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Report points out that consumers are more loyal to companies with a good ethical reputation

A survey of more than 8,000 consumers worldwide indicates that customers tend to continue to have high expectations regarding engagement, business values and brand reliability. The scenario, presented by the third edition of the State of the Connected Customer based on responses from people in 16 countries, it also raises the point that issues such as ethical reputation and social responsibility are gaining increasing importance.

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According to the report, just over 70% of respondents are placing more importance on reliability than a year ago, while 54% say it is more difficult for a company to earn their trust today. The study was also concerned with accounting for whether the opposite effect has occurred, that is, whether consumers have stopped buying branded products due to lack of confidence, and 65% stated that yes. 

A brand's ethical reputation also depends on how well it knows its consumer.

“Brands need to position themselves differently, they have to show that they are doing their part and that they share the same anxieties and concerns [of the public], that they really know their consumer. For this, it is necessary to clearly define its identity and strengthen it in the construction of an image with meaning incorporated into the company's vision and values", explains Renato Vincoletto, CCO of Alliance Comunicação.

Another data from State of the Connected Customer attests that 80% of the consulted consumers are faithful to ethical companies and 68% do not buy from institutions that have a tarnished image.

“A new era is being born, as a moment that demands courage from brands to review some paradigms, question hierarchies, broaden horizons and reassess their relationships in a movement towards the future”, completes Renato Vincoletto.

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