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Covid-19: companies bet on a daily online employee health checklist

Covid-19 empresas apostam em checklist online diário de saúde dos colaboradores

Embora o retorno das atividades esteja autorizado para alguns segmentos, muitas empresas estão adotando medidas que vão além da orientação do uso de máscara e álcool em gel. O checklist diário de saúde – ferramenta aplicada para que os próprios colaboradores avaliem como se sentiram nas últimas 24 horas – é um grande aliado para evitar novas transmissões de coronavírus. Feito de maneira digital, o questionário aponta 11 sintomas da covid-19 e propõe que o usuário aponte se sentiu um ou mais desses sinais. Com base nisso, em pouco minutos, é avaliado se a pessoa deve permanecer em casa ou pode ir ao trabalho.

Read too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

As it is a questionnaire based on self-analysis, the result issued by the tool should not be understood as a professional diagnosis, made from the exam. However, the checklist fulfills the important role of preventing not only contamination among employees and their families, but also among other people on public transport or who simply cross the path of those who could stay at home.

Daily health checklist must be confidential

The security of someone's personal information is in no way vulnerable. Therefore, it is essential that the daily checklist does not store information and has exclusive health purposes and not benefiting third parties. 

Thus, you and your team will be safe from possible data thefts and can complete the questionnaire daily without worrying about it. 

Fast and simple: procedure can be completed in less than 3 minutes

The dynamics of the daily health checklist is quite simple. The proposal is that the worker completes the questionnaire every day before leaving for work on their own cell phone or computer, without the need for any paper.

Talk to our experts, and understand how to create one of these for your company!