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New normal: what the pandemic brought differently to the daily lives of people and brands

The new coronavirus pandemic has changed the way people relate, live and consume. This new normal – an expression that began to be used to designate the changes that are happening in the world – much more than an immediate transformation in the population’s routine, should generate long-term impacts on the behavior of people and brands.

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This crisis scenario brought brands the challenge of understanding these changes and repositioning themselves for a post-pandemic world. To discover the new role of the brand in this new normal, it is necessary to understand the expectations of Brazilians in relation to its positioning. Activities such as donations to health institutions and the manufacture of products that help control the spread of the disease are the main points observed.

In addition, R/GA promoted the survey Best Practices for the New Normal to understand how the issues that emerged during the quarantine can influence consumer behavior towards brands.

Cultural triggers that must remain in the 'New Normal'

Check out some cultural triggers, which must remain in society with the arrival of the new normal:

1. Home office

With social isolation, many people needed to adapt their homes to the work routine, and brands embarked on this movement through musical lives, home exercise programs and with an exponential growth of digital work platforms.

2. Focus on the collective

The crisis awakened a different look at the whole and the public began to think about the collective. This should expand into an overhaul of business models as companies have been charged with making a difference for their employees and consumers.

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3. The importance of the essentials

The crisis has been affecting families in different ways, mainly in terms of income. This situation sparked a new look at what is considered really essential, reducing the consumption of superfluous things. It's time for companies to start thinking about how to stay relevant to consumers and invest in cost-effective solutions in this new normal.

4. Digital growth

Activities that were done in person migrated to the digital environment with the implementation of social isolation. Consumers who were not used to using digital services for shopping, for example, found in e-commerce a safe way to maintain consumption.

5. The power of experience

The opportunity to live experiences away from home will be even more valued in this new normal with the resumption of activities and control of the pandemic. Companies will have the challenge of creating experiences that follow the norms of coexistence and that, at the same time, reinforce the relationship with the public.