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Understand what it is and what types of SSL certification

Entenda o que é e quais os tipos de certificação SSL

SSL – Secure Socket Layer – is an acronym in English that refers to the encryption mechanism created to increase the security of data shared on the Internet, that is, all data crossed on sites with active SSL certification are more protected compared to the others.

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Even if someone has access to the data along the way, he will not be able to decrypt it because it is a difficult encryption to break.

The security of websites is an essential factor for companies that are on the Internet. Pages without a security certificate digital may put your consumers' personal information at risk. In addition, these certifications influence search results.

The page with SSL certification with domain or organization validation, shows a padlock followed by the word 'secure' and the address starting with 'https'.

Types of SSL Certification

There are several types of SSL certification, with different levels of data protection. The three most common are:

  1. domain validation

The most common SSL certificate found on most websites. It presents a basic level of protection and its purpose is to validate the domain's trust level. It is only indicated for small websites and blogs where there is no bank data transaction.

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2.organization validation

This type of certification has an intermediate level of security, as in addition to validating the domain, it also verifies the information associated with the organization. Medium-sized companies and e-commerces should opt for this alternative

3. extended validation

The most complete of all SSL certifications. In this case, both the company and the website go through a more rigorous certification process to achieve the highest level of SSL on the market. Ideal for virtual stores with heavy traffic and large companies.

Importance of SSL certification in organic search

Google announced that its browser – Google Chrome – would consider sites without certification as unsafe and warn the consumer. In addition, the page ranking system was modified to prioritize sites that had an SSL certificate. In this way, companies that did not have the statement will lose positions on Google's results pages, consequently also losing visits and sales.

The objective behind the ranking is to provide a better user experience, placing the safest sites with relevant content first, and this includes the encryption of information.