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New normal: Valentine's Day 2020 will be different for couples, says Google survey

Novo normal Dia dos Namorados 2020 será diferente para os casais aponta pesquisa do Google

According to a Google search conducted between the 18th and 20th of May, at least 63% of Brazilians will celebrate Valentine's Day in a different way this year. The study developed to understand the impacts of the pandemic on the special date was prepared online with the participation of 800 Brazilians.

With the recommendation of social distancing, 25% of the respondents said they will stop going to restaurants, while 22% canceled travel plans and 12% decided to postpone the celebration. In this way, most couples are planning to do something together at home, as was the response given by 35% of the participants. Other 20% said they intend to prepare a special dinner.

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New search interests on Google and more people with gifting intent on Valentine's Day

The idea of celebrating at home also led to an increase in interest in product categories related to this form of celebration. According to Google's balance sheet, 25% of lovers searched for new clothes, shoes and accessories. Flowers and cards appear next in the ranking with 24%, while food for meals and beauty and perfumery products were the target of interest, respectively, 23% and 18%.

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A surprise of the research was in relation to the intention to present. In previous years, the average number of respondents who intended to buy a gift for their partner was 20%. This year, a significant growth was observed, since now 22% reveal to have this purpose. Within this group, 43% declared that they will make the purchase over the internet.

Finally, respondents also stated that they adapted the gift, opting for gifts that are easier to buy (25%) and for products that minimize the need to exchange (23%).

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