Você sabe a diferença entre tráfego orgânico e tráfego pago? - Alliance Comunicação


Do you know the difference between organic traffic and paid traffic?

Many people have doubts about investing in traffic and we agree that making this decision is not easy, it requires knowledge and understanding of the expected results of each type of approach.

In the field of digital marketing, both paid traffic and organic traffic are important to attract leads and customers. However, there are situations in which the company cannot invest in both forms of attraction simultaneously.

In this article, we will cover some important points about paid traffic and organic traffic. This information will help you understand the differences, advantages and how to improve your company's performance in the digital environment.

Our objective is to assist you in defining the best investment strategy for your business, considering your short and long term planning. But before that, let's understand the differences between the two types of traffic.

Difference between paid and organic traffic

Before exploring the differences between paid and organic traffic, it's important to remember what traffic means in the virtual context of the internet. Simply put, traffic refers to visits received on your website and other communication channels.

These visitors come from different sources, taking different paths to reach you. An example is users who access your website or social networks through Google search engines.

This is because most people are used to searching on Google, but many of them don't go beyond the first page of results. Therefore, it is crucial that your business appears on the first page of Google, otherwise it will be as if your business does not exist for users performing these searches.

You may have already noticed how the most recent generations have an immediate mentality. So, if your business doesn't immediately show up when someone searches for it or searches for something related to your product or service, it's a lost opportunity.

To deal with this problem and not miss new opportunities, you can follow two approaches:

Organic traffic: through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and content marketing, the aim is to gain relevance in searches and attract spontaneous clicks;

Paid traffic: by purchasing featured space to drive clicks or by paying for relevant keywords that connect your business with your audience.

organic traffic

Organic traffic is the flow of visitors that come to your website spontaneously, without being influenced by ads. This type of traffic does not require direct investment, as it attracts visits through relevant content that answers public questions and makes appropriate use of keywords.

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to improve the results obtained with organic traffic. Some points that deserve attention for better results include having an in-depth knowledge of the persona, providing quality content and optimizing SEO.

When choosing topics to produce content, it's important that they are attractive and thought-provoking, in addition to responding to your persona's pain points.

Another crucial point to consider is the stage of the customer journey the persona is in. For each stage of the journey, there are specific ways to approach content.

This is relevant because the content must be appropriate to the persona's level of knowledge about the problem and the solution. After all, there's no point in offering a solution when she doesn't even know what the problem is yet.

After understanding these aspects and defining the ideal type of content for the persona in their stage of the journey, it is time to choose the best keywords to generate more traffic. In this case, it is recommended to use a keyword planning tool.

Another point to note is good SEO practices. Your website must be responsive and adapt to different screen formats, load quickly and have a fluid design.

In addition, it is essential to promote all the content published on your blog. Remember: there is no point in planning and developing good content if it is forgotten.

So invest in social media! It's important to do research and identify which platforms your audience is present on to direct your efforts, but nothing prevents you from disclosing your content on all of them. Just be aware of the appropriate language for each platform.

Its contents can also be disclosed in closed groups on WhatsApp, through newsletters and email marketing. Another strategy widely used by some sites is to make content available for publication on partner sites, in exchange for appropriate references and direct links to your site, known as guest posts.

Advantages of organic traffic

Cost-effective: your investment is restricted to your own website, in the production and optimization of content to improve your ranking on Google.

Engaged audience: One way to promote relationships and proximity with your audience is through quality content. When you educate your leads, you create lasting relationships that can convert into customers.

Perpetuity: well-crafted content can be found easily over time. Unlike paid traffic, organic traffic doesn't disappear when the campaign money runs out.

Relevance: in addition to gaining relevance among your audience due to the quality of the content, your website is also “noticed” by Google and starts to be displayed among the first options for users.

Reduced cost per lead: the more people visit your site, the lower the cost to attract those visits.

Now that you have the most relevant information about organic traffic, let's explain about paid traffic. Ready? Continue reading below:

What is paid traffic?

Paid traffic involves investment to appear in specific locations and drive visitors to your website, landing page or contact form. An example is the first results displayed when you search for something on Google. In these cases, note the “Sponsored” seal present in the search results.

There are also other spaces for this type of advertisement. Some examples include Google Ads, Meta Ads, Linkedin Ads, Pinterest Ads and TikTok Ads. That is, your company pays to appear on the internet.

This investment can have different campaign objectives, depending on the results your company wants with this strategy.

Advantages of paid traffic

Reach Expansion: Most companies want to expand their market presence and increase brand awareness. This is possible with paid traffic as it allows your ad to be exposed to a larger audience than with organic traffic alone.

Faster results: As already mentioned, organic traffic is great for establishing credibility with your audience, but it takes a few months to take effect. Already in paid traffic, as more people visit your website, results are obtained faster.

Flexibility: You can create targeted ads, which further increases lead capture.

Multiple channels to explore: As mentioned earlier, there are multiple channels that allow for paid traffic, such as Google Ads, Meta Ads, and Linkedin Ads. This allows your company to advertise where your persona is present, making your strategy more effective.

What is the best investment?

To determine which of the two forms of traffic is best for your business, you need to know your goals. You need to consider if you want immediate results or if you can wait a little longer, for example.

From our perspective, the combination of the two approaches is the ideal way. It is possible to start a strategy little by little and invest according to the reality and needs of your company.

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  5. The new way of the consumer
  6. The Marketing Paradox for Connected Consumers
  7. Power shift to connected consumers
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  10. The same strategy does not work for everyone
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  12. Customer experience (CX) – Machines are cool, but humans have emotions
  13. Human-centric marketing for brand attraction
  14. Omnichannel marketing for brand engagement
  15. Content marketing for brand curiosity
  16. Engagement Marketing for Brand Affinity
  17. Data-Driven Marketing – How to Create a Data Ecosystem for Better Target Market Selection
  18. Predictive Marketing – How to anticipate market demands with proactive actions
  19. Contextual Marketing – How to Create a Personalized Perception-and-Response Experience
  20. Augmented Marketing – How to deliver human interactions empowered by technology
  21. Agile Marketing – How to Run Bigger, Agile Operations

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Alliance Comunicação is part of the UN Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative

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  1. The Evolution of Marketing 1.0 to 5.0
  2. Technology for humanity
  3. The Generation Gap – Marketing to Baby Boomers and Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha
  4. The influential digital subcultures: youth, women and netizens
  5. The new way of the consumer
  6. The Marketing Paradox for Connected Consumers
  7. Power shift to connected consumers
  8. How to create inclusiveness and sustainability for society
  9. How to make technology more personal, social and experimental
  10. The same strategy does not work for everyone
  11. Industry archetypes and best practices
  12. Customer experience (CX) – Machines are cool, but humans have emotions
  13. Human-centric marketing for brand attraction
  14. Omnichannel marketing for brand engagement
  15. Content marketing for brand curiosity
  16. Engagement Marketing for Brand Affinity
  17. Data-Driven Marketing – How to Create a Data Ecosystem for Better Target Market Selection
  18. Predictive Marketing – How to anticipate market demands with proactive actions
  19. Contextual Marketing – How to Create a Personalized Perception-and-Response Experience
  20. Augmented Marketing – How to deliver human interactions empowered by technology
  21. Agile Marketing – How to Run Bigger, Agile Operations





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