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Alliance Comunicação joins the Global Compact Brazil Network

Alliance Comunicação

Alliance Comunicação has just joined Rede Brasil do Pacto Global, a United Nations (UN) initiative to mobilize the business community to adopt and promote, in its business practices, Ten Principles universally accepted in the areas of human rights, work, environment environment and combating corruption. With the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Compact also assumed the mission of engaging the private sector in this new agenda.

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Faced with global challenges, it is increasingly important for companies to position themselves in relation to sustainability and social responsibility actions. For this reason, Alliance works to support companies in defining strategies and awareness processes, public engagement through actions focused on influence, relationship and communication. Among these processes are:

What are the 10 principles followed by the Global Compact?

The 10 principles were born with the Global Compact, in 2000, and are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Are they:

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What is the Global Compact?

Created in 2000, the Global Compact was conceived by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and gives members access to tools that will contribute to expanding the company's involvement with sustainability issues and discussions in the area. It also enables participation in local and international programs, including thematic groups that conduct projects in the areas of Water, Food and Agriculture, Anti-Corruption, Human Rights and Labor, Energy and Climate and SDGs. With more than 15 thousand participants in almost 170 countries, the initiative has more than 1000 members in Brazil, a country that has the third largest network in the world.

Ao integrar o Pacto Global nos comprometemos a reportar anualmente o nosso progresso em relação aos 10 princípios.  Assim, a iniciativa estimula a evolução constante das práticas internas de sustentabilidade. As empresas que quiserem fazer parte, podem encontrar mais informações em