
LinkedIn for companies: check out good organic practices that will help your page

Running a campaign on LinkedIn usually requires a bigger budget compared to other social media like Instagram and Facebook. In this way, many brands are afraid to explore the platform's resource independently, to reinforce their brand positioning, win customers and, finally, optimize their results. That's why, in today's content, we've created some good organic practices for you who manage LinkedIn pages for companies.

Good LinkedIn pages for companies must have a good “business card”

Before starting or resuming content creation, check your brand page. Are the profile picture and cover image adequate? Do they convey confidence to a potential customer or partner? Answer these questions honestly and take appropriate action. In addition to a visual that values and is in line with your identity, it is also important to pay attention to filling in the fields on the page, so that it is as complete as possible.

Now yes, post regularly!

Just like any other social media, it's important for the company to stay active, posting regularly – once a day or three times a week, for example. Otherwise, it generates the sensation of discontinuing operations or abandonment.

However, in addition to posting regularly, it is important that the company page does so with relevant content.

What is relevant for my company page to post on LinkedIn?

Linkedin para empresas

It is very important that the company makes relevant posts for its audience. Otherwise, from the user's point of view, it makes no sense to remain a follower or to become one. Then publish or share articles from company stakeholders or partners.

Disclosure of surveys, trends or announcements about submissions of legal obligations also greatly enrich the content. It is imperative that they come from reliable sources.

Sharing news accompanied by an opinion from a company specialist also contributes to enriching the debate, as it adds technical knowledge, increasing the credibility of the brand with its know-how.

And of course, LinkedIn is a social network, of connections generated by companies formed by human beings, so remember to publish team publications, whether celebrating a goal achieved, a new partnership or a simple breakfast.

Publish and share videos and images

Videos and images, in general, draw more attention from the user. Therefore, avoid as much as possible the exclusivity of the textual format on your page. Explore using well-composed, high-resolution photos and videos that are relevant to your audience.

In the case of images, when there are more than one, they can be compressed into a single PDF and published as a “document”. That way, they look like an Instagram-like carousel, making them much more visually interesting.

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It's a social media, so interact

It is very important that the company “says” things on LinkedIn, of course. However, it is equally important that she dialogue and interact with her audience, responding to comments, messages, congratulating partners for their achievements, thanking customers for their trust if mentioned.

In addition to demonstrating cordiality, through a legitimate exchange of ideas, it helps with traction and organic performance on the page.

Use relevant hashtags

The practice of adding hashtags contributes to the publication being discovered in an organic way. That is, it allows that, when a user is looking for a subject, product or service, your publication appears as one of the search options.

With that, in addition to using the popular ones – or the ones of the moment – also use the relevant ones for the service that is being publicized and the company provides.

Give preference to personalized communication processes

While automation saves time, it can also be detrimental to brand image. Therefore, avoid the standard messages provided by LinkedIn as much as possible. They are not at all attractive. What's more, by creating a communication channel, in which the person is called by name, you are showing signs of care, and putting into practice the maxim of treating each customer as unique.

Read too: How to build an effective organic email marketing list

Why outsource the management of your company's LinkedIn page to a communication agency?

Depending on the company, LinkedIn page management may require greater flexibility than expected. Therefore, if possible, consider outsourcing the management of the LinkedIn page to a communication agency.

In addition to routinely producing content, she will be able to monitor the results more closely, come up with ideas about publishing that are consistent with her audience, as well as consult for the day she decides to invest in ads on the platform and in a more assertive way, since which has professionals in the field.