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Engagement with environmental guidelines has increased in the last 5 years, according to research

Engagement with environmental agendas has taken on even greater proportions in recent years, as indicated by a study by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The company, which specializes in forecasting and consulting, presented relevant data on the subject, raising reflections on an economic organization that prioritizes sustainable practices in its production.

On the global stage, themes related to environmental conservation have been increasingly recurrent, see the Paris Agreement of 2015. The treaty establishes a commitment between nations to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, guiding countries and corporations to adoption of conscious alternatives.

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In this regard, the internet has been a great ally in the dissemination of content on sustainability. According to the study An Eco-Awakening: Measuring Global Awareness, Engagement, and Action for Nature, people's concern for the environmental cause has grown 16% in the last five years.

Engagement with environmental guidelines and the importance of digital media

The analysis, in turn, highlights the behavior of communication vehicles, brands and companies in these results. This is because sharing ideas associated with sustainable development and conscious consumption makes all the difference in this scenario. After all, engagement with environmental agendas within digital environments reaches a significant number of people, expanding debates.

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And according to the survey data, mobilization goes further, reflecting in individual actions, such as the creation of petitions. Since 2016, more than 159 million signatures have been collected in biodiversity campaigns, where Brazil represents the largest share with 23 million records, an organization also found in social and collective movements.

The idea is, in general terms, the creation of a more sustainable and fair economy for all.