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Data-driven content and more! Check out the main Digital Marketing trends for 2023

Digital, by essence, allows the rapid creation of content formats and platforms, proposing new dynamics among users, among other phenomena that allow us as a company to speculate on what will consolidate in Digital Marketing and in which market segments. It is very important that the manager, when identifying the emergence of a new social media to which many users are migrating, seeing the Koo application go viral in November 2022, does not create a profile for his company there simply for the sake of creating it. First of all, you need to know if your client is there as a prospect and if it makes sense for the brand to occupy that space. It is, therefore, a strategic decision, which a specialized consultancy can make all the difference in order not to 'let the ball go'. However, to decide to follow a new movement, it is important to know what is happening. Therefore, in today's content, we address the main Digital Marketing trends for 2023, for you to evaluate them and, who knows, change the course of your business with a new strategic marketing direction. 

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Conversational Marketing

According to a survey of approximately 40,000 RD Station customers, there has been a significant growth in the conversion rate using WhatsApp tools of almost 70%, in addition to an increase of 40% in closing sales. The data are from an annual comparison, between 2021 and 2022, however, it shows the consolidation of a consumer who yearns for real-time service channels.

In the case of Brazil, this behavior is shown mainly in WhatsApp, because it is one of the most popular apps in the country, with 147 million users, being the second nation with the highest number of App users in the world, behind only India.

Read too: “Next Businesses”: discover the new WhatsApp feature

Data-driven content is one of the strongest Digital Marketing trends for the year

Of course, seeing a post from your company go viral on social media with likes or an ad on Google Ads having a high click-through rate brings, a priori, the satisfaction that a good job was done there. However, when having a Digital Marketing agency as a partner, it is necessary to understand that, this good first performance, may have been influenced by a seasonal event and that may not be repeated in the coming weeks or months. Therefore, it is very important not to get stuck in a myopic view and go beyond it. That is, looking for insights on top of this data, to understand what was so relevant for people to interact in this way.

Conteúdos baseados em dados e mais! Confira as principais tendências de Marketing Digital para 2023

Given the wealth of data that marketing professionals have access to today, it is imperative to use this information to devise content strategies that make sense for the brand's target audience. In addition to understanding what went well and why, it is also essential to be aware of what did not work and why. Data, while ethically obtained, is available to help us do a better and more accurate job, which saves resources and time.

Digital Marketing is, more and more, an area that focuses on data and critical thinking about them, so as not to get lost in a sea of metrics that maybe don't say that much.

Diverse and inclusive brands

What is the basic principle of social media? It can be said that, connecting people who exchange messages, comments, likes, etc. That is, they are platforms, predominantly made for people. When entering a space like this, it is very important that the brand does not fail to look at this social media premise and, therefore, go beyond the proposal to sell and propose to create true connections with its consumers. And this is directly linked to communicating in a more human way, showing real and diverse people, and in an accessible way, subtitling videos, for example.

However, it is imperative that the brand expresses these values only if they are genuine. The contemporary consumer is smart and quickly realizes when it is not something true. Furthermore, any company is subject to exposure in the media which, if true, puts down all the false discourse of inclusion. Therefore, more important than authentically connecting with the internet community itself, is being true to what is preached within the company's premises.

Listen to your community

Still taking advantage of the topic on the basic principle of social media, it is worth highlighting the power of digital communities, which are the result of longer-term work and which are integrated with Relationship Marketing. These communities are basically made up of admirers and consumers of products and services, who interact with the brand digitally, giving their respective opinions on launches, for example.

It is interesting when the brand proposes to respond to its community through a SAC 2.0 aligned with the company's values. Who has never seen Netflix's relaxed tweets with their followers? This type of attitude strengthens ties, reinforces values, builds customer loyalty and generates insights so that the brand continues to serve its audience well.

omnichannel solutions

Recent surveys such as Social Commerce by Alli N | Social Miner in partnership with Opinion Box and Etus, point to a consumer profile that researches the product of interest on digital channels and then buys in a physical location, thus demonstrating the increasing integration of the digital medium with the physical. Although many managers have the mindset that seeing points of sale as separate elements: the physical store, e-commerce, App, social media, etc. The contemporary consumer does not have these boundaries very clear in mind. For him, the interesting thing is to separate an item in the cart on the App on the cell phone, so that he can complete the purchase via e-commerce on the computer and schedule the collection of the product at the physical store closest to his work.

Read too: Check out 6 promotional strategies to move your e-commerce

Omnichannel solutions have the mission of delivering this convenience to their audience, integrating a robust system, so that, in fact, they don't even notice that they've been through different points of sale.