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Mobile marketing: what is it and why is it important?

mobile marketing

For many years now, the use of smartphones has become quite common in the daily lives of millions of people, who in turn use the device in different ways. As a result, companies began to develop strategies aimed at this market. Among the measures, one that stands out is mobile marketing.

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In this case, the concept is based on using the resources of mobile devices to communicate with the public, so that there is interaction, dissemination and generation of influence. Therefore, the following actions can be included in this type of strategy:

How to develop a good mobile marketing strategy?

Devido ao alto volume de pessoas utilizando mobile – para se ter ideia, só o celular está presente em 99,5% dos lares brasileiros com acesso a internet, segundo o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), é preciso adotar o planejamento correto para poder se destacar.

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Therefore, it is necessary to know the model well and pay attention to the following topics: