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How to use an omnichannel strategy to generate benefits for the company

There are several studies on what an omnichannel strategy is. But, regardless of the analysis, omnichannel is the joining of sales and communication channels with the aim of delivering a better experience to the customer.

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In a world with several communication channels, serving the customer with agility and excellence is essential for the success and competitiveness of the business in the long term.

A global study by Microsoft showed that 56% of consumers stopped buying a certain brand because of a negative customer service experience. Therefore, factors such as empathy, humanization and quality standardization in Customer Service (SAC) are so important.

Far beyond being present in all sales channels, it is important to know how to develop an omnichannel strategy that is in line with the company's reality and meets the particular needs of customers.

How to create an omnichannel strategy

  • Analyze your service channels

Before creating an omnichannel strategy in communication channels, it is necessary to understand which platforms are most appropriate for the profile of the business and the customer itself. In the same way that Whatsapp is an application that facilitated the business world, email is still a widely used tool due to the ease and credibility of registration.

Invest in platforms that will bring returns and that will be useful for the operational team when it comes to serving customers with the highest quality.

Read too: Networks and social media: when to use each term?

  • meet the customer

There is no way to create an omnichannel strategy without knowing who the customer is. While there are people who can't live without a cell phone and prefer to do everything over the internet, there are even more careful consumers who need face-to-face or telephone contact. Once you understand these and other particularities of the public, it becomes easier to implement an omnichannel system that works.

  • Train the service team

Invest in training for the team to be in tune, both online and offline. The consistency of information, as well as a well-defined quality standard, with problem solving, response time targets and differentials in the way of serving, contribute to delivering a positive experience for the consumer.

If the company's service is good, the organization's image will also have a positive public perception.

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Networks and Social Media: when to use each term?

Currently, much is heard about the terms Social Networks and Media, as they have become important tools for social and business relationships. Therefore, confusion is common when trying to define them or understand that they are different things.

Read too: The importance of OHH media for companies

It may seem simple, but in order to have a greater campaign development and improve internet boosting techniques, it is important to understand what each of the terms are and how they work.

Social media

The term social network basically means creating a relationship with people sharing common values and goals, not being connected to the internet. The family, as well as the work environment, are examples of social relationships.

With the advancement of technology and its implementation in our daily lives, these connections began to form over the internet as well. A dating site or social network is where you can connect with other people or groups of individuals through a profile in order to share content.

In this way, interactions that used to be restricted to offline life, such as meetings in bars and restaurants, now also happen online. To do this, just access platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Linkedin.

Social media

Social media, in turn, are defined as a means of disseminating and decentralizing information – free and paid – and messages. The term emerged in 1990 when traditional media companies began to lose ground to digital technology.

The main objective of these media is the creation, dissemination and sharing of content that enables public interaction without the involvement of social relationships. Thus, when we refer to digital environments connected through the internet, we are referring to the term social media.

Therefore, social media platforms between logged in users are characterized by the creation of relationship networks. Therefore, the aforementioned social networks are seen as a part of what we call social media.

Read too: Learn how to use organic traffic to drive hits to your website

How relationships occur is the main difference between networks and social media

As explained, social media corresponds to any channel where interaction takes place. The same can also be said of social networks, but it is necessary to know how to differentiate the ways in which interactions take place.

In the case of social networks, the relationship between users is the main focus, which is the reason for its creation. Therefore, it is common for websites to develop more and more tools to increase interactions, so that people get closer.

With social media, although there are exchanges of information between people, this relationship is less fervent. An example to elucidate this difference is the way websites and blogs develop their interactions through comments. In this area, it is possible for users to share opinions and information with each other, but this occurs in a more restricted and limited way.

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Learn how to use organic traffic to drive hits to your website

It is estimated that the sites that appear first in search engines receive more clicks than the others, so the lower the site is, the less visits it will receive. All visits that a portal or website receives spontaneously – without investment in ads – are considered organic traffic.

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Through performance tools, such as Google Analytics, it is possible to know the origin of the accesses. These connections can be a source of:

direct traffic: when people access the website address through the browser bar;

referral traffic: when the person clicks on a link, existing on another site, which directs to yours;

social traffic: that happens from the social networks.

Paid media is very efficient for immediate results, but investment in organic traffic reaches a good place in the first search results.

Tips for generating organic traffic

Although there is no practical guide to what works, there are actions that help in the growth of spontaneous hits.

  • meet the audience

One of the advantages of organic traffic is working for potential customers. However, in order to have assertive insights, it is necessary to know the behavior of the public, adjusting the planning to achieve more accurate results.

  • bet on mobile

The use of cell phones and tablets to access the internet has controlled a considerable portion of access sources. Therefore, it is essential to have adequate and fast loading pages for the good experience of the public.

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  • Be on social networks

Having a business profile on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – using the appropriate communication strategies for each platform – drives organic growth and establishes a good relationship with the public. This is an important point for brands to remember when choosing a product.

  • Plan based on Google rules

It is necessary to work on behavioral studies and always be up to date with Google's criteria. SEO strategies are allied to adequate organic growth. Therefore, it is worth producing content with a focus on optimization, improving navigation and speed aspects, planning keywords, analyzing the site's information architecture and producing good titles and meta-descriptions.

  • Invest in different platforms and formats

E-mail marketing, social networks and referral links on other portals can improve access growth. Therefore, it is important to know the possibilities, choose the ones that best suit the objectives of the company or brand, carry out good planning and bet on multiplicity.

  • bet on content

Good keyword research, email marketing and improved loading speed are all great optimization measures, but it's the content that builds audience loyalty. Therefore, bet on creativity, adequate language, clear and reliable information and Call To Action (CTA).

  • Data analysis

Making use of analysis tools is essential to monitor results, maintain or adjust actions. Organic traffic has long-term results, but following the indicators from the beginning is decisive for conversion success.

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Understand what it is and what types of SSL certification

SSL – Secure Socket Layer – is an acronym in English that refers to the encryption mechanism created to increase the security of data shared on the Internet, that is, all data crossed on sites with active SSL certification are more protected compared to the others.

Read too: Video marketing could be a new way to increase your organic traffic, finds research

Even if someone has access to the data along the way, he will not be able to decrypt it because it is a difficult encryption to break.

The security of websites is an essential factor for companies that are on the Internet. Pages without a security certificate digital may put your consumers' personal information at risk. In addition, these certifications influence search results.

The page with SSL certification with domain or organization validation, shows a padlock followed by the word 'secure' and the address starting with 'https'.

Types of SSL Certification

There are several types of SSL certification, with different levels of data protection. The three most common are:

  1. domain validation

The most common SSL certificate found on most websites. It presents a basic level of protection and its purpose is to validate the domain's trust level. It is only indicated for small websites and blogs where there is no bank data transaction.

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2.organization validation

This type of certification has an intermediate level of security, as in addition to validating the domain, it also verifies the information associated with the organization. Medium-sized companies and e-commerces should opt for this alternative

3. extended validation

The most complete of all SSL certifications. In this case, both the company and the website go through a more rigorous certification process to achieve the highest level of SSL on the market. Ideal for virtual stores with heavy traffic and large companies.

Importance of SSL certification in organic search

Google announced that its browser – Google Chrome – would consider sites without certification as unsafe and warn the consumer. In addition, the page ranking system was modified to prioritize sites that had an SSL certificate. In this way, companies that did not have the statement will lose positions on Google's results pages, consequently also losing visits and sales.

The objective behind the ranking is to provide a better user experience, placing the safest sites with relevant content first, and this includes the encryption of information.  

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The importance of OOH media for companies

OOH media – “Out of Home” – refers to the set of messages and actions that impact the consumer when he is away from home, on the move, whether for work, university or leisure time.

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In the past, billboards and billboards were the only forms of outdoor media for hire through agencies and companies. Today, we have other options such as front-lights, top sides, totems and monitors in commercial establishments and elevators. Public spaces – malls and parks – are also among the options.

OOH media became popular as consumers began to spend more time away from home. Currently, despite the growing adherence to the home office – largely as a result of the new coronavirus pandemic – this type of media is still on the rise for standing out amid the large amount of information available on traditional online channels.

Understand the impact of OOH media on the consumer

Because it is not targeted media and reaches many people, OOH is considered high impact.

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Many consumers choose to use ad blockers in their browsers in order to remove advertisements. In this way, OOH media are an option for brand reinforcement and conservation of a service or product in the consumer's mind.

OOH media are the third largest means of investment for advertising, second only to the internet and free-to-air TV. In 2019, OOH surpassed Pay TV, generating an expectation of continued growth in the coming years, becoming a great option for advertisers.

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New normal: what the pandemic brought differently to the daily lives of people and brands

The new coronavirus pandemic has changed the way people relate, live and consume. This new normal – an expression that began to be used to designate the changes that are happening in the world – much more than an immediate transformation in the population’s routine, should generate long-term impacts on the behavior of people and brands.

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This crisis scenario brought brands the challenge of understanding these changes and repositioning themselves for a post-pandemic world. To discover the new role of the brand in this new normal, it is necessary to understand the expectations of Brazilians in relation to its positioning. Activities such as donations to health institutions and the manufacture of products that help control the spread of the disease are the main points observed.

In addition, R/GA promoted the survey Best Practices for the New Normal to understand how the issues that emerged during the quarantine can influence consumer behavior towards brands.

Cultural triggers that must remain in the 'New Normal'

Check out some cultural triggers, which must remain in society with the arrival of the new normal:

1. Home office

With social isolation, many people needed to adapt their homes to the work routine, and brands embarked on this movement through musical lives, home exercise programs and with an exponential growth of digital work platforms.

2. Focus on the collective

The crisis awakened a different look at the whole and the public began to think about the collective. This should expand into an overhaul of business models as companies have been charged with making a difference for their employees and consumers.

Read too: Covid-19: companies bet on a daily online employee health checklist

3. The importance of the essentials

The crisis has been affecting families in different ways, mainly in terms of income. This situation sparked a new look at what is considered really essential, reducing the consumption of superfluous things. It's time for companies to start thinking about how to stay relevant to consumers and invest in cost-effective solutions in this new normal.

4. Digital growth

Activities that were done in person migrated to the digital environment with the implementation of social isolation. Consumers who were not used to using digital services for shopping, for example, found in e-commerce a safe way to maintain consumption.

5. The power of experience

The opportunity to live experiences away from home will be even more valued in this new normal with the resumption of activities and control of the pandemic. Companies will have the challenge of creating experiences that follow the norms of coexistence and that, at the same time, reinforce the relationship with the public.

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Covid-19: companies bet on a daily online employee health checklist

Although the return of activities is authorized for some segments, many companies are adopting measures that go beyond the guidance on the use of masks and gel alcohol. The daily health checklist – a tool applied for employees to assess how they felt in the last 24 hours – is a great ally to prevent new transmissions of the coronavirus. Done digitally, the questionnaire points out 11 symptoms of covid-19 and proposes that the user points out if he felt one or more of these signs. Based on this, in a few minutes, it is evaluated whether the person should remain at home or can go to work.

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As it is a questionnaire based on self-analysis, the result issued by the tool should not be understood as a professional diagnosis, made from the exam. However, the checklist fulfills the important role of preventing not only contamination among employees and their families, but also among other people on public transport or who simply cross the path of those who could stay at home.

Daily health checklist must be confidential

The security of someone's personal information is in no way vulnerable. Therefore, it is essential that the daily checklist does not store information and has exclusive health purposes and not benefiting third parties. 

Thus, you and your team will be safe from possible data thefts and can complete the questionnaire daily without worrying about it. 

Fast and simple: procedure can be completed in less than 3 minutes

The dynamics of the daily health checklist is quite simple. The proposal is that the worker completes the questionnaire every day before leaving for work on their own cell phone or computer, without the need for any paper.

Talk to our experts, and understand how to create one of these for your company!

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Video marketing could be a new way to increase your organic traffic, finds research

According to the survey The State of Video Marketing, conducted by Wyzowl, 76% of companies participating in the study that use video marketing said that the media increased their organic traffic. But what is this concept all about and why can it be a powerful tool for my brand? Check out our content today and start using audiovisual content in your company's marketing. 

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Video marketing can be defined as any audiovisual production used to attract and retain customers, which includes everything from advertising campaigns to educational content. However, whatever your brand's goal with videos is, you need to think about their SEO. According to a study carried out by Google in 2018, YouTube has become a search platform, in which users seek to better understand how a product works and what its qualities are before buying, for example. In addition, the video is characterized by ease of use without neglecting quality, as it allows for more complex explanations with illustrations and other resources. 

Video marketing also needs SEO

Just as a written article needs to follow some rules to achieve a good ranking on Google, videos also need to be thought of strategically, that is, with catchy titles, with keywords, together with an attractive thumbnail for your target audience. , in addition to good quality recording, lighting and audio. 

Read too: How Digital Marketing can help overcome the crisis

Another interesting factor is to think about the frequency with which this material will be published. Informing the public that there are certain days and times to post creates a bond with consumers and shows professionalism. Also, platforms like YouTube tend to highlight those who post frequently, providing more evidence on the platform.

Check out some videos from our portfolio

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Time to take a risk? See how a podcast can help your brand

Podcasts have conquered more and more people over time. According to the latest Deezer survey, from 2019, the consumption of this content format grew by 67% in Brazil in the last year. The explanations for this increase vary between a greater number of influencers producing podcasts or the characteristic of being an easy medium to reach the public, since it is possible to consume it at work, doing housework, driving, among other examples. Given all this potential, what you can see is that the podcast can be an excellent digital marketing tool for your brand. 

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As it does not require a super structure to be carried out, just a good microphone, topics that interest the niche and interesting guests, the podcast does not require a bold initial investment, so that your brand can share information and raise good debates. With that, it is also very important that the brand sees the podcast as an opportunity to show all its expertise, mastery over a subject, which in the future could lead to business partnerships and new product ideas, for example. 

Podcast: engagement and personality for the brand 

One of the most outstanding characteristics of the podcast audience is that they tend to listen to everything until the end. From this, the engagement barrier becomes much lower. For new listeners, they can also listen to past podcasts if the topics covered haven't become stale. 

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In addition, the podcast is yet another way for the brand to gain personality and become even more human. Listening to the same podcast with a certain frequency creates a closer bond with the audience, which becomes familiar with the presenters, creating a bond that can last for years. Therefore, a much greater level of trust is achieved by the market and the final public with the brand. 

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What is storytelling and how to do an authentic one?

If you study or work in the area of communication, it is very likely that you have already thought about storytelling, even without using that term itself. Being a combination of the words of English origin “story” and “telling”, this marketing and advertising tool has been used for many years and can be defined as the art of developing stories capable of delighting the public. That is, with elements such as a central axis, beginning, middle and end, as well as attention to characters, environments and conflict.

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To create a good storytelling you need to bet on authenticity. Although this word is easily related to far-fetched and daring ideas, it doesn't take so much pressure on this aspect. That's because the great asset of storytelling is to dialogue directly with the public. With your brand's well-developed persona, you already have a good technical foundation to establish narrative points. The persona includes all the elements necessary to strengthen the identification, which already brings a greater understanding by the public of the character, their values, passions and day-to-day problems, for example, thus automatically becoming something authentic. As a result, you get a believable and engaging story.

By taking this persona into account, the team responsible for the script can already assume other elements that make sense to their audience, such as the setting in which the story will take place. If your brand dialogues directly with offices, for example, it is essential to represent this reality, so that there is immediate identification.

Storytelling should carry a message to the public

In addition to betting on good visual production, it is also very important to be concerned with the message that your brand intrinsically wants to convey with the product or service. And here, it is worth pointing out that simplicity has great strength, since the idea must be conveyed in an easily understandable way and with human and/or emotional aspects. In this way, it will be possible to positively impact a greater number of people, who will keep the transmitted message.

Conflict is another important element in this narrative. It is from there that the audience will understand the situation of the character, assimilate the emotional value of the climax and, finally, better capture the resolution of the problem.

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more humane communication

By investing in storytelling, the brand automatically changes the way it dialogues with its audience, which then becomes more human. These connections are very important for both sides. The brand wins because it starts to have a good, more positive image before the public with values to be respected and the customer wins, because he knows who can perfectly meet his needs and understands his desires.