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Diversity: Instagram releases the option to insert pronouns in the profile in Portuguese

Instagram took a big step towards diversity recently and introduced an update that allows media users to add their pronouns, including the neutral pronoun. According to the platform's press office, the new profile editing feature was a way to facilitate a practice that had already been practiced by some users, who put the information in the bio description.

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The update has been available since 2021 for those using the App in English. However, the feature is currently also available in Portuguese, French, Spanish, German, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Dutch and Swedish, so that more people have the option to make the change to their profile. .

Another media with the feature is LinkedIn, a platform dedicated to professional and academic connections. Since 2021, its users can insert he/his, she/her or personalized pronouns, thus meeting all the needs of the LGBTQIAP+ community. The update was an important step towards encouraging debate in corporate environments through the inclusion of the media.

pronomes no perfil

Read too: How to create a relevant profile for your business on Instagram

How to insert the pronoun in my Instagram profile?

pronomes no perfil

To insert the information in the Instagram profile bio is very simple. Just have the application open and the account logged in and tap on “Edit profile”.

If the platform is up to date, the “Pronouns” option will be available and, by clicking on it, you will be able to choose from the variety of languages available and which one you prefer to use.

In the settings, it is still possible to choose whether the user wants his pronoun to be available to all Instagram users or just his followers. Finally, click on “Finish” and check how the update turned out by going to view your profile!