The coronavirus crisis will test us all, but business owners need to think long term and continue to build their brands, protect their people and honor their values. And nothing better than having a Comunication agency by your side in this very complex moment.
If you work with different sales channels and/or different products, start measuring which ones are more or less affected by the crisis right now. Chances are, you'll have to make changes to your digital marketing strategy, channels, and product distribution at breakneck speed. Having these numbers at hand will help you make more assertive decisions.
It may seem silly at first, but your dedication (especially if you are the sole manager of the business) will be highly responsible for the success of your actions.
Planning your return to the market, thinking about new ways of distribution and focusing efforts on customer service can put you in an advantageous position when the market returns to normal. Therefore, no arms crossed. It's time to work!
First wash your hands!

Talk to your consumer
It is necessary to understand the scenarios, whether by chat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. It is worth asking how the customer is doing, how he prefers the delivery to be carried out… This relationship is very important now.

Adapt the operation
Focusing on new delivery partnerships and strengthening the delivery service is a good option. It is time to reinvent the business. It is possible to review the approach and not miss the opportunity.

Order, coordination and planning
These are the key words to go through a crisis. You need to plan your actions and evaluate all scenarios. Nothing leaves the paper without having been validated within a planning beforehand. Plan everything. This type of data will give you the necessary security to make decisions.

Financial control
As you may have noticed, during a crisis everything changes too fast! It is also important that you know exactly how much cash flow and financial reserve you have to maintain your operation in case things get complicated.

rethink your prices
In general, product pricing involves some basic rules. You need to take into account issues such as your market price and company expenses. The pandemic of the new coronavirus, however, brings a different context for entrepreneurs. Even resorting to deliveries, the tendency is for it to be more difficult to maintain the pace of sales as before. It is also worth resorting, to a lesser or greater extent, to more attractive promotions and conditions, such as free deliveries.

In addition to reviewing its product/service portfolio, new customer needs create innovation opportunities for its business. Don't get focused on defensive actions. Take this moment to innovate around emerging opportunities. Keep an eye on the signals your consumer will give.

At a time when the customer has withdrawn and is practically reclusive at home, small business owners need to use digital marketing to reach the public. Use technology to your advantage!

Announcement and positioning
The first step is to make it clear that you care about the safety of your employees, customers and stakeholders. Use the power of your blog and das social media to make publications informing the adopted solutions. You can also rely on an email marketing strategy to expand this message.

Use the power of videos
Record videos showing the public the procedures you are carrying out to ensure everyone's safety. Ideally, the video should be as illustrative as possible. In addition, have a positive positioning, showing that you are always available to your customers and partners.

offer contents of value
What people are most looking for right now is a little comfort and a way to reduce uncertainties. So it's time to take even lighter strategies. Offer content to customers without the intention of selling immediately, focusing on building a relationship that can later bear fruit.

Humanize your brand
Sharing the behind-the-scenes of your business can also help you better connect with customers – and provide a foundation for supporting them. It is also worth sharing the pains of the business, such as the challenge of facing this crisis. People have a fondness for local businesses.

Invest in lead generation
Broadly speaking, leads can be defined as people (or companies) who came into contact with your company and have the potential to become customers. Even if they don't close a deal now, having this base of people can generate results in the medium and long term. One of the common ways to generate leads is to offer something of value, such as content, through a lead.

Set goals – and measure the results
For advertisements, communication or any other strategy to work, you must first have well defined your objectives. Data analysis is especially useful at this time, helping to define strengths and weaknesses and map out next decisions.