Traditional Analytics Retires July 1st: See How Google Analytics 4 Can Help Your Business

Companies that migrated to the digital world, or were born in it, saw in Google Analytics the chance to understand and monitor their sites, accessing the number of visitors, the source of traffic, the general profile of these visitors. Finally, various pieces of information that allow you to re-evaluate production strategies, for example. The tool then evolved into Google Analytics 4 (GA4) which, as of July 1, 2023, will completely replace its predecessor. Check out 5 points on which Google Analytics 4 can help your company and, consequently, your final consumer.

Read too: Check out 6 promotional strategies to move your e-commerce

event measurements

In the previous version, data was pulled over sessions. With GA4, the model is event-based. That is, it makes it possible to monitor specific actions within the site, such as buttons clicked, videos played, etc. With the feature, updates can be much more assertive and aligned with what the user is looking for, thus enriching the experience within the site.

More privacy and security for the visitor/consumer

Another big step forward in GA4 over the previous version is in relation to the privacy of the user who accesses the website, therefore being more consistent with compliance with the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD). The update does not collect data from cookies and does not store IP addresses, for example. Such aspects provide much more credibility for consumers aware of their online user rights.

Event prediction based on machine learning

GA4 has a system that automatically identifies trends in website visitors, for example, peak access times and most used devices. Desktops? Smartphones? In the case of e-commerces, the tool even points out how many sales the site can have, based on the previous history, strongly assisting in the company's planning.

Read too: See 7 steps to make a digital transformation in your company

google analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is can be integrated with Google Ads

Another evolution of GA4 is the integration with Google Ads. As a result, all information created in Analytics 4 about the target audience is automatically saved in Ads if the two tools are integrated. This not only streamlines ad settings, but also has strong potential to make them more assertive.

Customizable Reports

Unlike its predecessor, Google Analytics 4 makes it possible to customize the reports, so that the administrator only sees what is relevant to his site, thus filtering out metrics that have nothing to do with the company's objectives. This way, you have complete freedom to choose which rates are worth measuring, viewing and analyzing.

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Alliance Comunicação is part of the UN Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative

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  1. The Evolution of Marketing 1.0 to 5.0
  2. Technology for humanity
  3. The Generation Gap – Marketing to Baby Boomers and Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha
  4. The influential digital subcultures: youth, women and netizens
  5. The new way of the consumer
  6. The Marketing Paradox for Connected Consumers
  7. Power shift to connected consumers
  8. How to create inclusiveness and sustainability for society
  9. How to make technology more personal, social and experimental
  10. The same strategy does not work for everyone
  11. Industry archetypes and best practices
  12. Customer experience (CX) – Machines are cool, but humans have emotions
  13. Human-centric marketing for brand attraction
  14. Omnichannel marketing for brand engagement
  15. Content marketing for brand curiosity
  16. Engagement Marketing for Brand Affinity
  17. Data-Driven Marketing – How to Create a Data Ecosystem for Better Target Market Selection
  18. Predictive Marketing – How to anticipate market demands with proactive actions
  19. Contextual Marketing – How to Create a Personalized Perception-and-Response Experience
  20. Augmented Marketing – How to deliver human interactions empowered by technology
  21. Agile Marketing – How to Run Bigger, Agile Operations





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