
Understand the importance of social media to leverage the possibilities of your brand with a focus on B2B

Far beyond communication tools, social media can also act as great strategic differentials to boost business, propagate ideas, sell products/services and a multitude of possibilities. In the case of companies that provide services to other companies, there are specific strategies for planning to use networks as an extension of the business, which we call B2B (business to business) marketing.

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Given the importance of understanding who the final consumer of your product and/or service is, B2B marketing can also be a great support tool in correctly conducting dissemination, reaching potential future customers with content, brand visibility and strengthening the relationship. commercial. Before choosing a company over others, numerous topics are considered by managers, therefore, being present on social media where your customers will find it easy to find information about your company and your services/products, can bring an even greater range of business possibilities.

mídias sociais

Contrary to what some might imagine, the digital environment and social networks are not only for companies and businesses that have been established for many years in the market, but for all companies and entrepreneurs, since they can benefit all of them as long as there is a good strategic planning for its best use. Check out the main platforms that can help your business:

Facebook: is one of the networks with the largest number of users in the world and provides a series of resources for publications, whether organic or paid, which allows the selection of content for different purposes, such as company disclosure, creation of content with technical tips about the particularities of the segment, promoting events and launching products or even communicating with customers.

Instagram: Instagram is a platform that is constantly growing and adapting. What once seemed more personal and fun is now a great tool for business expansion. Because it is a very dynamic social media, it contributes to closer relations with the client and the important players in the market. This is because, like Facebook, it offers several tools and possibilities for use, which include live broadcasts, interactive video content, dynamic tags and locations, and the use of hashtags to disseminate content.

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LinkedIn: is a social network focused on business and the professional environment, which already guarantees it several interesting topics to be addressed. Every day it is used more to create a connection between the company, professionals and players in the segment.

Furthermore, there are several other social networks available that can be included in your company's digital planning, but as mentioned earlier, understanding who your audience is and what you want from them is essential for this. B2B marketing is not just about releasing content randomly in all possible spaces, but understanding how each of those spaces can boost your business.

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5 Sales Tips for SMEs Without Investing Too Much

Increasing sales targets involves planning and changes in practices that, in fact, can be just small day-to-day adjustments that do not require large investments in tools and employees, for example. If your SME (small and medium-sized business) has set this as a goal for the coming months or year, check out the 5 sales tips that we've separated for today's content.

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1 – Identify which way to go

First of all, the manager needs to recognize which of the 3 paths he will follow to leverage his business sales. They are: expanding the customer portfolio, increasing the average frequency of purchases and increasing the average ticket.

Therefore, exercise which hypotheses would increase the customer base; which practices would lead to an increase in the average purchase frequency and; which would generate an increase in the average ticket. In the end, evaluate which path is the most viable for your business to put it into practice.

2 – Update yourself on the market

Try to stay informed about economic and market news. It seems something quite out of the company's day-to-day reality, but if your supplier imports goods, the fluctuation of the dollar has a lot of influence on your negotiation with it, making it more expensive or cheaper. Therefore, keeping an eye on these issues can put you one step ahead of regional competitors, to stock products that will become more expensive later, for example.

Dicas de vendas

3 – Study the competition

Observing the competition yields many insights to refine the business. With practice, it is possible to better understand the level of service offered by them, what marketing strategies they use, the level of quality of their products and services. During the observation, it is very important to have a critical eye, because, obviously, not everything that the competitor practices makes sense for its customers and its infrastructure. This is a study to verify, within its limitations, what is possible to do, to add value to your product or service.

4 – Establish a differential for your business

In the case of retailers, a common concern is the differential, since the competitor sells exactly the same product. To stand out, it's important to understand what your main attribute is and focus your efforts on improving it. It sounds pretty abstract, but it's not. This positive highlight over the competition can be ultra-fast delivery, very responsive personalized service via WhatsApp, free shipping to a certain region, etc.

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5 – Measure your results

The last of our sales tips is that, during the execution of the planning, the manager monitors the results he is getting on conversions through social media ads, Google Ads or distribution of flyers in the street, in order to improve settings or perhaps resign to strategies that do not generate return in the middle of the path. In the end, this flexibility saves company resources to be directed to what works.