
Reels is the preferred format for creators on Instagram, says report

According to the latest edition of the 360º Social Media report (#MS360FAAP), carried out by the Center for Digital Media Innovation at FAAP University Center (NiMD-FAAP), in partnership with Emplifi, the format of Reels is preferred by creators. 

The survey found that creators find it easier to produce videos compared to brands. Thus, the algorithm better delivers the format created by the creators. 

Meanwhile, brands prefer to use more photos. According to the study, 40.2% of marketing posts are in static image, while Reels follows with 32.1% and the carousel with 25.7%. 

Read too: LinkedIn for companies: check out good organic practices that will help your page

When analyzing the percentage of posts by creators, we see an inversion. Reels are the most used, as already mentioned, with 43.2%, followed by the carousel with 29.1% and lastly with the photos, with 27.7%. 

It is noteworthy that the study is conducted quarterly. Therefore, all analyzes were carried out based on the first quarter of 2023. Therefore, according to the Meta platform, among the most used hashtags at the beginning of the year are #carnaval, #carnaval2023, #diadamulher and #diadasmulher. 

Read too: Expo Favela Innovation 2023: check out how the event went

Scenario on Facebook is a drop in interactions with influencers 

reels formato preferido creators

The report also did an analysis on Facebook, which showed a drop in interactions on influencers' posts in the first quarter of the year. In this way, while in the last third of last year, the average of interactions in paid posts was 938, this year, it dropped to 569. 

However, there was a slight improvement in organic content, going from 236 to 247 in this quarter. Thus, according to experts, there is a factor that can explain the event, the decrease in funds for the period.  

not categorized

Mobile marketing: what is it and why is it important?

For many years now, the use of smartphones has become quite common in the daily lives of millions of people, who in turn use the device in different ways. As a result, companies began to develop strategies aimed at this market. Among the measures, one that stands out is mobile marketing.

Read too: LinkedIn for companies: check out good organic practices that will help your page

In this case, the concept is based on using the resources of mobile devices to communicate with the public, so that there is interaction, dissemination and generation of influence. Therefore, the following actions can be included in this type of strategy:

  • Application notifications;
  • Message on WhatsApp and other services;
  • SMS;
  • E-mail marketing.

How to develop a good mobile marketing strategy?

mobile marketing

Due to the high volume of people using mobile – to get an idea, the cell phone alone is present in 99.5% of Brazilian homes with internet access, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), it is necessary to adopt the correct planning to be able to stand out.

Read too: Video content reached 99% of the Brazilian population in 2022, research points out

Therefore, it is necessary to know the model well and pay attention to the following topics:

  • Prioritize the user experience. Therefore, the content must be easy to access, view and interact with;
  • The layout and design of websites and pages must be responsive. This means that adapting to different screen sizes and types must be considered;
  • Regarding the messages sent, it is important that they are direct and concise, since reading time on mobile devices is usually shorter;
  • The same should be done with the forms, which need to be shorter and more objective;
  • The contents presented must be light and, above all, have a fast load;
  • It is very important that messages are only sent with the user's permission. According to the General Data Protection Law, sending unsolicited content is intrusive and illegal.
Journey News

The Generation Gap – Marketing to Baby Boomers and Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha

For the first time in history, five generational groups coexist in the consumer market: the baby boomers, generations X, Y, Z and Alpha. Given this context, a major challenge faced by marketing professionals around the world is to understand the consumption behavior of these generations, and use these patterns to create products according to each need and desire.

Generational slice is one of the most basic and popular forms of market segmentation. The premise of this logic is that people who were born and raised in the same period experienced the same significant events and therefore share the same sociocultural experiences and are more likely to have the same set of values, attitudes and behavior.

As a result, each generation is shaped by a different environment and life experience. They also have their distinct preferences and attitudes towards products and services. Despite understanding their different needs, most companies are not well positioned to serve the next generation that will become part of their audience.

The selection of target markets also creates a dilemma, as most of the consumer power is tied to the brands that serve the baby boomers and generation X. On the other hand, in this same context, most of the value of brands is created when they are endorsed by Y and Z – with the factor of influence and digital knowledge. And, most importantly, Generations Y and Z are starting to influence parents baby boomers and Generation X in many purchasing decisions.

That said, understanding these groups is precisely serving different audiences in a personalized and assertive way. Companies need to find a balance between two objectives: maximizing value creation in the present and positioning their brands for the future gradually, with planning.

How the generations differ

First, it is necessary to understand the temporal cuts of each generation, since each one of them refers to those born in a certain interval of years.

  • Generation baby boomers: born between 1946 and 1964 (currently aged 59 to 77)
  • Generation X: born between 1965 and 1980 (currently aged 43 to 58)
  • Y generation (millennials): born between 1981 and 1996 (currently aged 27 to 42)
  • Generation Z: born between 1997 and 2009 (currently aged 14-26)
  • Generation Alpha: born between 2010 and 2025 (currently up to 13 years old)

It is important to make some considerations about these divisions. These dates of birth vary greatly depending on the sources and there is no consensus on them. These are just trends that identify a large part of the group, but which cannot be generalized to all those born in these years.

baby boomers – an aging economic powerhouse

You baby boomers they are a generation born between 1946 and 1964, the post-World War II period. They were named so due to the significant increase in the birth rate during this period in the United States. This generation grew up in a time of great economic prosperity and technological advances, but also lived through important moments in history, such as the Cold War, the Vietnam War and the struggle for civil rights.

You baby boomers they are often associated with traditional values such as hard work, dedication to family and loyalty to the company. It is considered the generation that helped shape the modern world, being responsible for significant advances in areas such as technology, medicine and the achievement of civil rights. They were also the first people to grow up with television and advertising, which had a huge impact on their culture.

many concepts anti-establishment, such as social activism, environmentalism and the lifestyle hippie, emerged at that time. It is also the first generation to conquer the “right to be young” and the freedom to hit the road, listen to rock'n'roll and enjoy great music festivals — which inspires young people to this day!

Because of their sheer size and because of the postwar economic boom at the time they were growing, the “boomers”, as they are also called, became one of the greatest powers of the economy and entered the Brazilian job market in the 70s. Over several decades, they were the focus of marketing professionals, before being numerically separated from the Y generation.

Currently, because they have a longer and healthier life, they postpone retirement and prolong their professional career beyond the age of 65.

On the other hand, for the market, it is important to be aware that the boomers currently concentrate much of the consumption power and the main purchasing decision-making around the world, both in charge of countries and large companies. They are heavily criticized by younger generations for their lack of willingness to adopt new technologies. They also have a preference for brands that are already established in the market. In general, they don't like sudden changes in their lives.

Generation X – the middle children who lead

Generation X was born between 1965 and 1980 and grew up in a period of great social, political and technological changes. It is often associated with values such as independence, flexibility and adaptability. Here in Brazil, it was strongly marked by the repression of the civil-military dictatorship. Therefore, it does not have the same optimism as boomers.

Furthermore, Gen X flourished at a time when technology was advancing rapidly but not yet as ubiquitous as it is today. They remember a time when telephones were landlines and letters were the main means of communication. They grew up watching music videos on MTV and listening to cassette tapes on walkman. It was also the first group to experience the emergence of the Internet and the transition to the digital age. That is, from the rise and fall of movie rental companies, the rise of DVD to the arrival of streaming that we know today.

As a result, it is often described as a generation of problem solvers and entrepreneurs. They had to adapt to rapid changes in the job market and learn to deal with economic uncertainty. Many of them started their own businesses or sought more flexible work opportunities and, today, they represent a large part of entrepreneurs, including startups. According to the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp), 38% of Brazilian startups are from people over 45 years old.

Generation X is also often associated with a sense of irony and skepticism towards institutions and authorities. These people grew up during the punk rock and grunge era, and their pop culture reflected this attitude, therefore valuing diversity and inclusion, having grown up at a time when discussions of equality and civil rights were very pronounced.

Today, many Gen Xers are at the peak of their careers and are leaders in their industries, with an average work experience of 20 years. They are facing new challenges, such as balancing work and personal life, caring for aging parents and planning for retirement. However, Gen Xers continue to be a significant force in society and their influence is felt in many areas of modern life.

Generation Y – the millennials who ask “why?”

Generation Y has been the central discussion in recent years. Also known as millennials, is a generation born between the years 1981 and 1996. They grew up in a period of rapid technological and social change, often being described as a connected, collaborative and idealistic generation.

Millennials grew up in a more globalized and digital world than Millennials, with access to technologies such as the internet and smartphones from a very young age, they value instant communication and connecting with others, and many of them stand out for being highly proficient in technology.

As a result, it is often associated with values such as creativity and innovation. They are noted for their ability to think outside the box and find creative solutions to problems. Many of them are also entrepreneurs, looking for new ways of working and unconventional career opportunities.

One of the best-known studies on Generation Y was carried out by Box 1824, which points out that, with the arrival of millennials to the market, the desire to be young became an obsession. The survey points out that Generation Y has become a reference for younger people and an inspiration for older ones, thus demonstrating the high power of influence in their consumption over other people.

In Brazil, the millennials they were born in the context of re-democratization (post-civil-military dictatorship) and economic and political instability, later experiencing a moment of consolidation of these aspects, especially with the emergence and implementation of the Real Plan.

Generation Y also has in common the appreciation of diversity, inclusion and social justice. They grew up at a time when awareness of equality and civil rights is more present, see the experiences of the previous generation, and many of them are involved in voluntary activities and social causes.

Because of their higher educational attainment, diversity, and wide access to knowledge, Millennials are more open-minded and idealistic. She questions everything, which makes her more susceptible to conflict in the workplace with older generations who expect her to conform.

Millennials share stories of complicated professional environments. As a result, many found themselves creating their own companies. Thanks to this experience of strong competition at work, they tend to clearly separate their personal and professional lives.

Generation Z – the first digital natives

Now, more than ever, marketing is turning its attention to Gen Z. You may not have realized it, but Gen Y is already getting older, and marketing needs to get to know better the young people who are coming into the market and dictating behavior. of the brands.

Descendant of generation X, generation Z is born between 1997 and 2009. In the United States they are also known as centennials. They grew up in an even more connected and digital world than the Y, and are often described as a generation that values diversity, creativity and flexibility.

A large part of her witnessed the financial difficulties of her parents and older siblings, so she is more financially conscious in relation to Y. Tends to save money and consider financial stability as an essential factor in her career decisions.

Born when the internet had already become mainstream, are considered the first digital natives, as they grew up with smartphones, tablets and social media included in their routine from an early age. It is a generation that is always connected, ready to access information and communicate with others in real time. They continuously consume content across multiple screens, even on social occasions. What's more, they see no border between the Off and the online.

In Brazil, this generation is born at a time of prosperity, economic growth and the search for social justice. However, in their teens, they are already going through the political and economic crisis after the 2014 presidential elections. It is these teenagers who engage in movements to contest the government — either on one side or the other — and engage politically.

Therefore, they have a strong critical sense, which becomes striking in their identity. It is with this criticality that they see the crisis in Brazil, face the economic recession and seek answers to improve the country's situation, without running away from responsibility.

Empowered by social media, Generation Z records everyday life on their personal profiles in the form of photos and videos. However, unlike Y, which is idealistic, Z is pragmatic. While Y likes to post curated and filtered photos of themselves for personal marketing purposes, Gen Z prefers more authentic and real versions. Therefore, they repel brands that disseminate edited images that are too good to be true.

Like Generation Y, Generation Z is very concerned about social change and environmental sustainability, and gives preference to brands that share these values. In addition, she is passionate about making a difference through volunteering and expects her employers to provide platforms that allow her to do so.

According to a survey by the Think With Google, 85% of Gen Zers said they were willing to donate some of their time to a cause. Another interesting study on this group is from Box 1824, which points out that 63% from generation Z defends every cause linked to people's identity, that is, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation, for example.

In addition, this generation has a very fluid identity. Don't try to define them or put them in boxes - they are whatever they want to be, in that moment, in that context. They are even more plural and dynamic than generation Y and, therefore, diversity and inclusion are concepts intrinsic to their identity and their conception of society.

Currently, generation Z already represents a numerically larger group than generation Y on the planet. In 2025, it will make up most of the workforce, thus becoming the most relevant consumer market for products and services.

Generation Alpha – the children of millennials

The Alpha generation is the youngest, born between the years between 2010 and 2025. They are children of parents from generations Y and Z. Name given by Mark McCrindle, the name based on the Greek alphabet represents an entirely new generation, which will be shaped by technological convergence. They are not just digital natives, they are strongly influenced by the behavior of their parents and older siblings. The launch of the first iPad marked the emergence of this generation in 2010.

The characteristics of the Alpha generation are largely shaped and influenced by the parenting style of the Generation Y parents. Having married at an older age, the Y place greater emphasis on raising and raising children. It also educates children about money and finances from an early age. It's a well-educated and tech-savvy group, but also inclusive and sociable.

This generation is born into a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, voice command and robotics are becoming more and more commonplace, which could have a big impact on their future.

Read too: What can companies learn from the new Artificial Intelligence (AI): ChatGPT and Bard?

In an interview with Grupo Padrão, Fernanda Furia, master in psychology of children and adolescents, says that the Alpha generation will be the protagonist of the beginning of an affective relationship between human beings and machines.

While Alphas are still very young, it's important to consider the impact this generation could have on the future. Today, they do not have great purchasing power, but they already have a strong influence on the spending of other generations. A Google search shows that, 74% from parents millennials include the Alpha generation children in household decisions. Another report from Wunderman Thompson points out that 55% of kids in the US and UK would like to buy things their influencers use. So it's only a matter of time before they become the global focus of marketers.

The life stages of the five generations

Understanding what is essential for the five generations requires analyzing the stages they go through during their lives. In general, there are four stages in human development, named Fundamental, Frontal, Fostering and Final. Each spans about 20 years, and as you move from one to the next, there is a significant change in your life's goals and priorities.

Fundamental: the focus is on learning. During the first 20 years of life, the individual is exploring the environment and adapting to it. Acquires knowledge and skills not only through formal instruction, but also through friendships and other social relationships. Stage of searching for one's own identity and for a reason for being.

Font: during the second 20-year period, the transition from learning to work begins, as you begin to earn a living and build a career. At this stage, health is at its peak, there is a greater willingness to take risks and enjoy life to the fullest. It is also at this stage that commitment to romantic relationships begins.

Promotion: the individual begins to stabilize and build a family. The tendency is to return to a healthier lifestyle after a period of increased stress. He also spends more time taking care of the evolution of others. At home, the focus is on parenting and family life in general. At work, the emphasis shifts to mentoring and training younger generations. Giving back to society becomes a key objective at this stage.

Final: the person tries to adapt to old age and stay happy. The main objective is to take care of declining health and social relationships. The focus becomes enjoying life, starting new activities that are rewarding and purposeful.

You baby boomers and Generation X have been following similar trajectories in their life cycles. Generation Y, on the other hand, has followed a more different trajectory. Its members reach traditional life milestones, such as marriage and the birth of children, at a more advanced age. It is a concession they make to reach goals earlier, especially in their professional careers. As a result, it progresses from one stage of life to another at a greater speed compared to other generations.

Generation Z and Alpha are also believed to have shorter life stages, adopting an earlier mature mindset as a result. These shorter life stages have profound consequences on the approach to marketing. Serving the Z and Alpha generations – the two most important of the next decade – is not just a matter of applying technologies, but using technology to enable human-centric solutions.

Read too: The 70 years of evolution of Marketing: from 1.0 to 5.0

These two younger generations will be catalysts for Marketing 5.0, which is an integration of Marketing 3.0 and Marketing 4.0. They are enormously concerned about how technology can empower happiness. Companies that are able to gain the trust of generation Z and Alpha will succeed in the competition of the Marketing 5.0 era


Which generations does your company serve today? Do you fully understand their preferences and behaviors?

Is your company well positioned for the future? In other words, are you preparing your organization to serve digital natives – Gen Z and Gen Alpha?


LinkedIn for companies: check out good organic practices that will help your page

Running a campaign on LinkedIn usually requires a bigger budget compared to other social media like Instagram and Facebook. In this way, many brands are afraid to explore the platform's resource independently, to reinforce their brand positioning, win customers and, finally, optimize their results. That's why, in today's content, we've created some good organic practices for you who manage LinkedIn pages for companies.

Good LinkedIn pages for companies must have a good “business card”

Before starting or resuming content creation, check your brand page. Are the profile picture and cover image adequate? Do they convey confidence to a potential customer or partner? Answer these questions honestly and take appropriate action. In addition to a visual that values and is in line with your identity, it is also important to pay attention to filling in the fields on the page, so that it is as complete as possible.

Now yes, post regularly!

Just like any other social media, it's important for the company to stay active, posting regularly – once a day or three times a week, for example. Otherwise, it generates the sensation of discontinuing operations or abandonment.

However, in addition to posting regularly, it is important that the company page does so with relevant content.

What is relevant for my company page to post on LinkedIn?

Linkedin para empresas

It is very important that the company makes relevant posts for its audience. Otherwise, from the user's point of view, it makes no sense to remain a follower or to become one. Then publish or share articles from company stakeholders or partners.

Disclosure of surveys, trends or announcements about submissions of legal obligations also greatly enrich the content. It is imperative that they come from reliable sources.

Sharing news accompanied by an opinion from a company specialist also contributes to enriching the debate, as it adds technical knowledge, increasing the credibility of the brand with its know-how.

And of course, LinkedIn is a social network, of connections generated by companies formed by human beings, so remember to publish team publications, whether celebrating a goal achieved, a new partnership or a simple breakfast.

Publish and share videos and images

Videos and images, in general, draw more attention from the user. Therefore, avoid as much as possible the exclusivity of the textual format on your page. Explore using well-composed, high-resolution photos and videos that are relevant to your audience.

In the case of images, when there are more than one, they can be compressed into a single PDF and published as a “document”. That way, they look like an Instagram-like carousel, making them much more visually interesting.

Read too: Video content reached 99% of the Brazilian population in 2022, research points out

It's a social media, so interact

It is very important that the company “says” things on LinkedIn, of course. However, it is equally important that she dialogue and interact with her audience, responding to comments, messages, congratulating partners for their achievements, thanking customers for their trust if mentioned.

In addition to demonstrating cordiality, through a legitimate exchange of ideas, it helps with traction and organic performance on the page.

Use relevant hashtags

The practice of adding hashtags contributes to the publication being discovered in an organic way. That is, it allows that, when a user is looking for a subject, product or service, your publication appears as one of the search options.

With that, in addition to using the popular ones – or the ones of the moment – also use the relevant ones for the service that is being publicized and the company provides.

Give preference to personalized communication processes

While automation saves time, it can also be detrimental to brand image. Therefore, avoid the standard messages provided by LinkedIn as much as possible. They are not at all attractive. What's more, by creating a communication channel, in which the person is called by name, you are showing signs of care, and putting into practice the maxim of treating each customer as unique.

Read too: How to build an effective organic email marketing list

Why outsource the management of your company's LinkedIn page to a communication agency?

Depending on the company, LinkedIn page management may require greater flexibility than expected. Therefore, if possible, consider outsourcing the management of the LinkedIn page to a communication agency.

In addition to routinely producing content, she will be able to monitor the results more closely, come up with ideas about publishing that are consistent with her audience, as well as consult for the day she decides to invest in ads on the platform and in a more assertive way, since which has professionals in the field.


Expo Favela Innovation 2023: check out how the event went

On March 17, 18 and 19, the first edition of Expo Favela Innovation 2023 took place in São Paulo, which promotes in several Brazilian states the meeting of entrepreneurs and startups from favelas and suburbs with asphalt opportunities. That is, with investors who feel attracted by the projects to make them grow.

Expo Favela featured lectures, workshops, exhibitions, business roundtables, technology niche startup pitches, gastronomy, handicrafts, artistic presentations, in addition to initiatives developed with the main support of the Central Única das Favelas (CUFA).

Read too: After three years, SXSW 2023, one of the biggest innovation events in the world, returns to face-to-face

Exhibitions, stands and camelódromo

The event was divided into floors of the WTC Events Center and had visitation options for all tastes. Among which stood out:

Camelódromo: specific location at the event for selling handcrafted items (clothes, toys, food).

Ballroom Fair: space for brands and companies at the event (Globo, ifood, Senai...).

Favela Exhibition: place destined to the appreciation of photographs taken in the daily life of the communities of São Paulo. An example of this is the iconic photo of the luxury condominium and community of Paraisópolis.

Literary Favela: space for the exhibition and sale of books by peripheral authors and "literary tallow" with general works.

Favela Museum: thematic place with phrases, photos and words of affirmation that refer to daily life in the communities.

Favela Games: themed place where visitors to the event had access to an interactive space with arcades, an exhibition of Marvel and DC Comics collectibles, in addition to the possibility of having fun with consoles from different manufacturers.

Expo Favela 2023: lectures

Throughout the days of the event, several lectures involving technology, female empowerment, racial and class issues, social media and communication took place. Among them, we highlight:

Female participation in Science and Technology as Social Transformation in the Favela

expo favela 2023

In the panel “Women's Participation in Science and Technology as Social Transformation in the Favela”, the female leaders of CUFA (Raissa Jéssica Pereira da Silva, Carliane Ruhmann Pinheiro, Débora Ribeiro, Lua Gomes, Risolane Oliveira and Lilian Souza) from several Brazilian states gathered to tell their experiences and raise debates about the small female participation in the technology market and how public and private actions can change this scenario. In addition, they pointed out personal situations in which this contact and participation in the technological environment completely changed their experiences, that of their communities and the youth present there.

In addition to social networks

In the lecture “Beyond social networks”, Theo Rocha (META), Kim Farrell (TikTok) and Roger Cipó (entrepreneur and influencer) brought a chat about the role of social networks and how algorithms shape consumption and impact on society. In one of the moments of the conversation, Rocha highlighted the importance of including black people and other minorities in the creative sectors in agencies and in the marketing area in general, to generate connections and legitimate representations of people.

Rise of peripheral narratives in Brazilian audiovisual

In the panel “Ascension of peripheral narratives in Brazilian audiovisual”, promoted by TV Globo, media partner of Expo Favela, Lilian Ribeiro (journalist from Grupo Globo) led the conversation that also featured the writer and screenwriter Paulo Lins (Cidade de Deus) , screenwriters Renata Andrade and Thaís Pontes (authors of the Encantados series) and actress Isabel Teixeira. The lecture promoted the debate on the importance of growth and the presence of narrative plurality, from a peripheral perspective, in Brazilian audiovisual.

Veteran Paulo Lins exposed the entire process that led him to build the work “City of God” and the differences between aspirations when telling the perspective of peripheral black people at that time and in current times. Renata Andrade and Tais Pontes, authors of the series “Encantados”, brought the experience of black people from another perspective, in this case, humor. In addition, they explained that the series tries to show a very necessary problem: all black people do not have the same thoughts, aspirations and dreams. They are individual beings with their own particularities.

Read too: Diversity: Instagram releases the option to insert pronouns in the profile in Portuguese

Finally, actress Isabel Teixeira, who recently played the character Luana in “Falas Negras”, also added her perspective. The role played by her in the series promoted the debate about the strangeness of whiteness to the process of ascension of black people in society and, as a result, collapses the system accustomed to seeing black people in places of subservience.

Traditional Media: what are the ways to include new narratives

The lecture was mediated by Thelminha Assis, physician and digital influencer, promoting a debate on ways to include new narratives in traditional media. To address the issue, Eliane Trindade (journalist and editor, at Folha de S.Paulo, of the Social Entrepreneur Award, a partnership between Folha de S.Paulo and the Schwab Foundation), Amauri Soares (Director of TV Globo) and Rodolfo Schneider ( National Director of Journalism at Grupo Bandeirantes) were the guests.

The panel at Expo Favela 2023 pointed to the great relevance and credibility of free-to-air TV and large vehicles for the general population and how much the peripheral population consumes productions. For that reason, the need to bring narrative plurality to black and peripheral people in these spaces, as they have different experiences and perspectives on common themes. In addition, the lecture discussed the need to connect the great media to digital content creators that become more and more popular each year.


Video content reached 99% of the Brazilian population in 2022, research points out

Video content is increasingly popular in Brazil. This is what points out a survey carried out by Kantar Ibope Mídia, in which it says that 99.6% of the Brazilian population was reached by messages in the form of video.

Among the devices, television (open or pay) was the audience champion, with 78.7%, while smartphones, tablets and computers were with 21.3%.

Another factor raised in the study is the average national consumption time, which reaches 5h17min per day watching television linearly. Among the capitals, Rio de Janeiro has the highest average time, reaching 6h04min.

Research reveals higher advertising investment in the video format

The high rates indicate a favorable public position towards the format, which should be explored by the advertising market in the coming years.

According to the study, 68% of all advertising investment in 2022 was spent on video, an increase of one percentage point over 2021. However, if you only analyze the 10 most influential brands in the market, the number increases from 71% to 74%.

Online video reaches 31.8% of the Brazilian population in one day

Conteúdos em vídeo

Connectivity is increasing every day and the percentage of reach of an online video in just one day shows this. The study points out that 31.8% of the population is achieved by the daily format. Already in a month, the number of people almost doubles, rising to 61.1%.

In this way, 55% of people are achieved by watching TVs and connected TVs, while 36% through the smartphone.

At least 56% of people would accept advertising on streaming platforms if they were cheaper

The survey also revealed that in Brazil, 56% of people who subscribe to a streaming service would accept advertising on the platforms, if this made subscriptions more affordable. The value is higher than in other countries such as Great Britain (53%), Argentina (48%) and Germany (44%).

It's time to invest in video ads

With the high reach of the format, it is time to invest in video advertising. Therefore, small, medium and large companies should seek to apply the format in their social networks to increasingly leverage the enterprise.

However, it is important to point out that the quality of the product must be good in order to catch the attention of the potential customer and convert him. Therefore, having an efficient team behind the audiovisual production, which performs from capturing to editing and publishing efficiently, can make all the difference in the Return on Investment (ROI).


After three years, SXSW 2023, one of the biggest innovation events in the world, returns to face-to-face

The annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival, one of the biggest innovation events in the world, will be face-to-face again in 2023, as its 2020 edition was canceled due to the pandemic and the 2021 and 2022 meetings were completely virtual. The exhibition opened on March 10th and runs until March 19th and is taking place in Austin (Texas), in the United States of America.

Announcements of technological innovations are expected in different areas, such as movies, music and, mainly, business.

Read too: The 70 years of evolution of Marketing: from 1.0 to 5.0

Check out 10 historical milestones that have occurred since the first event held: 

  • 1987 – The first SXSW was held in March 1987 in Austin (Texas), with the aim of promoting local and regional music;
  • 1994 – The festival expanded to include cinema, adding an independent film competition;
  • 1995 – First interactive conference was added to the festival, exploring themes such as technology, media and culture;
  • 2000 – Goes international, bringing bands and filmmakers from all over the world;
  • 2004 – Twitter was officially launched during SXSW Interactive;
  • 2007 – SXSW released its official mobile app, becoming one of the first events to do so;
  • 2009 - The Twitter panel at SXSW became legendary after CEO Evan Williams interrupted the broadcast to show a video of a dog playing with a stuffed monkey;
  • 2010 – SXSW launched its first startup competition, the SXSW Accelerator, providing an opportunity for startups to present their ideas to investors and potential partners;
  • 2011 - President Barack Obama delivers a speech at SXSW Interactive, becoming the first US president to do so;
  • 2019 – The festival expanded further, including a new science and technology-focused segment, SXSW EDU.

Brazilians are part of the largest international delegation at the event, according to Uol

SXSW 2023

In this edition, many Brazilians are having the opportunity to participate in the meeting.

Brazil will be represented by around 1,900 people from the corporate and advertising world, in addition to entrepreneurs and experts in the technological, cinematographic and musical world.

The presence of 10 companies from the State of São Paulo at the site was counted. With the help of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo, immersion in the event aims to exchange knowledge between companies in the sector, thus encouraging the generation of new businesses, in addition to attracting investments to the capital of São Paulo.

Read too: What can companies learn from the new Artificial Intelligence (AI): ChatGPT and Bard?

Stay up to date with SXSW innovations with us!

SXSW 2023

“Carro Voador” by a company with a national arm is presented for the first time outside Europe! 

Among the innovations taken is Eve Air Mobility, a subsidiary of Embraer, which presents a full-size mockup of the cabin of its “flying car”. For the first time the idea is being shown outside Europe.

“Meu Casulo de Drywall” is the only Brazilian film at SXSW, in 2023

Written and directed by Caroline Fioratti, “Meu Casulo de Drywall” is the only Brazilian film that will make its debut at the SXSW film festival in the edition. Starring Bella Piero and Maria Luisa Mendonça, the film also features Michel Joelsas , Mari Oliveira, Daniel Botelho and Caco Ciocler, shows the story of a condominium after the death of a young woman on her 17th birthday.

Kombi back on the American continent?!

Volkswagen brings to the public for the second time the successor to the Kombi, the electric model ID. buzz. In the immersion study phase in the United States of America, the car has been increasingly successful in Europe.

What will you look for, Bobo? Is there a film there?

Lionel Messi's unpleasant dialogue with Weghorst, after Argentina's victory over the Netherlands in the Qatar World Cup, became a fun Netflix campaign, calling the chatbot for WhatsApp "Bobot".

The expression, which can be understood as “what are you watching?” is interpreted by the robot as a request for a series and movie recommendation.

Digital Privacy – Is it possible to have it?

In a panel on digital privacy, the speakers responsible for the development of “Aura” stated that, in the near future, the main signature that will have to be made in the digital world will be that of privacy.

With several digital crimes gaining space according to technological advances, the fight is tough, but it is believed that it is possible to win. While services like “Aura” do not reach Brazil, here are some digital security tips for you:

  • Do not reuse passwords or write them down in your cell phone notebooks;
  • Use two-step authentication whenever possible;
  • Don't tell things on social media that could be used against you to discover passwords;
  • Teach children from an early age not to talk to strangers in the digital world as well.

Curitiba project wins “Best Bootstrap Company” award at SXSW 2023 

AMA (Agentes do Meio Ambiente) is a project from Curitiba, Paraná, which aims to promote sustainability and entrepreneurship through technology. The idea, applied in the capital of Santa Catarina, has two integrated applications: one for public janitors, which has more than 600 active janitors, and another for users committed to the environment in their homes, communities and cities. 

Based on tasks defined by the Municipal Department of the Environment, janitors carry out the activity in the regions where they live, generating an extra income of up to R$1.1 thousand per month. 

The company won in the special category Best Bootstrap Company, which rewards startups that have not yet received investment rounds. 

“Lightsaber” in real life exists! 

A real “Lightsaber” was unveiled during SXSW. In addition to emitting the characteristic sound of the Star Wars franchise weapon, it also retracts and expands at the simple push of a button. However, of course, the equipment is not a real weapon. It's just another attraction for the collection of fans of one of the greatest in the saga. Have you ever thought about having your own saber?

Brazilian virtual reality game is featured at SXSW

Yuki, a game designed by Brazilian studio Arvore Immersive is making a splash at SXSW! In a salon that promotes experiences with augmented reality, the game that mixes bullet hell and roguelike genres has been successful in mixing physical and digital elements to create the experience. The object of the game is to shoot enemies, which appear all over the map! 

Oscar win for “Everything, everywhere at once” is praised by Tilda Swinton! 

In an interview with Eugene Hernandez, Tilda Swinton praised the victory of the feature film “Everything at the same time” at the last Oscar. According to the actress, the film does not follow the traditional Hollywood standards, being a breakthrough. 

Is the end of the internet as we know it near? For Amy Webb, yes! 

The futurist and CEO of the Future Today Institute, Amy Webb, believes that the internet as we know it today is nearing its end. Well known for her accurate predictions for the technological universe, Webb highlighted the impacts of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), which will grow in the coming years. 

Thus, the CEO claims that solutions such as Midjouney, DALL-E and ChatGPT will be used on a daily basis by users. 

Patagonia CEO Reinforces Company Concern About Weather at SXSW

In an interview with journalist Katie Couric, the CEO of Patagonia, Ryan Gellert, expressed concern about the global climate. It is worth remembering that, in September last year, Yvon Chouinard announced that he will donate the company, valued at more than R$ 15 billion, to a fund aimed at combating and repairing climate change. 

According to Gellert, the company's revenues and profits will be passed on to the cause and that this is the result of preparations begun over the last 50 years. 

Robert Downey Jr. and the fight against virtual crime! 

The actor known worldwide for his role as Tony Stark in the Iron Man franchise, Robert Downey Jr. was at SXSW representing the company in which he is an investor, Aura. The cybersecurity startup relies on artificial intelligence to function. 

Disney and the ability to create memorable experiences 

Nearly 25 years ago at The Walt Disney Company, Josh D'Amaro shared a little about how the brand is able to create memorable experiences. In addition to citing hospitality, creativity and imagination, D'Amaro spoke about the immersion that the company's theme parks offer. 

According to him, with a meticulous process of working with characters, music, visual effects and even food, the experience becomes unique. 

Most Hopeful and Desperate Project in Human History Is Artificial Intelligence, Says President of OpenAI

In an interview with journalist Lauren Segall, OpenAI co-founder and president Greg Brockman said that artificial intelligence is the most hopeful and despairing project in human history. 

In the conversation, Brockman also said that, despite the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence tools, there are still more questions than answers. Asked about ChatGPT, he was direct: “The merit of ChatGPT was to transcend fiction”. 

Food as a catalyst for global change 

The World Center Kitchen, created and idealized by chef José Andrés, is an organization made up of several volunteer chefs from around the world. Thus, it arrives in countries activating the network of local markets and restaurants to feed those in need and then reactivate the economy through business. 

Streaming subscriptions galore – Can the salary hold? 

Andrew Wallenstein and Heidi Chung, analysts at Variety's intelligence platform, addressed a sensitive topic at SXSW: the number of streaming subscriptions in the world. 

According to analysts, there is a relentless race to get more and more customers. However, Netflix is the only major company in the industry to make a profit. Therefore, they came to the conclusion that smaller companies need to structure themselves more to compete and ensure that, in the average income of a family, the salary is not enough for the high number of streams available. 

What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence on creativity 

Adobe Lead Designer Brooke Hopper addressed the impact of technological evolution on creativity in her presentation at SXSW. There are many questions about the designer's creative process with the use of AI. According to Hooper, the process is no less valid when the machine is involved. 

In this way, it can be a creative tool, like a brush, a camera, or a musical instrument. Therefore, Lead Designer argues that AI can help artists to experiment and produce things that were not possible without its help. 

Was the metaverse flopped? 

That's not what SXSW's top mentors believe. With prototypes increasingly inserted in the population, such as the Seoul Metaverse Cities, created in the city of Seoul (South Korea) to concentrate public services, the metaverse is growing more and more. Retail is also growing, with brands like Nike and Forever 21 having thousands of users in environments with Roblox. 

Are humans the new assistants for robots? 

With the agility and ease of increment of new technologies, SXSW faced an increasingly latent question: would humans be the new assistants for robots? 

According to studies, technologies have created more jobs than they have taken away, but the future is uncertain in the era of exponential AI. Thus, during several lectures, the idea of always working together with AI was reinforced, facilitating our services and using the best of technology. 


Verified stamp purchase and more! Check out the latest Instagram updates to use for your brand

In addition to publishing content on Instagram, on a minimally constant basis to remain relevant on the platform and its audience, it is also interesting for brands to stay on top of their news. After all, a new tool can put you ahead of the competition. Aware of the importance of Instagram updates for businesses, we have listed the most recent ones for you to try and, who knows, convert new customers.

Purchase of Verified Stamps

One of the most commented news recently was the announcement of purchase verified stamps, for both Facebook and Instagram, as both platforms are owned by the same CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. Until then, the seals were only awarded to profiles that made the request, in addition to fulfilling prerequisites, such as being notable and being of public interest. Therefore, the seal is associated with the authenticity of the profile not only on Instagram, but also on other media, such as Twitter.

Read too: Diversidade – Instagram releases the option to insert pronouns in the profile in Portuguese

“Gifts” for creators

Instagram has also been giving incentive signals to attract more content creators in video formats. It is the case ofgifts′′ (gifts, in Portuguese translation) for profiles that are streaming live and on Reels. It is, therefore, a new way of being monetized by social media, since each star purchased by the user/viewer earns cents of dollars to the creator of the content. The novelty is still limited to some parts of the world.

More account recovery features

When a company suffers problems in relation to account invasion, login, or even fake accounts use its information, the consequences are magnified to the fullest extent, as it may involve exchanging bank details with customers in the DM, for example. Therefore, it is important that the brand also knows how to access support at these times. Recently, Instagram expanded the ways to recover accounts which are valid only for your account (whether personal, business or content creator). In the case of friends or family, there are other ways. To check out how to request Instagram support for your profile, Click here.

Group profiles

Another novelty to come is the creation of group profiles on Instagram, where users can create a profile, add followers, and then share publications limited to their members. This tool has great potential to strengthen brand communities, with consumers more comfortable exchanging experiences with each other. It is, therefore, a very interesting channel for managers to improve their products and services based on real feedback.

Instagram updates that have been live for a while, but few brands exploit

atualizações do Instagram

90 second reels

With the launch of TikTok, Instagram has more than doubled its attention to improving Reels performance. After all, more users consuming Reels means less people spending time on TikTok. With that, there was a time limit change for Reels, which is now in 90 seconds. So, if your brand suddenly provides a health service, education or has a more complex specific theme, it's worth taking this extra time to talk to your audience in a more relaxed and complete way.

Read too: See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

Pinning posts to profile

Another interesting resource that brands can use and abuse is the profile post pinning. Available for a few months now, the tool allows a feed publication that you consider important to be at the top of the profile (up to three are possible) and, who knows, capture a new customer with that post you took so long to produce. To use the function, just click on the three dots in the feed image and then choose “pin to your profile”.

60 second stories

Finally, following the same logic of extending user time on the platform, Instagram also increased the duration limit of stories. Now, they can be up to 60 seconds, thus putting an end to that hassle of transitions between one story and another.

So, which of the above tools are you looking forward to trying on your company profile?

Journey not categorized

The 70 years of evolution of Marketing: from 1.0 to 5.0

Marketing evolves at the same speed as generations, communication and the needs of consumers and the market advance. It took nearly 70 years for marketing to evolve from product focus to human centricity.

In general, the transformation of marketing has accompanied the increasing changes in technology and digitalization, which have transformed the way people communicate, interact and consume products and services.

For decades, however, various concepts have withstood the test of time. Despite the “traditional” nature, for example, the concept of segmentation and selection of target markets, positioning and also the model of the 4P's – product, price, point of sale and promotion – continue to be universal landmarks for communication professionals.

Some of the major changes that occurred in marketing during this time include:

Traditional advertising era: In the 1950s and 1960s, traditional advertising was the main form of marketing. Companies invested in advertisements in newspapers, radios, TVs and billboards to promote their products and services.

Marketing of relationship: In the 1970s, the concept of relationship marketing emerged, based on building lasting relationships with customers, rather than simply promoting products.

Targeting Marketing: In the 1980s, segmentation marketing then became even more popular, and companies began to segment their target audience based on demographic, geographic and psychographic characteristics.

Digital marketing: Fast forward to the 1990s, digital marketing began to emerge with the advent of the internet. Companies began to create websites and use email marketing to communicate with their customers.

Content Marketing: In the 2000s, content marketing became a popular strategy. Companies started creating high-quality, relevant content to attract and engage their customers.

Marketing on social media: After that, then, more directly in the last two decades, with the creation of social networks, marketing became even more important, and companies began to use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tik Tok and Twitter to connect directly with your audience.

Influencer Marketing: In the same way, still at the turn of social networks, influencer marketing has become another very popular strategy. In this case, companies began to work with digital influencers to promote their products and services.

Understanding these changes makes all the difference when it comes to outlining strategies, objectives, goals and actions in your company. Thus, your actions will be more assertive, more likely to bring significant returns to your business.

Read too: Mental sales triggers: what are they and how to use them?

How has Marketing evolved over the years?

Marketing has evolved from product-centricity, which we call marketing 1.0, to consumer-centricity, called 2.0. Then he advanced to human-centricity, which we classify as marketing 4.0. Now, marketing as we know it is involved in the challenges that technology has brought to humanity: marketing 5.0.

These concepts are based on books written by Philip Kotler, one of the main authors and scholars of modern marketing and a reference for professionals in the field.

So, understand this division into stages of evolution as a marketing guideline for those companies that want to adapt to changes in the world and succeed in the market.

Marketing 1.0

Marketing 1.0 is a concept that refers to the first phase of modern marketing, which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. The first phase always paralleled the industrial era, in which products were relatively basic and standardized. At that time, marketing was product-centric, that is, companies focused on producing and promoting their products without regard to the needs and desires of consumers.

Marketing 1.0 was marked by the mass approach, where companies used advertisements in mass media such as newspapers, radio and TV to promote their products to as many people as possible. This approach was based on a view that consumers were passive and simply absorbed the advertising message without questioning or evaluating its relevance.

The concept was to produce on a large scale in order to lower production costs. Then they were sold as best they could to anyone who bought them. Companies used advertising messages based on rational and logical arguments to persuade consumers to buy their products. The quality, technical characteristics and advantages of the products were the main focus of advertising messages.

In addition, marketing 1.0 was marked by the lack of interaction between companies and their consumers. Companies produced and promoted their products without considering the specific needs and desires of consumers.

We can illustrate this phase with Henry Ford's famous phrase: "A car can be any color, as long as it's black".

However, despite its limitations, marketing 1.0 was a fundamental starting point for the evolution of modern marketing. It allowed companies to increase their visibility and sales through mass advertising campaigns, and paved the way for the evolution to marketing 2.0, then already customer-centric.

Marketing 2.0

With the emergence of the information age, customer knowledge and satisfaction have become relevant for brands. With that, the marketing task was no longer so simple, the relationship became more focused on the individuality of the target audience.

Marketing 2.0 is a concept that refers to the evolution from product-focused marketing to customer-focused marketing. It is a customer-centric approach that recognizes the importance of ongoing dialogue between companies and customers, and seeks to create lasting, positive relationships for them. This approach can be highly effective for companies looking to stand out in competitive markets and meet the demands of increasingly demanding consumers.

In this context, some marketing and advertising channels emerged with the possibility of public segmentation, such as specialized magazines, cable TV channels and radio and TV programs for certain audiences.

Companies now need to listen and respond to consumers' needs and wants, rather than simply promoting their products.

This means that companies must focus on building long-term relationships with customers rather than just selling products. This involves understanding customers' needs and wants, creating products and services that meet those needs, and engaging in an ongoing dialogue with customers to ensure their satisfaction.

Furthermore, marketing 2.0 is results-oriented, measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns based on metrics such as customer engagement, customer satisfaction and customer retention. This allows companies to adjust and optimize their marketing strategies to meet changing customer needs and wants.

However, marketing evolves at the same speed as society, communication and the needs of consumers and the market. The importance of values and sustainability are directly linked to the success and future of an organization. And it is in this context that Marketing 3.0 emerges, where it treats people as complete and complex beings, with mind, heart and soul. Who has anguish and worries like everyone else.

Marketing 3.0

Marketing 3.0 is an evolution of Marketing 2.0, which focuses on creating customer value and promoting a better and more sustainable world. This concept emerged in the mid-2000s in response to cultural and social changes that were taking place in society.

Marketing 3.0 is based on the idea that companies should take a more humane and socially responsible approach to their business. Rather than just creating products and services that meet customer needs, companies must focus on creating value for the customer, society and the environment.

After all, consumers are not a large homogeneous mass, nor a target to be reached. They are human beings, with all their complexity and uniqueness, with values behind their actions and behaviors.

This means that companies need to be more aware of their social and environmental responsibility and incorporate these concerns into their business strategies. Companies must be able to communicate to their customers how they are contributing to a better world, in addition to providing high quality products and services.

In marketing 3.0, companies must work in partnership with their customers, rather than simply promoting their products. Companies must be able to understand and meet their needs, creating customized solutions and working together to achieve common goals.

Furthermore, Marketing 3.0 calls for a more holistic and integrated approach to marketing that takes into account not only the technical and functional aspects of products, but also their emotional and spiritual dimensions. And brands need to position themselves differently, they have to show that they are doing their part and that they share the same anxieties and concerns, that they really know their consumers. For this, it is necessary to clearly define the identity of the brand and strengthen it in the construction of an image with meaning incorporated into the vision and values of the company.

At its apex, marketing 3.0 is a combination of three concepts, which we call the 3Is, identity, integrity and image. The result is not achieved completely without these three points. The brand is useless if it only articulates a positioning. She may have a clear image, but not necessarily a good one. And positioning may just be a claim to consumers. Actions are worthless if the '3Is' are not complete and in tune.

And, with the internet and digital marketing already on the scene, this consumer gains voice and protagonism to influence brands. This concept was not only consolidated, but also expanded, with the increase in people's power of communication and the importance they attach to sustainability and social correctness, added to the capacity for dissemination and persuasion of social media – this is what we are calling marketing. 4.0.

Read too: How to build an effective organic email marketing list

Marketing 4.0

Marketing 4.0 marks the transition from marketing to the digital economy. Nothing that characterizes Marketing 3.0 is lost — however, now, technology is much more present in people's lives, in all their spheres, in all their relationships. This horizontal relationship not only materialized but also became the basis of communication and marketing today. Consumers have turned to word of mouth as a more reliable form of advertising.

This occurs precisely because the new reality of the internet, with all the strength of its relationship networks, proves the importance of thinking about consumers' feelings as a way to consolidate image, reputation and, consequently, results. The impact is direct in the decisions of the communication areas of a company.

Marketing 4.0 is based on the idea that companies must be present at all customer touchpoints, from product discovery to the after-sales experience, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digital technology. This concept is called Omnichannel, or Omnichannel.

This means that companies need to be able to deliver personalized and relevant customer experiences in real time. Companies must use data and advanced analytics to understand customer needs and wants and provide customized solutions for each individual customer.

In Marketing 4.0, companies must use technology to create an emotional connection with their customers. Businesses can leverage advanced technologies like augmented and virtual reality to create immersive and exciting customer experiences that allow them to experience products and services in a whole new way.

In summary, Marketing 4.0 is a customer- and technology-centric approach that seeks to provide personalized and relevant experiences for customers across all touchpoints, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digital transformation.

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of business. With the establishment of lockdowns and physical distancing policies, both markets and marketers have been forced to adapt to this new digital and contactless reality. This period was not only a moment of digitalization of companies, but also of reflection on their role in the world. If Marketing 3.0 had already raised the need to take a stand on the world's problems, now Marketing 5.0 reinforces this issue, but now intersected with the power of technology.

In the migration to Marketing 5.0, what happens is that these technologies need to turn to the good of humanity. Marketing 5.0 brings together the human-centeredness of Marketing 3.0 and the technological empowerment of Marketing 4.0, but adds concern for creating a more inclusive and sustainable society.

Marketing 5.0

Marketing 5.0 materializes against the background of three major challenges: the gap between generations, the polarization of prosperity and the digital divide.

It is the first time in history that five generations living together on the planet have contrasting attitudes, preferences and behaviors. Marketers will also be faced with chronic inequality in an imbalance in the distribution of wealth, which leads to market polarization. Furthermore, we will need to find a compromise between those who believe in the potential brought by digitization and those who do not.

What is Marketing 5.0

By definition, it is the application of technologies that mimic human behavior to create, communicate, deliver and enhance value throughout the customer journey.

One of the crucial themes is what we call “next tech”, a group of technologies used to emulate the capabilities of the human marketer. This includes AI, NLP, sensors, robotics, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), internet of things (Iot) and blockchain.

Some of these technologies may seem far-fetched and even intimidating to marketers, but we're starting to realize just how accessible – both in terms of availability and cost – they've become in recent years.

The concept of Marketing 5.0 is tool-neutral. Companies can implement their methods with any hardware or software available on the market. The bottom line is that companies need marketers who understand how to design a strategy that applies the right technology to the various marketing use situations.

Despite the in-depth discussion about technology, it is important to keep in mind that humanity must remain the central focus of marketing 5.0. The goal is to create a new frictionless and convenient customer experience (CX). For this, companies need to create a symbiosis between human and computer intelligence.

How technology can supercharge marketing

The rise of social media marketing and search engine marketing – as well as the exponential growth of e-commerce – has introduced marketers to the benefits of digitization, but marketing in the digital context is about much more than just moving customers away. for digital channels. Technology can revolutionize the way marketers do their jobs, such as:

– Make more informed decisions based on big data;

- Predict results of marketing strategies and tactics;

– Bring the experience of the digital context to the physical world;

– Increase the ability of frontline marketers to deliver value;

– Accelerate marketing execution.

The five components of Marketing 5.0

marketing 1.0 ao 5.0
  • data driven marketing

Data-driven marketing is the activity of collecting big data data from various internal and external sources and using it in decision-making, as well as creating a data ecosystem to guide and optimize marketing decisions.

  • agile marketing

Agile marketing consists of employing decentralized and multidisciplinary teams to rapidly conceive, design, develop and validate products and marketing campaigns. In a scenario that has increasingly constant and rapid changes, companies must be agile to respond quickly to the market.

  • predictive marketing

Predictive marketing is the process of creating and using predictive analytics to predict the results of marketing activities even before launch.

  • contextual marketing

Contextual marketing is the activity of identifying, profiling and providing consumers with personalized interactions through the use of sensors and digital interfaces in physical space.

  • augmented marketing

Augmented marketing is the use of digital technology to improve the productivity of the marketer who has direct customer contact. The technologies employed, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, mimic the human being.

Technology for humanity

Marketing 5.0 is based on the anthropocentricity of Marketing 3.0 and the technological power of Marketing 4.0. It starts with mapping the customer journey, identifying which marketing technologies can add value and improve the performance of the human marketer.

Companies applying Marketing 5.0 need to act on data from the ground up. Creating a data ecosystem is the prerequisite for implementing the practical uses of Marketing 5.0.

All of these execution elements require enterprise agility to provide a real-time response to market changes.

But understand that this adaptation does not happen overnight, because it requires changes in your brand's culture and behavior. In our journey of knowledge, we will provide different content to help you make the best decisions to adapt to Marketing 5.0.


What Marketing do you consider your company to be in?

Does the implementation of digital technologies in your company go beyond social media marketing and e-commerce?

What are the advanced technologies that you think would add value to your company?

not categorized

How to build an effective organic email marketing list

Although many companies are working strictly with the latest communication channels, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, email marketing remains an efficient strategy for many brands and one that should be considered. First, because it's a less invasive way to get in touch with a potential customer in a personalized way. Just imagine a company calling you by name on your personal WhatsApp. Strange, isn't it? Second, it's an easy-to-measure tool for open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate, which helps generate insights for periodic improvements. However, before enjoying all these advantages, you need to build an organic email marketing list to send them out, right? Check out our content today with some tips on how to do this.

First of all, why an “organic list”? Purchasing a list of ready-made e-mails may involve illegal means – after all, it is not known how it was obtained, see the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) – and, even if achieved without violating any rights, it is not a recommended practice. This is because the emails listed are probably from random people, who you don't know the region or city they live in, how old they are, the consumption power they have, among other information. That is, there is no strategy to even know if these people are interested in your brand or product. In short, it's a shot aimed at quantity, with no intelligence involved, in addition to being a very inconvenient way to get in touch with a person. An authorization is needed or, at least, an exchange of emails between the parties, to avoid being repulsed by the brand or your email being marked as spam.

Read too: What can companies learn from the new Artificial Intelligence (AI): ChatGPT and Bard?

With that in mind, it's understandable that building an effective email marketing list takes time. It is a process that does not happen overnight. For this, the brand needs to start providing relevant content to its target audience, something that strengthens its positioning. An interesting alternative for this are sending newsletters, with authorial articles and tips published on the blog. At the same time, it is important to also offer rewards to those who subscribe, such as exclusive promotions, loyalty dynamics or, in the case of B2B companies, notices about legal compliance with public bodies.

lista orgânica de e-mail marketing

soft opt in and more! Discover some techniques to collect an interesting organic email marketing list

There are several ways to collect emails and they can happen simultaneously, including. One of them is what is meant by subscription "soft opt in”. This practice usually happens through professional contacts – networking – and occurs implicitly, without the other party formally authorizing via device (desktop or smartphone) the receipt of these emails. However, it is very important that there is prior contact with this person, so that they know at least what the brand is about.

On the other hand, the optionopt in” occurs when there is authorization by a device to receive company e-mails. This alternative can happen at the end of filling out a registration form, for example, where there are fields for authorization to receive news and promotions. After agreeing, you can also ask the user if he only wants to receive promotions and/or the desired frequency of emails. These questions also help you understand what to improve and categorize email lists according to your audience's preferences.

Also, one way that can not only help capture emails, but also help you understand the perception of your products and services is through online surveys. Imagine you launched a trial version of a shampoo on the market. The questionnaire will be very useful not only in the final formulation of the cosmetic, but in capturing e-mails from people who know the brand and are open to consuming your product. Therefore, sending them news and promotions makes perfect sense.

Read too: Ads on TikTok are 73% more efficient than on other media, research points out

In the case of B2B companies and third sector institutions, webinars and online events with tips and consulting are an interesting way to even strengthen the relationship with these people who may become partners or customers in the future.

There are also slightly simpler strategies, such as inserting popups to new website visitors, creation of landing pages with lead capture campaigns and the traditional way, of course, participating in offline events, such as fairs, and, at your stand, registering prospects to contact them later.

Building an organic email marketing list, as you can see, is hard work and, naturally, one segment can be more work than the other. However, it should be borne in mind that something solid and qualitative is being built, from emails that make a minimum of sense to that person.

Finally, it is essential that all emails sent have the option “opt out”, so that the person unsubscribes from the list and informs the reason. Generally, companies put alterations, such as disinterest, very constant submissions and never being asked to receive these materials. These responses after cancellation are very useful for rethinking recruitment strategies and improving them over time.