote the app's proposal if its visual identity communicates something else. Creating an icon is as important as a good name, and both aspects are essential to validate effectiveness in the ASO.

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Create an impactful description

The description helps in positioning the application and a good text is always a great opportunity to get ahead of competitors, so: 

  • Use the right keywords;
  • Highlight the benefits of the application;
  • Use few words;
  • Prioritize an impactful message;
  • Use a Call To Action to trigger a user action.

Invest in mobile UX

The user needs to have a good experience for him to recommend the application to his contact wheel. Developing a good app and gaining positive fame on the App Store goes beyond creation and promotion, it needs a mobile UX, so that people evaluate the app correctly. 

To provide a successful experience for the user, it is necessary to think about some factors such as simplicity, ease of navigation, size of occupation in the cell phone memory and readability of the content.

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Connect your company: find out which social networks are most used in Brazil in 2020

The year 2020 generated significant changes in the digital habits of people around the world. With the new coronavirus pandemic, the consumption of information by social media increased significantly and ended up generating changes in the ranking of social media most used in Brazil, according to the October 2020 report produced by We Are Social and Hootsuite.

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The most current data shows that Brazilians spend, on average, 3 hours and 31 minutes a day on social networks, and this has increased over the past year. In addition to the time spent on social networks having changed, another novelty, such as TikTok, has conquered people from all over the country. 

The 10 most used social networks in Brazil in 2020

At the Digital marketing, social networks are important channels to reach the target audience. And, in order to identify which audiences for a brand can be greater and make good use of it, it is necessary to know the most popular ones and those with the highest number of users. 

Below is the ranking of the 10 most used social networks in Brazil during the past year: 


O Facebook returned to first place in Brazil in 2020, and continues to be the category platform most used by the world's population with more than 2.7 billion active accounts, 130 million of which are Brazilian. 

It is a comprehensive and versatile social network, which brings together many features in one place, from generating business, getting information to meeting people. That's why, for companies that invest in Inbound Marketing, it's practically impossible not to be on Facebook.


O Whatsapp is the most popular instant messaging social network among Brazilians, with 120 million accounts. In addition to being a very simple tool for conversation, the app allows for more direct contact with the company. Through it, it is possible to advertise products, schedule services and even answer customer questions.

redes sociais mais utilizadas no Brasil


In the previous edition of the ranking, the youtube had passed Facebook and become the most used social network in Brazil, being the main one for online videos today, with more than 2 billion active users and more than 1 billion hours of videos viewed daily. 

As the video format for sharing content is becoming more and more popular, YouTube is a great option for brands that want to distribute this type of content. 


O Instagram was one of the first social networks exclusively accessible via cell phones. Although nowadays it is possible to view publications on a computer, their format continues to be aimed at mobile devices. According to the study carried out by We Are Social and for hootsuit, the platform is the fourth most used network in Brazil, with 95 million users. 

Therefore, having an Instagram account is an opportunity to disseminate content visually and humanize the brand, as Instagram is increasingly focused on providing purchases and sales within the platform itself through its new feature, the Instagram Shopping. 

facebook messenger

The app has some very interesting features for the company, such as bots and smart replies. With this, your business gains agility, professionalism and a higher level of satisfaction from the public and potential customers. In addition, the platform has a story function, which can be used to promote a product or service. Precisely because of its integration with Facebook, Messenger is estimated to have millions of Brazilian users. 

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The largest social network aimed at professionals has become increasingly similar to other networks, such as Facebook, with the difference that the focus is on professional contacts. Another differential is the communities, which bring together those interested in a specific theme, profession or niche. 

In 2020, the crisis generated by the pandemic ended up leading many people to join Linkedin looking for a job. In this way, the social network grew and became the sixth most used in Brazil, with 46 million active users. 


A brand does not need to create folders on pinterest only with own content. The use of this platform by your business can be through the selection of images that demonstrate the soul of the brand, that help in building it and can be a gateway for people to get to know the company. In addition, you can create sponsored pins that appear more prominently in users' feeds. 

The social network has tripled the number of users in Brazil in recent times, reaching 38 million. 


Twitter reached its peak in 2009 and since then it has been in decline. However, in 2020, the social network grew with people looking for faster news updates. If you consider only active users, there are 16.6 million Brazilian tweeters.

Nowadays, the social network is mainly used as a second screen, where users discuss and comment on what they are watching, posting comments on reality shows, news, football matches and other programs. 


TikTok is today one of the most used apps in Brazil by celebrities, teenagers, comedians and companies, but the social network does not disclose the exact numbers of users. 

At the beginning of the year, there were 7 million Brazilian users, a number that has certainly grown. A recent report points out that TikTok earned another 6 million in October, when the app broke world records. However, in September, a study showed that 3.5 million Brazilians downloaded the application, reaching a total of 16.5 million.


Snapchat was considered the symbol of post-modernity for its proposal of content that disappears in a few hours after publication. In Brazil, there are approximately 11 million users, placing the social network among the 10 most used in the country. 

Snapchat's audience is very specific, made up of hyperconnected young people. For companies, the application serves to engage users in events, for example, creating filters with images based on geolocation. 

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Instagram Shopping: discover the functions of the new feature of the social network

Social networks, especially Instagram, have always been places that served as inspiration for users on different subjects, ranging from fashion trends to travel and decoration. With that in mind, Instagram decided to unite the brands' need to sell with the consumer's desire to buy in a new feature that contributes to the shopping experience without leaving the platform: Instagram Shopping.

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Instagram Shopping is a tool designed to allow brands to create a virtual storefront within the social network, where followers can view and buy products without leaving the app. With it, it is possible for companies to tag their products in feed posts.

According to Instagram itself, the platform is a space accessed by 70% of fashion admirers to discover new products. Furthermore, 87% of users have already made purchases inspired by the content of an influencer.

What features are available on Instagram Shopping?


The main way to sell on Instagram Shopping is by creating an online store within the social network. For this, brands need to register the products that will be shown to their followers. Stores are accessible to users through a button on the brand profile or through the “Shop” tab.

store collections

Collections are a type of album that collect various products together, for example, collection of gift items, summer clothing collection, collection of home products, etc. There are two places where the buyer can find the collections, in the store tab or in the tabs area within the brand profile.

price tags

Price tags can be placed in feed posts or ads so that when the user sees the product in the image, he already knows the price. Furthermore, by clicking on the displayed price, the follower is directed to the product details page. 

Instagram Shopping

Product detail pages

When clicking on a product, Instagram Shopping offers a page with item details. There, it is possible to provide the user with a description of the product, available sizes and information on the exchange and shipping policy.

product launches

In this feature, the brand can create stories to announce upcoming releases. As with the countdown stickers, followers will be able to set reminders to be notified about the availability of the new product. In addition, by clicking on the launch sticker, you can see details of what will be sold.

live sales

On Instagram Shopping, it is possible to make a product available for purchase during a live. It will appear just below the comments already with a button to add the product to the cart.

Read too: How to create a relevant profile for your business on Instagram

What are the requirements to access Instagram Shopping?

To be able to sell through Instagram Shopping, you need to follow some rules of the social network: 

  • Your business needs to be on the list of markets supported by the tool;
  • Your Instagram account needs to be business or content creator;
  • Your business must have a product eligible for the platform;
  • The brand must comply with Facebook's Merchant Agreement and Commerce Policies;
  • The brand must have a website domain from which it intends to make sales.
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Learn the main digital marketing trends for 2021

The year 2020 was marked by the challenges and opportunities caused by the new coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, more and more companies have migrated to the online universe, while business strategies have been adjusted. With the end of the year approaching, it is important to start thinking about managing new projects and pay attention to digital marketing trends for 2021.

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These trends include a lot of news and different ways of dealing with online marketing, even due to the new technologies that emerged during the pandemic. There will be changes in terms of tools, strategies, resource allocation and even the way some classic tools work. 

Technologies stand out among digital marketing trends for 2021

The digital transformation has changed the way companies relate to their customers and do business and this will certainly only increase in the next year. Check out the main technology trends for 2021 that your company needs to be aware of:

1) Improved retention through segmentation

Satisfied customers tell their friends and provide referrals to help raise the company's capital. Additionally, they are likely to give honest and direct feedback on improvements to the brand. 

Therefore, it is extremely important to keep them informed about organizational changes or processes through email marketing or social media interaction. By gathering data and segmenting customers, the company has the opportunity to save costs when delivering services and products. In addition, it is possible to direct them more economically, allowing to increase investments in digital marketing. 

2) Google My Business

Keeping Google My Business up to date helps you get important information about hours of operation, location, and services. 

Having a geographically defined service area helps the company appear in “near me” searches, this is because search engines prioritize this information in their algorithms.

3) Automation in Google Ads

The professionals in charge of managing Google Ads campaigns constantly adjust these ads, keywords and bids to get the most out of your advertising spend, but these adjustments cost hours and management fees. 

Automated bidding makes it possible for Google to automate past moves to adjust ads in real time. While these bids are nothing new, the continued improvements made especially in 2019 mean they will be a strong digital marketing trend for 2021.

4) Semantic Search

In the future, the SEO universe will be shaped by the way people search for things on the internet. While this sounds relatively simple, it boils down to something a little more complex: semantics.

Starting in 2021, semantic search will be the way search engines use the immense array of data available to determine the intent, context, and meaning needed to find the most relevant content possible. In short, semantic search is how Google's algorithm can take an incomplete, grammatically incorrect, and seemingly random search and find exactly what the user is looking for. Semantic search encompasses both UX and SEO.

Read too: How to use Pinterest in your company's Digital Marketing strategy

5) Marketing automation

Digital marketing trends for 2021 show that next year promises to bring even more technologies, such as tools that will allow for better personalization and customization of advertising. The company will be able to target a potential customer's actions or interests with highly strategic, cost-effective and personalized messages. 

Considering the current scenario where digital traffic has increased a lot since the implementation of the home office, automation can help the company to sell more, relate and keep its loyal customers. 

6) Chatbots

Chatbots are proving to be very useful in providing better customer experiences and at the same time delivering benefits for businesses as: 

  • Takes the pressure off the customer service team when dealing with simple-to-solve issues;
  • They are great for lead generation, helping the sales team to successfully convert more prospects.
  • Allows you to collect customer data that can be analyzed to gain valuable insights into your audience and what motivates them.
  • They ensure that the company operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is great for clients who don't fit the typical pattern or clients who prefer to be involved in a more flexible way;
  • Provide greater customer engagement;
  • Promote long-term cost savings.

7) Customer Experience online-offline integration

For many companies, the pandemic brought the need to improve or create their digital presence as a way to stay active and operational in the market, but that does not mean that physical stores are over. Many consumers still prefer to view and handle products in person before making a purchase decision, so brands operating in both spheres need to adjust their marketing strategies to take advantage of this growing digitalization. 

The bet for 2021 is the integration between online and offline experience, in which physical stores will no longer be just a place to shop, to become a place where brands can engage with their customers and improve their experiences. 

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How to use Pinterest in your company's Digital Marketing strategy

Pinterest is a social network that makes it possible to share, discover and save ideas. When browsing the internet or using pins – the name given to publications on the network –, users can find inspiration and create folders that bring together various references on subjects of interest. Although it was created in 2010 as a social network, the company positions itself as the world's first visual search engine. 

Read too: How to create a relevant profile for your business on Instagram

Betting on Pinterest in the Digital Marketing strategy is a way to make content available and create references for a website or online store, which can be found by more than 300 million users. There are more than 100 billion ideas available on the social network.

The platform allows users to share, manage and search images in different categories, such as travel, fashion, makeup, movies, decoration, among others. By sharing inspiring ideas and interacting with users, brands can be discovered by new audiences, strengthen the relationship with them and direct them to the company's website. 

In addition, these inspirations can influence the purchase decisions of consumers who are willing to purchase what they find on the platform. Research shows that 84% of users use Pinterest when deciding what to buy; 98% tried something they found on the network; 77% discovered new products or brands on the platform.

How to use Pinterest's top features for businesses?

Since its inception, the social network has added many features that make the user experience richer, especially for brands that have more and more resources to do business on the network. 

Save button for websites

One of the ways to feed Pinterest with branded posts is to get users to do so, as they can save images from the site directly to the platform. To encourage this action, the network offers the Save button for sites. When installing it, it will appear on all images on the site, so users can click on them and save them. 


Rich pins (advanced pins)

Rich pins bring richer information about the images, which go beyond the caption, title and link existing in common pins. This is done through metadata that must be placed on the website or e-commerce and validated with Pinterest, so that any user who saves that image will automatically take the metadata information to the platform.

Rich pins are free and only available for business accounts. Additionally, there are four types of rich pins: 

  • Product Pins: Include price, real-time availability, and purchase link.
  • Recipe Pins: inform ingredients, cooking time and portions;
  • Article Pins: show title, author, and a snippet of text;
  • App Pins: Include a button to install.

Shop the Look

Shop the Look is a social network initiative to further encourage purchases on the platform. They are represented by white dots in the image. Through it, the user who likes a product in the image can click on it and be automatically directed to the purchase link.

To add them, the brand needs to have a business account, so when creating the pin, you can click on the tag icon to tag the products in the image, add the destination link and a photo of the product itself.


It is a customized code – similar to a QR Code – that carries information about the social network. When scanned by the Pinterest app, the user can be directed to the profile or a certain board of the brand. This code can be placed on printed materials such as business cards, folders or packaging. This feature is available for both personal and business counts.

Pinterest Lens

This tool, known as “camera search”, allows the user to search the network for objects found in the physical world. It's simple, just aim the camera at the desired object and the platform will show similar references.

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Pinterest Analytics: How to track statistics?

Pinterest offers, exclusively for business accounts, a data analysis tool known as Pinterest Analytics. In this tool, you can get an overview of the account with metrics such as engagements, impressions, close ups, link clicks, total audience, saved pins and engaged audience. In addition, it is possible to view the main pins of the account according to these metrics. 

In Pinterest Analytics it is also possible to better understand the audience of the platform. The tool brings gender, age, location and devices used by users.