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Local marketing: check out some tips that can help your business

According to data from the consultancy Empresômetro released in February 2019, at least 13.5 million companies are classified as small in Brazil, which represents 70% of national enterprises. Among these millions are local initiatives dedicated to providing services and products to certain neighborhoods and regions. Faced with a reality in which consumers use digital channels to find somewhere that meets their respective needs, investing in local marketing can make a big difference.

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With that, one of the tools that can most help to put the brand name in evidence in the region is the Google My Business. With this feature – in which companies appear in a box on the first page of the search engine – the result related to your company happens through geolocation and can be accompanied by images, addresses, customer reviews, thus arousing interest in new people.

Also optimize your results on Google with SEO

When knowing the name of the company, one of the things that the user can do is search for a possible website of the brand. In this context, it is beneficial to meet some requirements, such as having a special layout for mobile devices, adopting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies, in addition to inserting a map with your location, phone number and WhatsApp contact link. Everything for the person to have at hand what he needs to contact your service immediately.

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In addition to a good position on Google, the local business can also invest in specific content for Instagram and the Facebook page. On these platforms, it is possible to periodically post the services provided, the news, in addition to building a closer bond with customers, demonstrating that it is open to dialogue with people in the region, whether clarifying doubts or thanking for a compliment.

Local marketing in times of crisis

Currently, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, major brands and digital influencers have mobilized to encourage preference for local businesses, which, among companies, are the ones that have suffered the most from the impacts of the quarantine. With this, local marketing can be very useful in expanding the famous word of mouth and making the brand name reach more people.

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In addition, adapting the product portfolio, offering promotions and disclosing these news on social networks are often interesting ways to attract and retain customers. However, adopting a good tone is as important as the publications themselves. Therefore, having a communication agency can be essential to help your business in these times and gain credibility in the region.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use Whatsapp Business and optimize your company communication