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Inclusive marketing merges innovation with a more human experience

Inclusive marketing is on the rise in importance, which does not stop growing, mainly due to the role of social movements on identity guidelines. But what is this concept about? Inclusive marketing can be defined as a strategy that aims to create content and campaigns that reflect diversity, thus leaving behind a problematic social construction, which exalts only one social group. That is, with this marketing tool, more real people, from different origins, cultures, gender identities, etc., start to be valued.

Read too: 9 tips on how to retain your customers

Although for some people this means taking advantage of a moment of visibility, inclusive marketing carries a very positive message for the world, as it dialogues directly with people, recognizing their values, feelings, urgencies, which can repel actions or embrace them. In addition, with this attitude, the brand positions itself responsibly in the face of changing paradigms, which certainly reflect on the way it is seen, winning new customers, among other market factors.

How do I market inclusively to my customers?

First of all, it is worth remembering that doing inclusive marketing also means responding to customer expectations. According to a survey prepared by Salesforce, 90% of consumers believe that companies do have a responsibility to make the world a better place, which is true. After all, how many lives do brands impact, whether in a good or bad way?

The first fact is undoubtedly the representativeness, thus breaking with a historical sequence of exaltation of just one group, thus placing more black, yellow, and indigenous men and women in marketing actions, not forgetting other symbolic minorities, such as the LGBTQ+ population and people with physical disabilities and intellectual. And, most importantly: always maintaining the utmost respect for these people, deconstructing outdated and pejorative stereotypes. Therefore, it is essential to have a diverse marketing team that is sensitive to these issues, willing to listen to people and understand the area's next steps in this regard.

Another factor is the language. Using racist and homophobic terms, for example, no longer go unnoticed and are pointed out by the public as a serious mistake. In some cases it may even lead to legal action. Thus, the brand can easily be boycotted and its reputation tarnished.

Furthermore, it is also important to remember the accessibility, and here that word can mean two different things. The first is to enable people with visual and hearing disabilities, for example, to have the experience provided by the brand, thus starting to feel included and respected. While the second meaning is already linked to a more socioeconomic context, with alternatives that serve different audiences in an inclusive way.

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fairer experiences

Inclusive marketing is there to make people's experiences fairer and more humane with brands. That said, elements such as integrity and ethical coherence are more than necessary, which does not mean that a brand that made mistakes in the past can no longer redeem itself. Recognizing the failure publicly and adopting a new attitude from then on can even change paradigms, see the example of the Skol beer brand with the slogan “I forgot the no at home”, which later admitted the error, and from then on changed it. if the way to publicize beer.

Don't underestimate your audience, people are not naive. When running a campaign dishonestly extolling a certain social claim, your brand can easily get its reputation tarnished. Nowadays, people no longer buy a product per se, but also an experience with a series of values linked to the brand. Value honesty and coherence, only then will the impacts be truly positive.

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What is GE Matrix and how can it be used by my company?

Every day more companies enter the market in search of an audience, thus automatically becoming a competitor. Faced with this scenario, in which every real matters a lot, knowing how to allocate the investment and identifying if it is the right time to invest is fundamental, so that the business is not exposed to great risks. Therefore, one of the most used tools to help in this decision making is the GE Matrix or McKinsey Matrix.

Read too: What is Branding and why does your company need it?

GE Matrix Origin

The GE Matrix originated in the 1970s, when the BCG Matrix appeared, created by the Boston Consulting Group. And just like much of business history, shortly thereafter, the competitor, McKinsey, developed a more improved model to help its client at the time, General Electric (GE).

In this new representation that today bears the name of the multinational company, five quadrants were added, thus totaling nine. Considering the axes Industry Attractiveness (vertical) and Business Unit or Product Strength (horizontal).

How does the matrix work?

As just mentioned, the matrix is divided into two axes. In terms of attractiveness, it should include how the market is performing in general and also long-term expectations. While, horizontally, there is the competitive advantage of each business unit and what is the analysis of its future performance in relation to that market in general.

In this way, the business units to be analyzed are categorized based on two criteria by grade, which will indicate their placement in the matrix. Units can then be low, medium, or high grade when it comes to competitive strength. Whereas, the axis facing the market can have low, medium or high attractiveness.

With that, the determination of these characteristics is what will define the five possible decisions that the company can take in relation to its business unit investments: priority investment; invest or grow; cautious investment or hold; limited expansion or harvest; divest, harvest or sell.

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  • Priority investment: most optimistic scenario of all.
    • Competitive strength: high;
    • Market attractiveness: high.
  • Invest or grow:
    • Competitive strength: medium or high;
    • Market attractiveness: medium or high.
  • Cautious investment or holding:
    • Competitive strength: high;
    • Market attractiveness: low.
  • Or else:
    • Competitive strength: average;
    • Market attractiveness: medium.
  • Limited expansion or harvest:
    • Competitive strength: average;
    • Market attractiveness: low;
  • Or else:
    • Competitive strength: low;
    • Market attractiveness: medium.
  • Divest, harvest or sell: most pessimistic scenario of all.
    • Competitive strength: low;
    • Market attractiveness: low.

How to assemble a GE Matrix?

  • survey

Make a list of all the items your brand offers, that is, your products and/or services.

  • Classification

When sorting, put them in ascending order of resources used, to make them viable.

  • Business Units in the GE Matrix

Insert the units in the GE Matrix, to make an individual analysis of each item.

  • cautious analysis

Finally, judge whether to increase, maintain or decrease investments according to the selected quadrant. That is, it is possible to visually understand the situation of the business as a whole, and then focus on marketing strategies, knowing what should be prioritized at the moment.

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Businesses will be able to try WhatsApp payment function in a few weeks

This week WhatsApp announced a novelty that surprised its millions of Brazilian users. This is because the country will be the first to test an update that allows bank transfers and payments to merchants and service providers. Check out our today's content to learn more about the WhatsApp payment function.

Read too: Practical and dynamic: see how to use WhatsApp Business and optimize your company's communication

Called Facebook Pay, the function intends to make free transactions between individuals. However, in the case of entrepreneurs using WhatsApp Business, there will be a flat fee of 3,99% per transaction. In addition, the platform also reported that companies interested in receiving their payments through the app must have a Cielo account, both credit and debit. With this registration, it will also be possible to make a refund and request technical support.  

WhatsApp payment aims to help entrepreneurs adapt to the digital economy

Much of Brazil's economy is due to the initiatives of millions of micro and small businesses. After all, they employ the majority of Brazilians and offer countless practicalities for our daily lives. Based on this scenario, the platform's director of operations said, through a note, that the novelty should help entrepreneurs adapt to the digital economy, in addition to supporting growth and financial recovery. 

Read too: Check out 10 trends in Digital Marketing that your brand should pay attention to in 2020

On the other side of the coin, there is also the consumer who will be much more practical to settle their payments, since they will have everything on a single platform, just register their own debit card in the application, create a numerical password of six digits and inform name and CPF.

The function, which should also reach other platforms, such as Facebook itself, should start working on WhatsApp in the coming weeks. With that, we just need to follow how the implementation will be and the real pros and cons of this update, which has a lot to offer. 

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New normal: Valentine's Day 2020 will be different for couples, says Google survey

According to a Google search conducted between the 18th and 20th of May, at least 63% of Brazilians will celebrate Valentine's Day in a different way this year. The study developed to understand the impacts of the pandemic on the special date was prepared online with the participation of 800 Brazilians.

With the recommendation of social distancing, 25% of the respondents said they will stop going to restaurants, while 22% canceled travel plans and 12% decided to postpone the celebration. In this way, most couples are planning to do something together at home, as was the response given by 35% of the participants. Other 20% said they intend to prepare a special dinner.

Read too: What is CRM in Marketing? Discover a little more about this tool and see its benefits.

New search interests on Google and more people with gifting intent on Valentine's Day

The idea of celebrating at home also led to an increase in interest in product categories related to this form of celebration. According to Google's balance sheet, 25% of lovers searched for new clothes, shoes and accessories. Flowers and cards appear next in the ranking with 24%, while food for meals and beauty and perfumery products were the target of interest, respectively, 23% and 18%.

Read also: Naming: learn about the different types and see some tips on how to create a brand name

A surprise of the research was in relation to the intention to present. In previous years, the average number of respondents who intended to buy a gift for their partner was 20%. This year, a significant growth was observed, since now 22% reveal to have this purpose. Within this group, 43% declared that they will make the purchase over the internet.

Finally, respondents also stated that they adapted the gift, opting for gifts that are easier to buy (25%) and for products that minimize the need to exchange (23%).

Read too: Learn what SWOT is, a tool also known as FOFA

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World Environment Day: a reflection on the role of brands

This Friday (5) Environment Week ends with a date celebrated in several countries, World Environment Day, which, in addition to promoting a series of interesting activities, also brings a message of reflection, which extends from the day the day at home to the routine at the company. In the case of brands, more specifically, doing one's own part means having a commitment to the truth and to minimizing negative impacts both on the body's health and on the environment.

Read too: Report points out that consumers are more loyal to companies with a good ethical reputation

It is, therefore, a continuous work, which takes place in the other 364 days of the year. A brand that has a legitimate commitment to the environment has an intrinsic relationship with communication strategies that include awareness, engagement and mobilization processes through integrated influence, relationship and communication actions.

Read too: Why should companies dedicate energy to their Sustainability Reports?

This should all be done on a daily basis, including initiatives to cause marketing, in which the brand can adopt one or more causes to incorporate into the company's mission; sustainability report, which is one of the ways of providing clarification to society based on technical data; projects based on the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the UN, harmonizing actions in partnership with the whole world to build a better future; as well as the relationship with the community, with the aim of giving back to the region a little of what it extracted, with socio-environmental actions.

Faced with the challenges faced by companies today, sustainability management must be a priority in business strategies in any segment. Companies that pay attention to sustainability and social issues will always be one step ahead.

Read too: Research points out that brands need to improve the way they treat women

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What is CRM in marketing? Discover a little more about this tool and see its benefits

As in any professional area, marketing has a series of strategic tools to help the company's results, among them is the CRM. Acronym for the term Customer Relationship Management, which in Portuguese can be translated to Customer Relationship Management, the resource can help a lot in your business. Check out our content and find out what CRM is in marketing and what its benefits are.

In short, it is the set of strategies used to manage information from customers and potential customers with personal data such as name, address and cell phone, in addition to their activities and contact channels with the brand, which may include visits to the website, emails, as well as payment histories and other relevant references.

Read too: Naming: learn about the different types and see some tips on how to create a brand name

Optimization of manual processes and much more

With a CRM platform in hand, you and your team avoid wear and tear on both the client and the company, which can thus optimize manual processes and efforts to solve problems.

According to a survey by the American company Salesforce, from these software it is possible to obtain an increase of 37% in sales revenue, as it finds more leads, closes more deals and maintains more customers, which consequently helps in the expansion of the company.

Customer satisfaction and ROI (Return on Investment) in marketing were other points calculated by Salesforce, which observed respective growth rates of 45% and 43%. The reason customers are happy is that the dialogue with the brand ends up being more personal, relevant and up-to-date.

Therefore, they generate great business opportunities and customer loyalty. That is why they are considered one of the most powerful tools in the search for financial stability for the brand.

Read too: Learn what SWOT is, a tool also known as FOFA

CRM types

There are two main types of CRM available in the market, Local and Cloud. Also known as CRM On-Premise, Local is maintained on a physical server in the company, where you need to install the software on the server or on a specific computer.

On the other hand, Cloud CRM does not present as many barriers to use and maintenance. It can be accessed from different locations and devices (smartphones or tablets), at any time of the day, it has a minimal initial investment, updates are automatic and it safely follows the company's growth.

Read too: Learn a little more about the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle

beyond the question what is CRM in marketing, also know its applications

  • Operational

At first, the system assists and uncomplicates all the company's operations. We can say that it embraces the after-sales, customer service, support, financial and legal teams, to name a few.

  • Analytics

Being fundamentally a data gathering tool, CRM software is also an analytical resource. This means that the reports created by the platform are translated into valuable metrics for making strategic decisions.

  • Collaborative

CRM solutions allow professionals and sectors to work collaboratively, which is very important for teams that depend on each other's work, such as marketing and sales departments.

  • Strategic

Finally, a CRM tool has a strategic function. The collected data allows a careful analysis of consumer behavior and its relationship with the company.

Read too: 9 tips on how to retain your customers

What is the difference between CRM and ERP?

It is not difficult to confuse CRM and ERP tools. However, the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a type of basic software for companies, which is focused on the fiscal and accounting control of the organization, managing the cash flow in a calculated way. While CRM is consumer-oriented, with customer-related information, as discussed earlier.

However, it is natural that many CRMs also fulfill the role of an ERP. Most platforms can be integrated.

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CRM integration with other systems

Continuing with the topic of integration, CRM systems can be integrated with social media, financial, e-mail marketing, data collection and online service management tools, which are strengthened when combined with customer management. Most features are more effective when synchronized, which makes this practice not only recommended, but also encouraged by professionals in the field.

Read too: Understand what Lifetime Value (LTV) is and why it is important to know how to apply this concept to your brand

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Naming: learn about the different types and see some tips on how to create a brand name

Those who dedicate themselves to understanding a little more about communication processes know that understanding a message comes through different elements. However, it is difficult to point out one that is more important than the name. It is how you introduce yourself, become known and convey ideas when quoted, written or referenced. And in the case of companies it is no different. Understand a little more about naming and check out some tips on how to create a brand name.

Quite simply, naming is the process of creating names for brands, which indirectly includes communicating beyond it. When it doesn't make any sense, people rarely make automatic connections, as in the case of Apple, which is linked to the idea of knowledge. Therefore, we can say that choosing the name is the first, and one of the most important, steps in branding actions.

Read too: What is Branding and why does your company need it?

The process of creating names for companies must take into account legislation and the availability for creating virtual spaces. Breaking laws and committing other acts of bad faith do not bear good fruit and are charged sooner or later. With this, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors to arrive at the ideal name.

Naming is not done overnight.

Among the factors that must be taken into account are the public, concept, objectives, differentials, values, positioning and issues that are intended to be solved. In other words, the naming process is complex. But believe me, it's worth it. Check out the main elements to consider when creating a memorable name for a brand or product.

  • The name must be available;
  • Opt for something short and easy;
  • Think carefully about the meanings of the words;
  • Escape clichés and fads;
  • Affective and personal motivation are interesting, but beware;
  • Evaluate sound and writing;
  • Explore words in other languages.

Read too: Learn what SWOT is, a tool also known as FOFA

How to create a brand name? Know also the types of naming

It's not easy to come up with unique and dynamic ideas to find something that fits the market niche. Get to know the main types of naming, to think of some parallels that can help you in this important task.

● Descriptive: the descriptive name is the one that indicates what the company, product or service is or does. So, when hearing or reading it, people will immediately associate it.
E.g. Bank of Brazil.

● Experience: A brand name can also be chosen because of experience. In this case, it deals with the emotions and expectations provided by the brand.
E.g. the Amazon clothing brand.

● Invented: invented names may not refer to later experiences, but they certainly have their value. They are unique and, over time, gain strength in people's minds.
E.g. Häagen-Dazs.

● Toponymics: toponymic names make direct reference to the place of origin of the company or product.
Ex.: New York Times, Folha de S.Paulo.

● Patronymics: patronymic names, in turn, are based on names of persons.
Ex.: Colgate, Nestlé, Philips, Gillette, Ferrari and many others.

● Compound: already the compound names are the junction of two or more words for its composition.
Ex.: Gatorade is the fusion of the words Gator and Aid, which means “support for the Gators”, as an incentive to the football team of the University of Florida.

● abbreviated: the opposite can also occur, that is, with the abbreviation of another term, but with a unique sound.
Ex.: Intel, which is the shortening of the word “intelligence”.

● Suggestive: suggestive names are those that awaken the idea or memory of something.
Ex.: Antarctica, whose product is usually consumed chilled.

● Acronyms: another very common resource when creating names is a kind of abbreviation, the acronyms.
Ex.: SBT (Brazilian Television System), 3M (Minnesota, Mining and Manufacturing) and LG (Life's Good).

Read too: 9 tips on how to retain your customers

After all, how do you come up with a brand name and how do you know you made the right choice?

Naming is not magic. However, there is a methodology that can help in this task so as not to start from scratch. The first step is the investigation, moment to raise the attributes of the brand, as mission and values, cultural and geographic factors, as well as the target public.

Read too: Learn a little more about the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle

The second phase is the brainstorming phase. Promote a dynamic with those involved in the project by making a cloud of words that refer to the idea. Here, there is no need to restrict possible bad choices, the objective is precisely to let creativity flow, so that, then, in the filtering phase, the elimination of what did not work very well is done. Later, in the analysis stage, it is necessary to be a little more careful, answering some questions:

● Is it easy? Your name must be simple to pronounce and write;
● Is it impactful? It must stand out in the eyes of the consumer;
● Is it expressive? Another crucial naming factor is representing the purpose of the brand;
● Is it unique? It is essential to differentiate you from the competition;
● Is it memorable? The name should ring like a gong in the consumer's mind;
● Is it pleasant? The appearance of the name should also appeal to the audience;
● Is it available? Is the domain (URL) and top profiles available?;
● Is it traceable? Your brand must be found by people in the digital environment;
● Is it versatile? See if the name can be used elsewhere in the world, if there is interest in expansion.

Read too: Know what Performance Marketing is

Before putting the tips on how to create a brand name into practice, consider partnering with a communication agency.

Throughout this article, it is possible to observe that choosing a name for the brand is not a very simple task, as it involves several tests, application of techniques, in addition to all the bureaucratic part. Therefore, having a specialized and experienced team in this process can speed up a lot of things, in addition to ensuring that everything is being done in accordance with Brazilian legislation.

Last but not least, a communication agency or an internal team focused on the area will make all the difference for the construction of the visual identity, creation of social media with that name, as well as medium and long-term planning of marketing actions. , either online or offline campaigns, feasible with the budget available for such actions.

Alliance Comunicação has been in the market for over 10 years, offering the best solutions in the area to its customers, including Branding Management. Click here to learn more.

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Learn what SWOT is, a tool also known as FOFA

Used as a strategic planning tool in project management, to analyze scenarios and support decision making, the SWOT analysis, or SWOT, is widely used by companies that want to implement a project, such as the launch of a new product. This is due to the fact that it provides a complete diagnosis of the situation of the brand and the environments that surround it. But, after all, what is SWOT?

SWOT is an acronym formed by the words Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats which, in Portuguese, takes the abbreviation FOFA (Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats). Since, strengths and weaknesses refer to the internal analysis, with positive and negative points of the company or project in planning. That is, factors that, for the most part, are under the control of the brand and can be modified.

Read too: Learn a little more about the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle

On the other hand, the external environment analyzed in opportunities and threats cannot be interfered with. They range from market analysis, competition, suppliers to the political, economic, social and cultural macroenvironment. The result of the analysis of these factors generates a 2×2 matrix, called the SWOT Matrix, which divides the four analysis results into internal/external and positive/negative factors. In this way, a complete overview of the factors that can determine the success of your project is obtained.

What is SWOT: Internal Environment Analysis

In the internal environment, it is possible to have control of everything that involves the project, such as intellectual capacity, technology used, communication and marketing actions, as well as organizational culture, management, among other elements. As previously stated, within the internal environment, strengths and weaknesses must be analyzed. Therefore, you need to evaluate criteria such as:

  • Location;
  • Time to market;
  • Reputation;
  • Financial resources;
  • Human resources, the specific skills of the team;
  • Marketing/Media;
  • Management;
  • Access to raw material;
  • Operating capacity;
  • Assets such as real estate, materials and equipment (technology quality);
  • Service;
  • Production;
  • Creation;
  • Strategic relationship with large companies;
  • Traffic, the portfolio of customers.


In strengths, you should analyze the advantages and differentials that your business and/or project has in relation to competitors. Also check internally the availability of resources for the maintenance of services or products. All of this will provide you with a solid foundation.


With regard to weaknesses, outline all those aspects that may be bad for the business, such as high transport costs, employees with more expensive hourly rate. It is also very important not to forget to include your weaknesses in relation to the competitor, which may be less activity on social networks, among other factors.

Read too: 9 tips on how to retain your customers

What is SWOT: External Environment Analysis

In this topic are questions related to politics, macroeconomics, environmental disasters, interest rate and competition. With this, it is essential that the company is attentive to everything that involves the market in which it operates. The SWOT analysis related to the external environment, in general, involves:

  • Customers (behavior, bargaining power and other things);
  • Suppliers (your bargaining power and theirs, for example);
  • Competitors (direct and indirect);
  • Entry barriers for those just starting out (what are they, how can they get in the way);
  • Substitutes (workarounds that exist for your customers and if there are serious threats);
  • Intermediaries (which ones exist in the segment, their bargaining power);
  • Class entities (how they are organized and whether they have pressure power).

What is SWOT: macroenvironment is another indispensable factor for analysis

The macroenvironment refers to everything that is beyond the company and the segment. Therefore, it is important to analyze what economic indices have to say, social trends and how these aspects influence your brand. Check out some examples:

  • Law projects, rulers in power, ideological currents (politics and legislation);
  • Inflation, consumption levels and average income of the population (economy);
  • Birth rate and average educational level of the population (demography);
  • New technologies, operational processes, automation;
  • Beliefs, values, customs and consumption habits (society and culture);
  • Scarcity of raw materials, catastrophes, increased pollution (environment).


Here you should list everything that, in some way, is positive for the customer, such as economic growth, increased interest in a particular service and/or product, good momentum for the brand, etc.

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Finally, we have the threats, a scenario in which all the unfavorable factors for the company are concentrated. Here, too, it is important to take stock of the losses at stake. Much damage can be prevented in this quadrant of the matrix.

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What are the main advantages of the SWOT matrix?

A solid SWOT analysis is not done in a short time, it can take weeks to gather data and draw an intelligent line of reasoning from them. However, it is worth mentioning that this tool can bring answers not only to projects that will work, but also to avoid the execution of ideas that would be catastrophic for the brand and its reputation. No wonder it is so popular with entrepreneurs.

Brainstorm with your team and turn the 2×2 matrix into a strategy. It will lead to conclusions about the brand's strategic position, potential for improving products and services, insights to solve problems and new services, prioritizing actions, as well as promoting partnerships that until then would not even be considered.

Read too: What is Branding and why does your company need it?

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Learn a little more about the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle

Whether in sport, security, personal life or socioeconomic analysis, many analysts apply the Pareto Principle to make their observations. In this rule it is understood that 80% of effects comes from 20% of causes. Check out our today's content to learn a little more about the 80/20 rule and how it can be applied in marketing.

Origin of the Pareto Principle

Contrary to what many may imagine, the principle was not a suggestion by the Italian sociologist, political scientist and economist Vilfredo Pareto, but by the Romanian business consultant Joseph Moses Juran, who applied Pareto's observations in his authorial works related to the management of quality.

Read too: 9 tips on how to retain your customers

In one of the analyzes documented by the Italian, the cultivation of peas was observed, in which he noticed that only 20% of the pods produced approximately 80% of the grains.

Although the application of the rule is practically universal, it was the areas of administration and marketing that most contributed to the popularization of this concept with the publication of articles, books and cases in which the rule was applied in favor of productivity.

The 80/20 Rule in Marketing

As it is a rule, it is worth remembering that it is not an absolute truth, since there may be exceptions and even variations in this regard. Some scholars point out that alternations like 85/15 and 75/25 happen too. Another evaluation worth mentioning is that it is not recommended to apply this rule all the time, since the Pareto Principle is just a propensity for results.

Read too: Know what Performance Marketing is

Therefore, variables such as the market situation, target audience, investment and other numerical data are fundamental to be used as a basis for any commercial decision. Check below some data expressed by the 80/20 rule in marketing:

  • 80% from billing results from 20% from customers;
  • 80% of sales come from 20% of products;
  • 80% of the complaints are made by 20% of the customers;
  • 80% from sales are due to 20% from the sales team;
  • 80% of results are due to 20% of investments.

From this information, it is possible to mathematically design a relationship between effort and reward, in which 20% of inputs, efforts and causes are responsible for 80% of outputs, results and consequences.

In this way, the Pareto Principle turns out to be very useful in resource management, concentrating efforts and time of managers and employees on key points. That is, in the 20% that guarantee 80% of your return.

Pareto Principle in Digital Marketing

The percentages don't change much when we apply the Pareto Principle in Digital Marketing. Check out!

  • 80% of online sales are related to 20% of available products;
  • 80% of searches come from 20% of keywords (pattern also known as long-tail distribution);
  • 80% of traffic is generated by 20% of posts;
  • 80% of leads are generated by 20% of published content;
  • 80% of engagement is generated by 20% of audience.

That said, always have the results of your channels at hand, which can be websites, blogs or social networks, to focus more on producing content on the platforms that have the most engagement or leads.

Read too: Understand what Lifetime Value (LTV) is and why it is important to know how to apply this concept to your brand

Tips for adopting the 80/20 rule

As it was possible to see throughout the article, the 80/20 rule can be used in different ways, but this in no way means that it should always be applied and taken as an absolute truth. The results can indeed escape the rule. Therefore, always analyze your own reality and consider other variables.

The Pareto Principle is not a magic formula, much less a great universal law. It is simply a trend observed on several occasions, which can be used as a tool to optimize business productivity.

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9 tips on how to retain your customers

It doesn't matter where you're from or the size of your company, men and women business owners know how important it is to retain customers, as each loss to the competitor costs a lot. And if you assume that making up for that deficit with a new customer is simple, reevaluate. The cost of attracting a new customer can be five to seven times higher than maintaining a loyal one, as pointed out by marketing theorist Philip Kotler in the late 1990s.

Check out our article today to see how to retain customers ethically and effectively.

word of mouth marketing

Regardless of the market value of the business, word of mouth is a precious asset, as it is easily the most effective and reliable type of marketing out there.

But, after all, what is word of mouth and what does it have to do with customer loyalty? It is about taking advantage of people's power of influence, to indicate a service or product of the brand, emphasizing its qualities.

According to a survey by the Nielsen Institute, 92% of consumers surveyed around the world said they trust a referral from a friend or family member above all other advertising.

With social networks in play, word of mouth can have an even greater degree of amplitude, since publications from customers who are completely satisfied with your brand can reach people from the neighborhood, city, region and even the whole world.

Read too: Know what Performance Marketing is

Always have a plan at hand.

The answer to the question of how to retain customers takes planning and a lot of work. On this path, there are three steps in particular that can guide you and help you build a solid relationship with the customer.

  • Know your target audience well: to provide an excellent service, it is necessary to know perfectly the needs of the customers. In this way, when developing profiles of the target public and/or persona with the marketing team, it is possible to make technically based decisions, which will certainly contribute to the continuity of the customer.
  • Qualify your leads: Once you've created the profiles, you'll want to get a system in place to qualify your leads. Qualified leads are those who fit your profile and want, in addition to being motivated, to do business with you or one of your competitors.
  • Design your customer experience: by conquering the customer, the brand has a new challenge: to propose a largely satisfactory experience to him. So design his journey in a technical way. Thus, it will be possible to develop improvements in the products and even think of a new one, which will further strengthen the relationship with the customer.

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Manage customer expectations

Negative experiences happen, however, they are often due to the fact that expectations are not met. And worse, maybe they never occurred to you or that external factors, beyond your control, got in the way and frustrated the customer. To do so, use this method:

  • 1st step: take advantage of social networks to talk to your customers and find out, as quickly as possible, what they expect from your product. Ask open-ended questions to listen and understand.
  • 2nd step: The key to managing a new customer's or customer's expectations is to be thorough and honest about all terms, even those you deem to be moderately important prior to purchase.
  • 3rd step: communicate well and frequently with the customer, especially in the case of complaints or service questions. Constructive criticism helps in brand growth.

Be honest in interactions with customers

Don't underestimate your audience, they feel it when they're just being used for profit. When they feel that way, they don't think twice about going to the competitor. The Know/Like/Trust (KLT) principle is also an important element in building a successful business, no matter the niche or business model.

Remember that sooner or later the truth always comes out. As a result, your company will only benefit from your commitment to integrity from the start.

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Treat the customer like royalty

Throw the first stone who never stopped being a customer of a brand after having a bad experience. According to a survey conducted by Accenture, 87% of customers think companies should do more to deliver more consistent experiences.

Another factor that gets worse with this is the reverse effect of word of mouth marketing discussed at the beginning of this article. Because, when having a bad experience, the former customer does not think twice about negatively criticizing the brand to a friend or family member.

An interesting way out of this is to add features or services without increasing the price, whenever possible, and make sure that it is something desired by your audience. And in case you think about increasing the value, double-check about it and let your customers know clearly.

There is no way to retain customers without listening to them

With social media, it's easier than ever to let customers know about news and promotions. However, in addition to issuing announcements, it is also necessary to listen to what they have to say, be it good or bad feedback. Don't disregard what the public thinks, it is the lifeblood of any business.

1st point: be humble, and instead of trying to come up with ready-made answers or figure out how to convince them how wrong they are, listen first.

2nd point: be open to change and if you understand that customers are really right, change and don't forget to give them credit. It will certainly be a win for the brand.

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Give customers solutions that fit their budget

Bolder entrepreneurs dream of winning over millions of loyal customers. But keep in mind that you can't do it all yourself, and you have to be smart about support.

Therefore, the ideal solution for your customer service needs is one that fits their budget, is easy for them to use, and also fits their core business system.

Learn to manage disruptive customers

Don't run away from responsibility. Disturbing customers and consumers can arise and it is necessary to know how to confront them, in an ethical, polite and obviously grounded way. One of the ways that can help you with this is the creation of a customer service policy based on the core values of the brand.

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The maxim “the customer is always right” is not true

At no time was the phrase “the customer is always right” mentioned.

There is no reason for that. Sometimes the consumer is not only wrong, but he crosses the line. There are no excuses for abusive behavior.

Set clear boundaries for customer support. There is no requirement that you have to accept being abused or harassed, and it goes without saying that you must never let employees abuse or harass you.

The customer is, however, human. Keeping this in mind can help you develop and communicate empathy, which can quickly pacify disgruntled customers.

Be open, be honest and look for feedback. Be prepared to act on customer feedback as soon as you are aware of it.