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Check out 10 trends in Digital Marketing that your brand should pay attention to in 2020

Unlike some areas that take years and years to consolidate trends, digital marketing is one of those areas where you must always be aware of technological innovations. Otherwise, brands are easily left behind and become less competitive. That's why we've listed some of the media and platforms your brand should pay more attention to in 2020, to follow Digital Marketing trends.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy, such as SEO

Don't Ignore Instagram

Currently being one of the social networks with the highest retention in Brazil, Instagram is a platform that has a very interesting proposal for approaching the public, thus having great potential to attract new customers and pass on the brand's values through content on a daily basis. In addition, Google Ads and other resources are expected to migrate to Instagram advertising, thus leaving the platform's terrain even more fertile for content marketing.

More real social networks

Until a few years ago, it was very common for brands to be concerned with building millimetrically impeccable feeds. However, what agencies have observed is that the public interacts better with publications that are closer to ordinary people, that is, without corporatism or the use of super elaborate layouts. Thus, a trend that can be observed in this year of Digital Marketing is the growth of posts with relaxed content in real time, thus resulting in greater public identification with the brand.

More interaction on your social networks

Taking advantage of this hook of strengthening the relationship with the public, also use social media publications to invite your followers to comment, so the brand can be more successful on social media and reach more people in an organic way, that is, without sponsorship Ads. If on Facebook you can make posts to generate comments and the most diverse reactions, on Instagram, encourage people to save your posts.

However, don't forget the Stories, in this tool, users can react to your content, whether it's more relaxed or serious.

whatsapp business

Last week we published an article talking about how to use WhatsApp Business. One of the cited advantages of this media is that it can reach a large number of people, as it is one of the platforms with the most active users in Brazil. Therefore, it is essential to take advantage of this application to list your products or services and communicate directly with customers.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use Whatsapp Business and optimize your company's communication

Give LinkedIn a chance

Before starting to invest content on LinkedIn, you need to know whether or not your audience uses the platform. Being more recommended for B2B, corporate and HR professionals, a feature that is worth noting in the coming months is the possibility of live that the platform is developing. Thus, it will be possible to produce dense content in a much more dynamic and efficient way.

Follow Alliance Comunicação on LinkedIn, Click here!

From Google to social networks

Still talking about social networks, in 2020 a feature should arrive that will liven up social media. This is because it is planned to incorporate content generated on social networks into Google results. That is, posts made on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can reach an audience beyond their respective users and thus enhance the ranking of brands that already have a history of producing content on blogs, for example.

More media for blogs

Blogs are one of the main tools of content marketing. However, in addition to helping the site's organic ranking in the medium and long term, this content tends to gain a new prop, audio text. The resource also has the advantage of democratizing the material, as people who are deaf or have other limitations will have efficient access to what is being discussed.

Podcasts are also among the trends in Digital Marketing

Continuing with the audio subject, it is impossible not to talk about the phenomenon of podcasts. According to a Spotify survey carried out at the end of 2019, consumption of this content model has grown by 21% per month since January 2018.

One of the main advantages of this medium is that it can be consumed by the public during working hours, at the gym or performing another mechanical task. In this way, the podcast can capture other groups and, consequently, gain new customers who share their ideas.

data protection

The General Data Protection Law should come into force this year. With that in mind, this is a key moment to talk to customers about the use of their data. The idea is for companies to transparently inform their customers about what will be done with the information provided and leave the unsubscribe option always open.

2020 Olympics in Japan

Nowadays, in addition to being a big event, sporting events are the time to see different ideas in action. With that, it's pretty cool that brands keep an eye on the trends of the Olympics in Japan, which should launch trends in digital arts, automation and everything else that can be used as a digital marketing strategy.

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Practical and dynamic: see how to use WhatsApp Business and optimize your company's communication

This Wednesday (12), WhatsApp announced that it reached the mark of 2 billion users worldwide. However, the platform's high volume of membership is not just an international phenomenon. In 2018, the Folha de S.Paulo released a number indicating that Brazil had at least 120 million active users. Based on this reality, which has changed the way of communicating in recent years, many companies have seen the application as an opportunity to better communicate with the public. Although it was launched two years ago in Brazil, many still wonder how to use WhatsApp Business and what are its advantages. Check out our content today and understand.

Read too: Find out about the changes to Facebook Messenger that will take effect from March onwards for business pages

Just like the conventional version of the application, when opening WhatsApp Business for the first time it will be necessary to inform the mobile number that you want to use to manage the new profile. With this, the user can easily choose a separate chip, to make the complete separation of the personal account from the professional one.

After that, it is necessary configure the information for this new profile, which includes the name of the business that will appear to customers and the selection of the category it belongs to (automotive, entertainment, beauty, spa and salon, among others). Thus, WhatsApp Business will be ready to be used.

How to use WhatsApp Business? Platform offers more refined functions

When entering the menu Company adjustments, the user can find functions that help even more, such as the possibility of creating a product catalog with description, price and image. Already in the option Hang tags, it is possible to manage the status of each customer, using markers such as “order completed” or “payment pending”.

Another very useful option is generating a short WhatsApp Business URL to place on your website. When clicking on it, the customer is automatically directed to the platform's conversation window, thus not needing to add the company's contact number on the cell phone to then make contact.

More improved response time

As an important customer service tool (SAC), it is essential to respond within a reasonable time, so that the customer does not feel ignored. In this way, the professional profile can standardize a greeting or absence message, which can be sent even outside office hours.

In addition, there is also the option to formulate quick responses, which can be sent through simple shortcuts on the screen. Thus, it is possible to answer in a very practical way the price of a service or inform the opening hours of the establishment, for example.

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Report points out that consumers are more loyal to companies with a good ethical reputation

A survey of more than 8,000 consumers worldwide indicates that customers tend to continue to have high expectations regarding engagement, business values and brand reliability. The scenario, presented by the third edition of the State of the Connected Customer based on responses from people in 16 countries, it also raises the point that issues such as ethical reputation and social responsibility are gaining increasing importance.

Read too: Why should companies dedicate energy to their Sustainability Reports?

According to the report, just over 70% of respondents are placing more importance on reliability than a year ago, while 54% say it is more difficult for a company to earn their trust today. The study was also concerned with accounting for whether the opposite effect has occurred, that is, whether consumers have stopped buying branded products due to lack of confidence, and 65% stated that yes. 

A brand's ethical reputation also depends on how well it knows its consumer.

“Brands need to position themselves differently, they have to show that they are doing their part and that they share the same anxieties and concerns [of the public], that they really know their consumer. For this, it is necessary to clearly define its identity and strengthen it in the construction of an image with meaning incorporated into the company's vision and values", explains Renato Vincoletto, CCO of Alliance Comunicação.

Another data from State of the Connected Customer attests that 80% of the consulted consumers are faithful to ethical companies and 68% do not buy from institutions that have a tarnished image.

“A new era is being born, as a moment that demands courage from brands to review some paradigms, question hierarchies, broaden horizons and reassess their relationships in a movement towards the future”, completes Renato Vincoletto.

Read too: Why it's important to have an accessible web platform for PwDs

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Find out about the changes to Facebook Messenger that will take effect from March onwards for business pages

At the end of last year, Facebook published that, as of March 4, 2020, a new policy on Messenger will come into force, with the aim of strengthening the relationship between companies and customers. The new standard should also optimize the user experience (customer or potential customer), as spam and other types of negligence will be prevented.

Read too: Content Marketing: understand why it is a relationship strategy.

During the announcement, the platform also pointed out that people are currently demanding faster responses from brands, thus placing their changes as a solution to this demand: “We know that people expect companies to respond quickly, and those that respond more quickly to user messages see better business results.”

Check out the changes to Facebook Messenger, as officially announced by the platform: 

Default messages: businesses will have up to 24 hours to respond to a user, and messages sent within the 24 hour window may contain promotional content. 

Message tags: companies will be able to send important and personally relevant updates to users outside the standard 24-hour message window. Also, the number of tags will be reduced from 17 to 4. They are: Confirmed event update; post purchase update, account update or human agent;

Subscription Messages: only pages registered with the NPI (Facebook News Page Index) will be able to send non-promotional subscription messages. With this, the platform recommends that relevant pages immediately submit a request to register in the News Page Index, in order to allow sufficient time for review and approval before the new policies take effect.

Sponsored Messages: Sponsored messages allow companies to send promotional content outside the standard message window. Sponsored messages are subject to ad integrity controls and auction dynamics, which work to protect the user experience and ensure that the volume of promotional messages is consistent with user expectations.

Changes to Facebook Messenger do not impose on the user

In addition to encouraging companies to communicate, Facebook also thought of a way to avoid harming the relationship between brands and users who do not wish to receive notifications, as this will be optional. Thus, the company will use a much more modern marketing resource, which respects the wishes of its customers. 

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Content marketing: understand why it is a relationship strategy

Currently, experience and interactivity are essential points in companies' digital marketing strategies. More than communicating correctly, it is necessary to learn how to relate to the public, encouraging the multiplication of the message you want to convey.

Read too: Learn why it is important to invest in a digital marketing strategy, such as SEO

That's because, the information age has changed the way people communicate. Brands attentive to the new market demand have behaved like people, in an accessible, kind, but also vulnerable way, becoming an integral part of the consumer's lifestyle. To create this relationship, a lot of dialogue is needed, and content plays a fundamental role in this dynamic between brand and consumer.

This approach is intended to create, select, distribute and amplify through interesting, relevant and useful messages for a strategically defined audience. In addition, another detail that makes all the difference when communicating is loading the content with the brand identity, creating narratives – storytellings – that connect.

To get an idea of the importance of content marketing, according to data from Content Trends, 73% of Brazilian companies already adopt this methodology in their customer acquisition strategy and 61.8% of those that do not yet use it intend to adopt it soon.

Content strategy planning

Definition of Personas

The concept of persona is totally different from target audience. While the target audience is based on a description of a demographic group you're looking to target, the persona is a description of your ideal customer. The idea is to identify common traits among them that should be repeated in future customers.


The goal is to create interesting content that will make the reader (prospect or customer) return to your site often and become familiar with your brand. Some examples of content that can be produced are blog posts, articles, materials, videos, video lessons, rich content, podcasts, ebooks, whitepapers, infographics, webinars, testimonials and customer cases.


One of the most important points is choosing which customer acquisition channels to invest in. That is, where you will distribute your content. The main acquisition channels that currently exist are blogs, ads, social networks, email, sponsored posts, among other resources.

Content marketing combined with SEO brings long-term results

One of the tools used in this strategy is the production of informative content using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, which help the site rank in search engines such as Google. That is, a text not focused on selling services, but on answering questions or giving tips, thus transmitting messages of value to both loyal customers and potential customers and, consequently, winning them over.

The result time of an efficient SEO varies from company to company, given that factors such as location, whether it is a local business or not, market in which it operates, choice of keywords, content size and format, review, scanability and optimization for search engines influence the period of results.

However, it is also worth mentioning that the tool works cumulatively, that is, the six-month ranking will be much weaker compared to that of a page that has been online for a year. For this, some internal cases were selected to demonstrate how this strategy works organically over time.

Cases Alliance Communication

In the first case, it is a laundry specialized in cleaning industrial uniforms in the state of São Paulo. In the graph, it is possible to check the increasing number of times that a company page appeared on Google for a person between the months of February and November 2019, thus reaching the gross result of 38.7 thousand impressions and almost 1,300 organic hits.

The second image accounts for a total of 102,000 impressions in a year and almost four thousand hits. In this case, it is a group specialized in the management of industrial waste and environmental studies services in the Rio-São Paulo axis.

An interesting parallel to make is with this other company that operates in the same waste market, with the difference of focusing its services on the region of Belo Horizonte (MG) and having been generating content with SEO for three years. Tempo guaranteed more than half a million total impressions, a result five and a half times greater than the previous case. Totaling more than 31,000 organic hits.

Finally, in this case there are a total of 2.02 million page impressions, totaling more than 115 thousand accesses to the website of this company that has been investing in content marketing for six years. The company is an e-commerce company in São Paulo specialized in selling oranges with the concept farm to table.

According to SEO Trends, one of the largest sources of data on the subject, companies that invest in the strategy and conquer a space on the first page of Google get 13 times more visitors and five times more customers compared to those that do not use SEO.

More benefits of Content Marketing

  • Increases your website traffic;
  • Generates brand awareness;
  • Increases engagement with the brand;
  • Educates the market;
  • Gain authority on the subject;
  • Influences the purchase decision;
  • Generate sales;
  • Boosts lead generation;
  • Increases lifetime value (LTV);
  • Increases customer engagement;
  • Reduces Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

Although this strategy can bring very good results for the company, it is worth mentioning that the text is directed to people who have critical opinions and not to a search engine. Therefore, do your best to reconcile a good user experience with Google ranking, always prioritizing the reader who will consume the content.

Check other articles:

Learn why it is important to invest in a digital marketing strategy, such as SEO

Why it's important to have an accessible web platform for PwDs

Digital Influencers: How They Impact Digital Marketing Strategies in Brazil

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Learn why it is important to invest in a digital marketing strategy, such as SEO

Placing and maintaining a company in the market and competitively are not easy tasks. Regardless of the size, you should think about the business plan that contains elements such as initial investment, market research, hiring staff, purchasing equipment and marketing planning. In other words, solving countless items to establish itself as an institution.

However, it is also necessary to pay attention to another issue: how to relate and communicate with this market, in addition to the traditional 'word of mouth'? Digital marketing and content marketing are the answer. While the first concept is a set of strategic actions to attract, retain and build customer loyalty through online platforms (websites, blogs, social networks, etc.), to communicate directly and horizontally with the public, as an issuer that transmits and receives feedback, content marketing enters in a complementary way to feed this dialogue in an interesting, relevant and useful way.

Faced with this proposal, many companies adopt and have been adopting these strategies in the contemporary scenario. To give you an idea, a recent survey pointed out that 73% of Brazilian businesses already rely on content marketing for customer acquisition and 61.8% of those that do not use it yet intend to adopt it soon.

Another released balance that dialogues with these data is a study published by Google that estimates that searches on search engines are responsible for 80% of the initial traffic of web browsing. The same survey also points out that, daily, more than 3.5 billion searches are carried out on the platform, which annually results in more than 2 trillion searches, thus making Google a great window for attracting new customers and stakeholders who want to learn about a new product or service provider.

However, it is enough to be a Google user to know that a link positioned after the first page is rarely chosen to click on. And this is precisely where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in, which can be used as a powerful digital marketing strategy.

Briefly, SEO can be defined as a set of techniques applied to written content that will meet search engine algorithms, placing the text link in the top positions on Google in an organic way, that is, without investment in ads and publicity. pay. And, when added to all those brand responsibilities mentioned in the first paragraph, this becomes a task that requires just as much detail.

Why rely on agencies specialized in this digital marketing strategy?

If the entrepreneur's area of expertise is not content production or digital marketing, the application of SEO techniques can become an exhausting task and disconnected from their daily work routine, as it demands another professional investment. In other words, the extra financial resource that could be used to directly benefit the closing of new partnerships and customer service ends up being used to supply the demand of another area.

It is at this point that the choice to outsource the use of this strategy weighs in the balance and takes on an interesting tone. By relying on communication agencies specialized in SEO techniques, the entrepreneur can dedicate himself completely to his clients and be unconcerned with that problem pointed out at the beginning of the article: how to relate and communicate with the market, in addition to the traditional 'word of mouth' mouth'.

Results of companies that have relied on SEO as a digital marketing strategy

One of Alliance Comunicação's clients is the e-commerce Laranjas Online, a company that adopts the concept farm to table, thus taking care of the entire process of production and delivery of fresh oranges. With Alliance for about four years, the company has been investing in content marketing by creating articles that follow the SEO strategy for its blog.

The large volume of production, in addition to other market strategies, resulted in more than half a million Google impressions of Laranjas Online, between June and September 2019 alone. Which means that, in this three-month period, search for a term related to one of the topics posted on Laranjas, 500,000 times one of its links appeared to a user on the search engine, which resulted in around 30,000 organic hits.

The strategy is also interesting for companies that have a more specific niche, such as Inovar Ambiental, which specializes in industrial waste treatment. In one quarter, content marketing combined with other strategies resulted in a total of 136,000 impressions on Google's website and more than 7,000 clicks on the institution's website.

After all, what are the benefits of SEO for my business?

According to SEO Trends, one of the largest sources of data on the subject, companies that invest in the strategy and conquer a space on the first page of Google get 13 times more visitors and five times more customers compared to those that do not use SEO.

It is a fact that, depending on the company's area of activity, improving ranking on Google is a task that takes time and constant production of content based on search engine algorithms. However, it can be said that the benefits obtained with SEO are extremely important for a context in which digital has a vast influence on society's routine and search tools are used to find professionals who meet certain needs, however specific they may be. be.

Conquering new customers must be strategically thought out and take into account the increased visibility of your business. These elements bring more credibility to your company and, therefore, strengthen the brand in the niche. In this way, it is possible to raise the levels of collection, which means more capital to: improve yourself professionally, increase the remuneration of the employees who are with you on a daily basis, buy new technologies and a more strategic positioning in the face of the competition.

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Why should companies dedicate energy to their Sustainability Reports?

The theme “sustainability” is very recent for our society. The first world conference on the environment was only held in the 1970s, shortly after we received the first images of the Earth – coming from space, after the launch of the mission that took us to the moon -, and we came across what we were doing with she. 

Eco 92 was the first time that we actually heard about “sustainable development”. Since then, we have evolved a lot in this respect, although not satisfactorily in its entirety. We discovered that this development involves other practices, such as economic, social and not just environmental – the famous triple bottom line

People are more aware. They are growing more aware of how and at what cost companies produce. According to a study How to speak Z, 92% of Gen Z youth care about social and environmental causes. Among Millennials – Generation Y – this percentage is 87%.

Given this scenario, with the social, environmental and economic challenges faced by companies today, sustainability management must be a priority in business strategies in any segment. This means that it is not enough just to have initiatives in favor of causes, it is necessary to have sustainability in management, decisions and day-to-day attitudes.

This is where the Sustainability Report comes in. While originally seen as a way to build trust and enhance reputation, it is now truly a strategic tool used to support sustainable decision-making processes, drive organizational development, achieve better performance, engage stakeholders and attract investments. 

But what is the Sustainability Report?

Briefly, the report is a document where companies gather information with the aim of measuring and disclosing all the environmental, economic and social impacts that their activities generate. It is the main tool that companies have to present their performance to society. 

This report tends to be very favorable to organizations. In addition to contributing to improving the public's image of the brand, it is an important starting point for self-knowledge, helping the company to detect positive and negative points in its management. And it all starts with the development of the Materiality Matrix.

What is the Materiality Matrix?

Materiality is an accounting principle that was adapted by the sustainability area to identify non-financial aspects that are relevant to the company. It consists of the organization's knowledge process of the most relevant subjects for it according to the business strategy and the perception of impacts of the public with whom it relates: the stakeholders.

It is estimated that 80% of a company's market value results from intangible assets such as reputation, image, brand recognition, relationships, customer loyalty, innovation capacity, transparency and corporate governance, brands and patents and policies. 

The objective of the materiality analysis is to identify which environmental, social and governance aspects protect and add value to the business. In addition to providing the basis for the reporting process, this study can be an important tool for prioritizing actions and integrating sustainability practices into the companies' strategy and management. 

What are the most used indicators and guidelines?

A common question in the corporate environment is which indicator is most suitable for each company. In general, all reporting tools have the main purpose of transparently communicating the actions, commitments and goals adopted. The main difference between them is in the structure, considering that in each one there are rules guided by different organizations, such as: IIRC, GRI, CDP, SASB, ETHOS, IBASE.

Sustainability Report (RS) – Focused on publishing practices and actions related to the main impacts of the company, based on the pillars of the triple bottom line, environmental, social and economic. It also addresses issues that are a priority not only for the company, but also for its stakeholders.

Social Balance (BS) – The main objective is to communicate the practices of a company in the context of Social Responsibility, with a variable structure based on the themes adopted by the company.

Integrated Report (IR) – The main feature is the emphasis on integrating information in a concise way, with a very strategic and future-oriented focus. 

Benefits obtained with the issuance of the Sustainability Report

  • It improves the management of socio-environmental risks by the organization and by society;
  • Allows better definition of strategies related to sustainability in the economic, social and environmental spheres;
  • It improves dialogue between the organization and stakeholders, contributing to the generation of common solutions;
  • Integrates organizational departments promoting strategic alignment;
  • Provides greater transparency between the company, partners and society.

Even though the Sustainability Report is not a legal requirement, it is advisable that all companies, regardless of their size, issue it annually. This brings transparency to their activities, as well as underscores their commitment to their consumers and society.

In short, the Report is indeed an important communication and management tool!

To paraphrase Neil Armstrong, the Sustainability Report is a step for the company, but a giant leap for humanity.

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Why it's important to have an accessible web platform for PwDs

The simple habit of accessing the internet to do research, read the news or communicate with other people has become practically organic in the last decade. Who has never 'Googled' quickly to confirm information in a matter of seconds, for example? It turns out that this behavior, which for many is trivial, turns out to be a great challenge for people with limited mobility.

It turns out that, in many cases, the disability is not severe to the point of completely excluding Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) from using the computer. However, in most cases, the programming development of web platforms does not take into account the need to serve blind people, with low vision, significant hearing impairment, difficulty in handling the mouse to access their digital content.

However, an accessible web platform is not restricted to democratic programming in the physical sense, limitations related to memory, attention, reading and linguistics, mathematical comprehension and visual comprehension must also be taken into account. As exemplified by the Electronic Government Accessibility Model (eMAG), a person with dyslexia may not be able to read a page properly because of poor design.

What is eMAG?

The Electronic Government Accessibility Model is a set of recommendations for federal government websites to have the most accessible content possible. The document includes a series of standardizations and follows international standards, since it is an adapted version of the international document Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and serves as a guide for entrepreneurs in private companies.

Given this scenario, following the guiding principle of eMAG in the development and adaptation of digital content — ranging from texts to audiovisuals — welcomes people respecting their respective needs, since assistive technology resources, such as adapted keyboards and screen magnifiers, by themselves they just don't guarantee everyone's access to the content.

What is an accessible website?

An accessible website, according to eMAG, must allow all contents to be accessed by keyboard, offer a hierarchical navigation structure in the header and present content distinguished by blocks. In addition, the fields must also contain some form of differentiation other than just color, so that colorblind users are not harmed.

Furthermore, the platform must also include images with alternative text describing them. The writing resource is equally important for the subtitles that must be present in all videos, as well as the translation into Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). Audio description is another tool that should integrate audio and audiovisual media.

Implementing these possibilities also improves the ranking of your site on Google, since having a site characterized by ease of navigation allows a larger audience — according to the latest survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are 45 million PwDs in Brazil — access it, following the same SEO-based boosting templates. 

Digital Accessibility Seal

In May 2018, the São Paulo City Hall launched the Digital Accessibility Seal. The idea is to certify private companies to follow the criteria established by national standards. Anchored in the Brazilian Inclusion Law, the seal is awarded to platforms that have at least 95% of eMAG adherence and comply with all items on the checklist for manual analysis of accessibility in portals.

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How to apply International Marketing concepts in the Brazilian market

Every company has ever thought of selling its products and services outside Brazil, either for strategic reasons or even for financial growth purposes.

Today, Brazil's main export partners are China, the United States, Argentina and the Netherlands (Holland). In the case of the latter, we can analyze it more broadly, since the largest port in Europe is in Rotterdam. Without a doubt, commodities represent a large share of national exports, but an interesting fact that few people know is that micro and small companies are responsible for 40% of exports. This volume of products, however, when translated into monetary value, represents only 5% of market share. The major export center in Brazil is the southeast region, led by São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. Out of this axis, Rio Grande do Sul stands out.

This internationalization usually takes place through some means, whether directly or indirectly: exports, licensing, franchising, consortia, joint ventures, acquisitions and strategic alliances. Each of these actions has a different degree of commitment, complexity and risks.

Without a doubt, one of the biggest challenges for a brand in the internationalization process is marketing. Often, companies start exporting to countries where they think entry will be easier, whether due to language, distance or any element that makes that country something more familiar to those who are exporting. But what many companies don't ask themselves is whether people in that country need their product, or even if they should make some adjustments to the product or the way they communicate about it.

Many of these ventured without a minimum study of the country they are entering. Some work out, some don't. Citing the case of China Inbox, a successful franchise that needs no introduction. When the company tried to plant its flag in Argentine lands, it did not have any kind of concern, it simply advanced and assembled its units. But what they didn't have in mind is that the Argentine public has a totally different habit from the Brazilian one – they have lunch and dinner much later than us, for example – not to mention that meals are always accompanied by a good wine. These habits, different from ours, had a consequence: when the Argentines were going out to dinner, the restaurant was almost closing, and even when they found it open, they didn't have an alcoholic beverage (wine) to drink. Result: bankruptcy of the units.

This shows that, no matter the size of the company or the degree of maturity, if it does not adapt to the market, if it does not try to understand what the people in that region really need, the probability of something going wrong is great.

Now place yourself, look at the size of the country we live in, of continental dimensions, states larger than many countries. A multicultural Brazil, a world of different ethnicities within a single place. Before trying to introduce your product to another market, you should ask yourself several questions.

Should I introduce the same product or do I need to make adjustments?

Should I adapt or standardize my communication?

Mixed, multiple or umbrella brand?

The biggest challenges for your company to sell nationally are the same as a company that wants to sell to another country: geographic, cultural and psychological.

1.1 Geographic – should be one of the easiest points, however, taxes and logistical problems in Brazil make it something more complex.

1.2 Cultural – this is certainly one of the biggest challenges and deserves a more technical analysis. A study by Geert Hofstede, which ended up becoming a book later, deals deeply with these “cultural dimensions”. Power distance, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term versus short-term orientation.

1.2.1 Distance from power – this factor itself exemplifies how society reacts to inequalities. This directly implies how a boss should deal with an employee, how a salesperson should act with the customer. Where people are more likely to accept such inequality, the easier they will accept hierarchical levels.

1.2.2 – Individualism versus collectivism – how these people act and how they are interconnected. Should I put individual goals or should I add collective goals for the team. Should I present advertisements with friendship and companionship?

1.2.3 – Masculinity versus femininity – it is worth emphasizing that this concept was developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The best-used translation would be “money versus values”. Are my employees more interested in earnings or benefits? Do my customers prefer a lower price or a value-added product?

1.2.4 – Aversion to uncertainty –  how much people are willing to take risks in their lives. Is this new wave of Start-ups not showing a new reality? Do these new generations have something to tell us?

1.2.5 – Long-term versus short-term orientation – here in Brazil short term is the rule. But since they are internationalization challenges, think about how a Japanese and a Brazilian company acts. Ask yourself this question, and understand how alliances and partnerships are made.  

2.3 Psychic – in short: psychic distance results from the perception and understanding of the existence of cultural and business differences between them. Here, returning to the beginning of the text where I commented that companies generally export to countries where they have more identification, but these decision-making can be due to environmental, individual or relationship factors.

Do research! Today the digital revolution and globalization have brought us more cost-effective means of getting more relevant data. Use them wisely in your decision making.

Think globally, act locally.

Renato Vincoletto Chief Creative Officer (CCO) at Alliance Comunicação. Graduated in Digital Communication, post-graduated in Advertising Creation, Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing from USP. I have been in the Communication market for over 15 years, in which I have worked in several segments, with experience in directing and creating projects and campaigns, directing marketing and branding.

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The Evolution of Marketing 3.0 to Marketing 4.0

Marketing evolves at the same speed as generations, communication and the needs of consumers and the market evolve. If in marketing 3.0 Philip Kotler already preached the importance of values and sustainability for the success of an organization, these values gain more importance in what we can call marketing 4.0, which goes further, in an even more horizontal communication, strongly based on feelings human beings, social transformations and interactivity on the web – where anyone can be 'media' and everyone has the power of persuasion.

We cannot say that marketing 3.0 is outdated, as there are small differences in relation to the concept of marketing 4.0, with changes in the intensity and strength with which the message reaches the final public, and how it directly impacts the way companies are perceived . The means of communication, online or offline, are available today, for good or for bad, and that is why professionals and their organizations need to be prepared for this new media and information scenario, using these channels to your favor.

In the book “Marketing 3.0. The forces that are defining the new human-centered marketing”, Kotler showed the transition from the basic concept of marketing – which is to clearly define the identity of a brand and strengthen it in building an image – to marketing 3.0 – with meaning embedded in a company's vision and values. Marketing, already at the time of the book, also preaches a consonance of three concepts: identity, integrity and image.

The brand needs to have identity, integrity and image. The result is not achieved completely without these three points – the 3Is. The brand is useless if it only articulates a positioning. She may have a clear image, but not necessarily a good one. And positioning may just be a claim to consumers. Actions are worthless if the '3Is' are not complete and in tune.

Years later, this concept was not only consolidated, but also expanded, with the increase in people's communication power and the importance they give to sustainability and social correctness, added to the dissemination and persuasion capacity of social media - in what we are calling of marketing 4.0.

Companies with an established image, which prove to people that they are concerned about the environment around them, will certainly be better seen, better publicized and better accepted by their consumers, which will directly impact the financial results. Marketing cannot be considered synonymous with sales or a demand generation tool. It needs to be seen as the main way to gain and keep a consumer's trust.

In marketing 3.0, companies must see consumers as full human beings: with a physical body, a mind capable of independent thinking and analysis, and a heart capable of feeling the soul. This means that the product idea needs to be uniquely positioned in the minds of consumers. Concepts must be conveyed in a way that touches the heart, showing people why they need a certain product or service, and how it can change their lives. You have to differentiate yourself from others to succeed. And this is only possible with efforts focused on emotions and feelings.

Marketing 3.0 shows that there is more trust in horizontal relationships. Consumers trust each other more than the companies themselves. When Kotler, in his book, analyzed the rise of social media as a reflection of the migration of consumer trust to other consumers, he saw the importance that these channels would have.

In the case of marketing 4.0, this horizontal relationship not only materialized but also became the basis of communication and marketing today. Consumers have turned to word of mouth as a more reliable form of advertising. According to a survey by Nielsen Global Survey, about 90% of consumers surveyed trust recommendations from acquaintances, 70% of consumers believe in the opinion of other customers, posted on the internet – they trust strangers in their social networks more than experts.

In addition to consumers talking about companies and opining about them on the network, influencing each other, companies themselves were forced to position themselves on social media. This is a reality. Not just a dissemination channel, social media have gained ground in marketing and communication as means of information and advertising, and are directly related to the concept of marketing 4.0.

This occurs precisely because the new reality of the internet, with all the strength of its relationship networks, proves the importance of thinking about consumers' feelings as a way to consolidate image, reputation and, consequently, results. The impact is direct on the decisions of a company's communication areas, for example, including the way they use their funds – today they are much more directed at social media than conventional channels.

Marketers need to identify anxieties and desires and then target the minds, hearts and spirits of their consumers. These are increasingly concerned with issues such as social well-being, health, education, sustainability. This interferes with choosing a product. Companies that want to be recognized, therefore, must share the same dream as consumers, and make a difference in the environment in which they operate. But to achieve this feat, the changes must be incorporated into the DNA, in addition to embedding the good deeds in the corporate culture and remaining firm to this commitment. The change has to be rooted in your organization's mission, vision and values.

Kotler demonstrates that commitment has to start at the corporate level and all employees must take it seriously. Successful companies do not start their planning with the financial return, but with the accomplishment of their mission. Positive returns will then be the result of your actions.

In this way, a really effective planning must bring a matrix based on values:

The mission must be more permanent. It is a company's raison d'être and should reflect the basic purpose of its very existence. Your mission will determine your sustainability. It is represented by a 'donut', but inverted (the hole on the outside and the mass in the middle) – the core is fixed and the space around it is flexible, because the company's mission is the medium, it cannot be modified, and the business scope is flexible, but it must be in sync with the core.

The vision can be defined as what the company wants to be seen in the future, what it intends to accomplish, based on the corporate mission. The compass is the symbol that represents the orientation to the future state.

Values can be considered institutional behavior standards, what are the company's priorities, behaviors that benefit it and the communities inside and outside it. They are represented by a wheel, as it is expected that by strengthening communities, values will also be strengthened.

But how to use the values matrix in the company?

In one of the axes, the company must strive to occupy the hearts and minds of customers, whether current or future. On the other are mission, vision and values.

Although the product has to satisfy customers, the brand must be perceived as a performer of emotional aspirations, with practices that touch feelings. That is, the company must not only promise profitability and financial return, but also long-term sustainability. The brand needs to be better, different, make a difference.

For example, a company may have a mission to promote wellness and sustainability. It must offer products in concomitance with environmental protection, in addition to promoting actions based on compassion. Furthermore, she must encourage her customers to do the same. The manufacture of its products must follow sustainable standards, so that it can be an example and inspiration for consumers. The company's attitudes must, without fail, follow these precepts, if it wants to be recognized for its mission. This includes actions at the factory, with employees, with surrounding communities, with the country, among others.

Why applicability?

Putting on paper – or in the matrix – what are the paths (mission, vision and values) to be followed is a way of rooting the necessary concepts for the company to reach its image objectives. Rooting the concepts, the company becomes more recognized by consumers and, consequently, better spoken and seen by them. Considering the concepts of marketing 3.0 and 4.0, touched by the good image of the company, consumers will identify with it (feelings) and will be able to share good references and experiences, and will serve as propagators of the corporate image, products and services offered – mainly on the web .

Monica Giacomini Journalist by training and postgraduate student in public relations at Faculdade Cásper Líbero, where he is studying Marketing and Persuasive Communication.