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Brand positioning: social networks play an essential role in educating the public with environmental guidelines

Brand positioning on social networks has been a factor that has been greatly explored in the transmission of conscious messages to consumers. With the urgency for more social and environmental guidelines, digital marketing strategies have been fundamental for companies. In addition to selling the product, corporations now bring social responsibility with them. After all, sustainable development has become a great ally in the present scenario.

First of all, it is important to establish what are the challenges that permeate society. Topics related to the use of natural resources, as well as agendas associated with minorities stand out. Therefore, understanding the role of companies in making the world better is the first step. 

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In this sense, the truth is that brands (regardless of the service offered) are able to reach thousands of people on the internet. Therefore, using your main communication channels only to sell your products would undoubtedly be one less chance of re-educating the public. Therefore, adopting content marketing strategies and putting them into everyday life, allied to social guidelines, can be a great achievement, even when it comes to publicizing your product (depending on the category).

Brand positioning must be consistent with the company's values

Currently, what is perceived is a strong limitation of organic reach to the detriment of paid campaigns in the digital marketing scenario. Likewise, building the presence of brands on social networks must take into account technical requirements and molding to the new algorithms dictated by social networks, in order to perform well and dialogue with the public of interest. According to a Socialbakers report, such methods were the big bet for companies in the first quarter of 2021.

Recognized for analyzing corporate performance in social media, Socialbakers released an analysis of the main trends in the area. Comprising the first quarter of 2021, the survey brings important data regarding customer experience and brand positioning.

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Colaborar para o desenvolvimento da sociedade e promover discussões sociais na internet deve, sobretudo, ser um reflexo do próprio ambiente corporativo, gerando benefícios para a cultura da empresa e, por consequência, para a construção de um mundo mais justo. Caso contrário, o que se vê é um caso de greenwashing – prática definida pelo uso inapropriado de pautas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento sustentável, em que na realidade, tudo o que é publicado é apenas um discurso visando o lucro.