
Verified stamp purchase and more! Check out the latest Instagram updates to use for your brand

In addition to publishing content on Instagram, on a minimally constant basis to remain relevant on the platform and its audience, it is also interesting for brands to stay on top of their news. After all, a new tool can put you ahead of the competition. Aware of the importance of Instagram updates for businesses, we have listed the most recent ones for you to try and, who knows, convert new customers.

Purchase of Verified Stamps

One of the most commented news recently was the announcement of purchase verified stamps, for both Facebook and Instagram, as both platforms are owned by the same CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. Until then, the seals were only awarded to profiles that made the request, in addition to fulfilling prerequisites, such as being notable and being of public interest. Therefore, the seal is associated with the authenticity of the profile not only on Instagram, but also on other media, such as Twitter.

Read too: Diversidade – Instagram releases the option to insert pronouns in the profile in Portuguese

“Gifts” for creators

Instagram has also been giving incentive signals to attract more content creators in video formats. It is the case ofgifts′′ (gifts, in Portuguese translation) for profiles that are streaming live and on Reels. It is, therefore, a new way of being monetized by social media, since each star purchased by the user/viewer earns cents of dollars to the creator of the content. The novelty is still limited to some parts of the world.

More account recovery features

When a company suffers problems in relation to account invasion, login, or even fake accounts use its information, the consequences are magnified to the fullest extent, as it may involve exchanging bank details with customers in the DM, for example. Therefore, it is important that the brand also knows how to access support at these times. Recently, Instagram expanded the ways to recover accounts which are valid only for your account (whether personal, business or content creator). In the case of friends or family, there are other ways. To check out how to request Instagram support for your profile, Click here.

Group profiles

Another novelty to come is the creation of group profiles on Instagram, where users can create a profile, add followers, and then share publications limited to their members. This tool has great potential to strengthen brand communities, with consumers more comfortable exchanging experiences with each other. It is, therefore, a very interesting channel for managers to improve their products and services based on real feedback.

Instagram updates that have been live for a while, but few brands exploit

atualizações do Instagram

90 second reels

With the launch of TikTok, Instagram has more than doubled its attention to improving Reels performance. After all, more users consuming Reels means less people spending time on TikTok. With that, there was a time limit change for Reels, which is now in 90 seconds. So, if your brand suddenly provides a health service, education or has a more complex specific theme, it's worth taking this extra time to talk to your audience in a more relaxed and complete way.

Read too: See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

Pinning posts to profile

Another interesting resource that brands can use and abuse is the profile post pinning. Available for a few months now, the tool allows a feed publication that you consider important to be at the top of the profile (up to three are possible) and, who knows, capture a new customer with that post you took so long to produce. To use the function, just click on the three dots in the feed image and then choose “pin to your profile”.

60 second stories

Finally, following the same logic of extending user time on the platform, Instagram also increased the duration limit of stories. Now, they can be up to 60 seconds, thus putting an end to that hassle of transitions between one story and another.

So, which of the above tools are you looking forward to trying on your company profile?