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Alliance Comunicação joins the Global Compact Brazil Network

Alliance Comunicação has just joined Rede Brasil do Pacto Global, a United Nations (UN) initiative to mobilize the business community to adopt and promote, in its business practices, Ten Principles universally accepted in the areas of human rights, work, environment environment and combating corruption. With the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Compact also assumed the mission of engaging the private sector in this new agenda.

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Faced with global challenges, it is increasingly important for companies to position themselves in relation to sustainability and social responsibility actions. For this reason, Alliance works to support companies in defining strategies and awareness processes, public engagement through actions focused on influence, relationship and communication. Among these processes are:

  • cause marketing: in line with sustainability and social responsibility, cause marketing works with a focus on brand reputation, positioning them as citizens and more aware. 
  • Annual Sustainability Report: more than reporting the company's results and initiatives, this report is a portrait of everything that was accomplished by human capital, by people, which brings the year-to-year evolution of values, attributes and achievements. 
  • Projects based on the SDGs: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) list priorities focused on global sustainable development for 2030 and, to support companies in their initiatives, it is important to consider the strategic support of communication actions, whether with the internal or external public. 
Pacto Global

What are the 10 principles followed by the Global Compact?

The 10 principles were born with the Global Compact, in 2000, and are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Are they:

  • Businesses must support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights;
  • Ensure your non-participation in violations of these rights;
  • Businesses should support freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor;
  • The effective abolition of child labor;
  • Eliminate employment discrimination;
  • Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • Develop initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
  • Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies;
  • Businesses must fight corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

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What is the Global Compact?

Created in 2000, the Global Compact was conceived by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and gives members access to tools that will contribute to expanding the company's involvement with sustainability issues and discussions in the area. It also enables participation in local and international programs, including thematic groups that conduct projects in the areas of Water, Food and Agriculture, Anti-Corruption, Human Rights and Labor, Energy and Climate and SDGs. With more than 15 thousand participants in almost 170 countries, the initiative has more than 1000 members in Brazil, a country that has the third largest network in the world.

As a member of the Global Compact, we committed ourselves to annually reporting our progress in relation to the 10 principles. Thus, the initiative encourages the constant evolution of internal sustainability practices. Companies that want to take part can find more information at

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WhatsApp launches in-app purchase button

WhatsApp launched this Tuesday – November 10th – a new buy button for business accounts, available worldwide. The main objective of the functionality is to improve communication between customers and companies, facilitating access to the catalog of available items. The novelty will be made through an update on WhatsApp Business accounts, where consumers will be able to interact with companies when purchasing a product. 

Read too: Black Friday 2020: choose the best strategy to succeed on digital

According to representatives of the application, the resource will help people to find a company's catalog and know what services and products it offers, in addition to starting a conversation about the item of interest with just one touch, which was previously only possible accessing the brand profile.

WhatsApp: shopping button

The new purchase button will be available where the voice call option was, that is, in the upper right corner next to the add contact and options buttons. The role will be represented by an icon that resembles a storefront.

This is yet another application initiative to make the platform a business option and not just a communication option. Recently, WhatsApp brought the option for users to complete purchases directly in conversations, in addition to expanding the ways in which people can check out the products available. 

Read too: Networks and Social Media: when to use each term?

whatsapp business

According to the company, more than 175 million people exchange messages daily through WhatsApp Business, and more than 40 million access a business catalog every month, with more than 13 million in Brazil alone. 

In addition, a recent Accenture survey showed that 83% of Brazilian adults are more willing to buy from companies that use messaging applications than from companies that do not have this type of tool. 

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Black Friday 2020: choose the best strategy to succeed on digital

Black Friday 2020 – the main retail event in Brazil – is coming and promises to be even stronger in the digital environment, due to the coronavirus pandemic and social isolation. Faced with this, purchases that would be made in person in normal times have decreased and people have started to opt for online shopping.

Read too: Find out what changes with the General Data Protection Act

In April alone, there was an increase of 81% in e-commerce sales compared to the same period in 2019, which generated revenues of 9.4 billion reais. These numbers indicate that Black Friday will generate much more revenue in the digital environment, even with the reopening of physical points of sale.

How to prepare for Black Friday 2020?

It is estimated that a large number of companies will adopt Black Friday 2020 in the digital environment and, therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for the intense flow of users.

Have a platform with good performance

Analyze whether your platform supports a large number of simultaneous accesses and, if necessary, upgrade, leaving 100% ready for the date.

Pay special attention to the look of the website and social media

It is important to create a good strategy for publicizing and advertising on social networks to let customers know. In the visual, remember to highlight the promotions and use elements and colors that attract attention.

Attention the competition

Always be aware of competitors' prices, promotions and sales strategy.

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Black Friday

Pre-collect data

A great idea is to collect data before Black Friday 2020, bringing the customer closer to the brand. Offer benefits or payment facilities for those who are not yet customers, or create an LP to collect emails, for example, so you can gather data to offer exclusive promotions on the day.

Build customer loyalty

Make relationship programs offering benefits and promotions, such as an email with discount coupons, for example.

Take care of service channels

Having channels available to pass on information or answer questions from customers is essential. Therefore, service via email, telephone, social networks or chat on the website needs to receive special attention, especially in the days before Black Friday 2020.

Attention in stocks

With promotions, sales will be higher than usual. Therefore, increase the expectation of stock volume to be able to meet everyone.

Use email marketing

Send promotions and offers emails to your customer base contact list and highlight that Black Friday 2020 is coming.

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Find out what changes with the General Data Protection Act

The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) came into effect last Friday – September 18th – making Brazil one of the 101 nations in the world to have specific and well-defined rules associated with the processing of personal data of Brazilian citizens or who are in the country.

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The legislation defines data processing as any operation carried out with personal data, from collection, through use and storage, to distribution, modification and deletion. In addition, it determines a series of issues related to data, such as their categorization, granting more autonomy to holders, hypotheses of collection and treatment, detailing of special conditions for sensitive data, definition of obligations of private companies and public bodies, as well as penalties in case of non-compliance with the rules.

The LGPD also provides for the formation of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), a body associated with the federal government that will be responsible for overseeing the application of the law and applying punishments to those who disrespect it. However, this body does not yet exist.

What is the obligation of companies with the General Data Protection Law

When collecting data, companies need to inform the purpose. The law anticipates a series of obligations for organizations that need to keep records of all treatment activities, so that they can be known through the request of the holders or verified in case of irregularities by the National Authority. When organizations receive a request from the holder, the response must be given within 15 days.

Organizations need to take measures to ensure data security and notify the data subject in the event of an incident. This determination applies to all those responsible for the treatment network. If a controller manages data to someone, he may be held responsible and will have to bear the damage.

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General Data Protection Law: sanctions and inspection

The General Data Protection Law lists a series of sanctions in case of violation of the established norms, among them:

– Warning, with the possibility of corrective measures;

– Fine of up to 2% of billing with a limit of up to R$ 50 million;

– Blocking or deletion of personal data related to the irregularity;

– Partial suspension of the operation of the database;

– Partial or total prohibition of the processing activity.

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Understand how Youtube can help your company's business

Despite not being a social network, YouTube is full of users who somehow end up interacting through comments. However, as important as this aspect is the fact that users are loyal to content producers. This is no coincidence, since the video has such a benefit, being applied in several other networks precisely because of this engagement capacity.

Read too: How to create a relevant profile for your business on Instagram

Because it is a type of media that allows more inventiveness than the others, such as texts and photos, video can be seen as an effective method of providing greater human connection. By putting someone's face in focus, whether to explain or present something, it is possible to capture the attention and sympathy of those watching. In this way, a sense of veracity is created, as the interaction is similar to a chat between friends.

Youtube: vvideos are capable of generating greater understanding of your business

When we deal with some other type of media, such as text, we are subject to misinterpretations or even interruptions that can make it difficult to understand the subject. With video, these problems can be avoided by adopting didactic and easy-to-understand language, where information is not lost along the way.

To get an idea of the strength of the videos, according to the brightcove (company responsible for developing video platforms), media can generate more than 1200% of engagement than other materials containing the same subject.

It may seem daunting, but it is possible to understand these numbers based on the public's appreciation for content produced in video.

Audiences are increasingly looking for video content, mainly on Youtube

For those who are used to YouTube, they have certainly come across a series of videos with tutorials in the most diverse segments – ranging from repairing simple objects to installing home appliances – making the platform a place full of a wide variety of information.

According to the “2020 Video Marketing Statistics” survey conducted by Wyzowl (creator of explainer videos), about 66% of users would rather watch a video than read text. In addition, the study also points out that people watch an average of 16 hours of videos per week.

Read too: How to use Facebook for your business

More important than selling, it is necessary to offer content

The public's interest in the platform has already been proven. However, that alone is no guarantee of success. The important thing is to know how to reach users.

Unlike other platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, Youtube needs a different approach. This means that the sale should not be your main focus, but the content. For this, it is necessary to create a strategy that manages to captivate the public while generating interest in the advertised product.

A practical example of this type of approach is the type of content created by publishers. Instead of simply announcing their launch, companies choose to create content on the subject. For this, it is possible to develop a video that presents the story, the author's life, the importance of that publication and how it influenced other works. In this way, the user has more information generating interest and resulting in a purchase. In addition, the quality of the content can encourage loyalty.

Based on this loyalty, volume is created which, in turn, makes YouTube identify a company as a reference in a given topic. From then on, the content is recommended to new users, which is the most expected result of all the effort put into the platform. However, it should be noted that, as in other networks, the company needs to be consistent and not stop investing in content so that the fruits can be harvested in the future.

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Sensory marketing: understand its application in the digital environment

Sensory marketing is a way to stimulate sensations that can affect consumer perceptions, increasing their desire to stay in a place, test a product or consume more. Its objective is to show, through the strategies that are created for the brand, what the product or service can best offer through experience.

Read too: Video Marketing could be a new way to increase your organic traffic, finds research

More than a trend, sensory marketing has become a necessity for companies that are concerned with providing a unique experience to the consumer. That is why there is so much talk about Customer Experience – market niche created to explore this relationship.

When a customer has a good experience with the brand, this can reach other people and the same can happen if sensory marketing actions are poorly executed.

By understanding this consumer as a person who has physical needs, emotions, dreams, desires and ideals, the organization can implement several benefits of sensorial marketing in the work routine, such as the development of an emotional connection, proximity to people, customer loyalty , positive reinforcement of branding and creation of bonds with consumers.

How to apply sensory marketing in digital environments?

The challenge of applying sensory marketing in the digital environment is much greater, since the public cannot feel or touch the product. But, there are some actions that can help in this process:

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  • Make detailed descriptions about the product, with creative texts that can sharpen the customer's imagination;
  • Invest in the sense of vision with well-produced images and videos that bring the product in its best conditions and angles to stimulate the purchase;
  • E-commerce needs to be fast loading, easy to buy and pay and the layout needs to be built based on the company's visual identity;
  • The person may not hear the attendant's voice, but he needs to be engaged and, in that case, voice features can be triggered.

A company does not only need to exist in the physical or digital environment. It is necessary to have an integration of the two so that it is in the consumer's mind and remembered, with the aim of retaining customers who speak well of it.

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How to create a relevant profile for your business on Instagram

Currently, a company being present on social networks is essential for it to have relevance in the market. With so many options, such as Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok and Linkedin, Instagram for businesses is gaining more and more space. In addition to providing a closer relationship with the public, having an Instagram account is a great way to publicize the brand, since the social network has more than 1 billion active users worldwide and has been showing rapid growth. 

Read too: Networks and social media: when to use each term?

How important is Instagram in a company's marketing strategy?

In addition to the main factor, which is the number of users present on the network, Instagram is different for business profiles, as it offers an account adapted for companies. In this way, it is possible to count on several metrics for online brand management and the ease of creating paid ads through Instagram for Business. 

Another important point is that digital marketing strategies are gaining strength in the market. After all, in Brazil alone, almost 80% of the population has access to the internet, thus enabling the digital medium to provide creative and personalized ways to promote the brand in a totally segmented way.  

Along with segmentation, it is also necessary to highlight that the network has frequent and engaged users. Therefore, the company's presence on the platform modernizes its image in the market, in addition to creating a relationship with customers, supported by important information and an attractive branding. 

Why should I create an Instagram Profile for my business?

There's no denying that with a well-executed and designed strategy, it's possible to get great deals through Instagram. In addition, Instagram for Business provides Instagram Insights, with metrics that help guide the construction of efficient strategies with consistency of data on audience profile and engagement. 

In addition, there are other benefits provided by the platform that will leave no doubt about the importance of a company's presence on Instagram.

1. focus on images

Images create an immediate emotional connection compared to text because they are so easily understood. Many platform users use Instagram to be entertained and inspired by the photos and videos posted. 

Companies that create attractive images instead of making the platform a catalog of products and services are those concerned with passing on the organization's values. It is this behavior that creates empathy, attracts more followers and adds value to the brand.

2. Interaction with Facebook

When publishing a new image on Instagram, it is possible to automatically share it on the company's Facebook page, just link the accounts. This helps publicize the publications and encourages Facebook followers to also follow the Instagram profile.

Among the many benefits of integrating Facebook with Instagram, there is also Facebook Studio. This is another tool made available by the network that allows the management, publication, monetization and metering of the contents of the two social networks. In addition, it also helps in taking advantage of the financial resources invested in the platform and provides new monetization opportunities.

3. tag products

For companies that have a business profile on Instagram, it is normal to receive direct messages asking for information and purchase prices. With that in mind, the platform brought the possibility of creating a virtual catalog, linked directly to the company's website, leading the follower to the purchase in a simple and quick way. 

To use this tool, it is necessary that the company has a business account, segmented by the area of activity and is linked to a Facebook page to make use of the Facebook Business Manager, where the catalog will be created.

Read too: How to use Facebook for your business

4. instagram ads

Instagram ads are a simple and effective way to reach more people, increasing brand awareness and helping to drive sales. 

By clicking on the “Promote” button within publications, you will have access to an assistant that will help you create an ad. With it, it is possible to segment the target audience to which the ad will be directed, determine a budget and choose the duration of the campaign. These ads are customizable and can be served in a variety of formats, such as photos, photo sequence carousels or videos, and videos only. Among the campaign models that the tool makes available, there are conversions, generation of clicks, app downloads and several other options.  

5. use of hashtags

Hashtags are a way of categorizing image content. They characterize the context of publications and help users interested in that content to reach your profile. 

It is essential to include hashtags in the captions of the images, as they help the public to identify with the photos or videos posted. In addition, they also increase the chances of new users discovering the brand, as the photo can be found in the explore tab when the hashtag is searched for.

6. Instagram Stories

Stories help bring more humanity to the brand, using less artificial and produced images. The custom of disclosing behind the scenes, the company's daily life and more personalized subjects brings more fluidity and personality to the account.

In business profiles, this is a great way to promote event, blog and promotional content. In addition, if the profile has more than 100,000 followers, it is possible to boost a publication and insert a link to take users directly to the brand's website. 

7. lives

This is an efficient way to hold workshops, interact with the public and even do product demonstrations. During the live, followers can send comments and questions to answer throughout the broadcast. In addition, through integration with Facebook, the live can be shared between the two platforms, reaching even more people. 


IGTV is a new tool present on Instagram that came to facilitate the consumption of long-lasting videos. The main point of attention for entrepreneurs is that videos can be up to one hour long and have the possibility of being posted in high quality. In addition, it is available in the company's feed and can be accessed through the brand's business profile. 

As a result, IGTV has become an incredible way to produce in-depth, creative and relevant content to capture the maximum attention of the consumer and create engagement, since the platform allows comments, likes and shares of published videos. 

9. audience engagement

Engagement refers to how much followers interact with the content available on the profile. In the case of Instagram, in addition to the follower being able to interact through comments, likes, direct messages and polls in stories, it is also possible to share and save the most interesting publications. 

With so many interaction options, followers tend to be more engaged. If the brand focuses on maintaining a good response rate, with a level of engagement and monitoring, the reach and interaction with users can become even greater. This is due to the fact that Instagram can be used in different ways, since the platform allows you to gain customers, in addition to nurturing and educating them with the most diverse types of content, such as IGTV videos, targeted publications, stories and lives.

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What is AMP technology and how to configure your website to be faster

AMP technology – from English Accelerated Mobile Pages – is an initiative by Google in partnership with Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter so that websites offer optimized versions for users who access content through cell phones and tablets.

Read too: How to use Facebook for your business

As a way of valuing the interest of developers in improving these issues, pages that present these characteristics earn more points in the Google ranking, in addition to gaining priority in searches. When a company attaches AMP technology to its page, it increases the chances of getting better results in search engines.

Technically speaking, an AMP page presents its structure divided into three items: AMP HTML, AMP JS and Google AMP Cache. This means basic HTML code, but with some differential extensions and tags aimed at AMP technology, faster page rendering and caching of AMP pages on Google servers, directly improving performance.

How to use AMP technology to make your website faster?

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In the beginning, AMP technology was created for the use of large news portals, but since its implementation in 2015, practically all types of pages have already benefited from this tool, including e-commerces.

In theory, deploying AMP technology on websites is relatively simple, but some basic knowledge of page editing is required. If the company uses WordPress as a platform, then the process is even simpler due to the use of plugins. Another way to deploy AMP technology is to hire a tech-savvy agency to optimize your site to the max.

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How to use Facebook for your business

For a few years now, Facebook has been considered the world's leading social network. The title is not for nothing, since the platform has more than 2 billion users, with Brazil being the third country with the most registered people (about 130 million). In addition, there are other aggregated tools that have significant numbers, such as Instagram and Whatsapp. Knowing this, it is imperative that a company understands how the network works and how it can be a business opportunity.

Read too: Networks and social media: when to use each term?

On Google, when a company appears it is a sign that people were looking for it. However, on Facebook and Instagram, the business will only appear to users based on their interests. This means that for the public to notice your presence in the digital environment, you need to have something different than just 'posts', since competition for attention in this environment is very high.  

First, you need to know that there is no magic formula to get good results. Because it is a social network with countless people and businesses, there are different ways for a company to be affected by the relationship with the user. Among the terms most used to differentiate the results obtained on the social network are: reach, interaction and conversion.

In the case of reach, the result is shown in the most basic way, being reflected in the user's perception. This means that the brand has become known to a new customer, something that is invaluable, even if it does not result in immediate business. 

The next is the interaction, which in turn is characterized by the relationship with the user. Whether it's through a share, like or message, there's a clear signal that businesses are engaging their audience.

Last and most important, there is the conversion. At this stage, the deal is finally closed and the customer goes through the loyalty process, thus trusting your company and recommending it to other users.

To reach the public, you first need to know which strategy to adopt

Now that you know the different results that can be obtained on Facebook, one of the most important moments has arrived: the creation of the strategy. Basically, there are two forms of reach, organic and paid.

In the case of organic reach, the process occurs naturally, which means that you just post something and wait for the audience to interact. This type of strategy, although more economical, has some disadvantages. The main one is the fact that Facebook does not deliver content to all of its customers, even if they are following your page. Because of this, in addition to already loyal users, you may also lose interaction with new customers.

Regarding the paid reach, the distribution of content occurs with the help of tools made available by Facebook itself. Through an investment, the social network is responsible for taking your post to a number of users who will possibly be interested. This type of strategy is widely used and encouraged by the social network itself as it is one of the platform's main sources of revenue.

Whatever the strategy adopted, the important thing is to know your audience. This means betting on content that users want to see. Therefore, be sure to try different formats, be it image, video or text. After measuring the results of each type of approach, it is possible to define precisely what your company's mode of operation will be.

Read too: Learn how to use organic traffic to drive hits to your website

Facebook has tools to further optimize your business

In addition to the possibility of paying to improve your reach, Facebook also has other tools to enhance this goal. Among these options is the “boost” button, an action that can be triggered to reach more people quickly.

This solution is more suitable for companies that seek to reach already defined users, whether they are of a certain age group, location, gender or interest. Therefore, it is extremely important to know which audience you want to reach.

Now, if you need even more tools, Facebook has the “Business Manager”. In this case, the solution is more complete, with options that allow greater control over posts. In addition to facilitating the creation of different advertisements, the manager allows them to be shown in places other than the user's timeline, such as in the sidebar, and also allows the precise evaluation of the results of each content. 

Therefore, it is clear that tools are not lacking on Facebook. The important thing is to get to know them closely, test approaches and, with that, get to know your audience and reach them. 

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Understand the difference between metrics and KPIs

To strengthen the presence of a brand in the digital environment, it is essential to know how to analyze whether the chosen actions bring positive results for the business. To make this measurement, it is necessary to know the difference between metric and KPI. Confusing these two concepts can be harmful when making decisions and delivering results.

Read too: Learn how to use organic traffic to drive hits to your website

One of the advantages of digital marketing over traditional marketing is that everything can be accurately measured to guide decisions and insights.

Metrics are measurement systems that calculate behaviors, trends or business variables. It is simple and generic information that is important to monitor the results and be clear about the actions to be taken. In this way, it is possible to know how users interact with the site, for example.

On the other hand, KPIS are indicators generated through metrics. Through them, it is possible to analyze whether an action or set of initiatives are generating results for the achievement of a company's goals. These performance indicators make the institution's objectives clearer and fully measurable, making it possible to clearly monitor goals.

What is the difference between metric and KPI?

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KPIS are important indicators for understanding the level of success of a business and are directly linked to performance, focusing on the company's strategy and goals. Metrics, on the other hand, are information that are not necessarily linked to the company's objectives, it is just something that can be measured.

  • Number of leads and number of conversions are examples of metrics.
  • Acquisition cost per lead and conversion rate and sales are examples of KPI.