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Relationship and Influence

assessoria de imprensa

The way your brand relates and influences is the starting point for a successful trajectory. It is not enough to appear, nowadays it is necessary to be, inspire and represent your target audience, based on an ethical and respected performance. 

Reputation and image are built with time and dedication, but they are an intangible value for a brand that can last forever. This is an achievement that is based on building relationships, whether with journalists, influencers, opinion makers or directly with its internal public and customers. This work must be structured and well thought out, considering your corporate and communication strategy.

Working all this together with a marketing strategy is an important task that must be carried out carefully. The media as we knew it no longer exists. It has transformed, adapted and, at the same time, this power of broadcasting, producing content and issuing opinions is now in everyone's hands, on the cell phone screen – and this means that your brand needs to be more responsible. 

At Alliance Comunicação, we combine spontaneous and paid media strategies. To this end, we structure and develop relationship programs with strategic audiences, b2c, b2b and p2p, always thinking about opinion makers, journalists, digital influencers and other content disseminators.

See what we can do for your brand to relate better.